Disclaimer: I do NOT own Sailor Moon or Ronin Warriors. I'm not sure if I own the extras or not, though. So please don't sue me. All that you would get is a couple of Gundam Models and 15 cents.

Chap.1 Dreams of the Past

Minako's Dream

"What are you thinking about Princess Minako?" A concerned voice asked the princess. Venus looked over into the large eyes that held great concern for her. She smiled knowing that he would always be there for her.

"Nothing don't worry about it. You know that you don't have to call me that, and that I don't like you calling me that." Venus giggled.

"I know I just like to say it to annoy you my dear Princess." The man replied. A noise suddenly rang through the air disturbing the peace and quiet.

Minako looked up just in time to see the sword aimed straight for the man. "No!!!" she screamed. She sat up in her bed, noticing that her sheets were covered in tears and sweat. She looked around for Artemis, but found that he was nowhere in sight. 'I had that dream again. Who is that man?' She asked herself.

AN: All of the dreams are practically the same other then the fact that there are different names for the princesses.

Rei's Dream

"Are you alright Princess Rei?" Came a deep voice from beside the fire. Rei looked around to find the dark haired boy that always came here. She found him sitting in a corner staring at her worriedly.

"I'm just fine. I was just thinking about the Earth and how it can be covered with so much evil." Rei said moving over to the man and giving him a hug.

"It's okay I won't let anything happen to you. What was that?" The man looked up at a sudden noise. He and Rei both looked around the room intently. Rei suddenly heard a board creak. She turned around swiftly but not fast enough to cry out to her companion.

The man was run through with a sword. Rei looked on in horror as he fell to the ground, she ran over to him, "Please don't die!" She begged. He looked up at her with wide eyes.

"I will always be there for you in this life and the next." The man gasped out. With that he was gone.

Rei sat up in bed crying her eyes out and not knowing why, then she remembered her dream and the man who had given his life for her. She had to talk to the other Senshi about this. This was by far the weirdest dream that she had ever had in her entire life.

Makoto's Dream

Makoto was looking for someone, in the storm. She was supposed to meet them here at seven but she was late. 'What if he left with out me?' she thought to herself. She kept on searching but couldn't find him. She was about to give up when a hand touched her shoulder. She whirled around and came face to face with a man, "Don't do that!" she fake punched him.

"Ow, that hurt. Why were you late?" he asked. She looked serious for a moment and then smiled warmly.

"Let's not talk about that shall we? Okay? Let's go for a walk." She changed the subject. He just nodded and they walked around in the rain with the lightning surrounded them. The walked for hours just to walk around knowing just what the other was thinking.

"Oh, it's the Princess and the Prince! How cute. Time to die boy!" a voice cried out from all around them and Makoto didn't have a chance to warn her love. She just watched as a huge ball of black energy surrounded and destroyed all traces of his existence. The princess stood there in shock until she glared at the figure.

"Jupiter Thunder!" She screamed. The lightning passed by the youma harmlessly. The youma laughed maniacally, and Makoto woke up. She had knocked over her lamp and zapped her wall.

Ami's Dream

"Princess Ami! Wait up!" a male voice called the Mercury princess out of her day dream. She turned to see a young man running up to her. His short brown hair was a dead giveaway for who he was. Also his accent helped her identify him.

"I'm sorry I didn't wait for you I was just thinking about something." She curtsied gracefully. He bowed to her and then offered her his arm, but before she could even take it he went rigid. Ami looked at him worriedly and saw an arrow protruding from his back.

"Oh, my god!! Someone help!" She screamed. There was a dark thick fog that covered the land and she hadn't created it. "Who's there?" She called out standing over the fallen body.

Ami woke up in a cold sweat. She had fallen asleep while studying for all of her tests. She had actually soaked one of her notebooks in tears.

AN: I'm not going to have one for Usagi. Why? You'll figure that our later.

End Dreams of the Past.

Please write to me anything even flames I don't really care. Just tell me what you think and if I get some reviews I'll write more. Next chapter the Ronin Warriors appear.