DISCLAIMER: I don't own Sailor Moon or Gundam Wing. So don't think about suing me!

AUTHOR NOTES: Some characters of my creation are in this story. So a character with a * by
their name means they're mine. Also this takes place right after the first season, before
Rini or the Outer Senshi are introduced, so don't be confused if you see Soldier Neptune*.
I made these Senshi before the copyrighted Senshi was introduced. This is an AU (SM) fic
so the characters I created might be confusing to you. I recommend reading the profile I've
composed on them. And I'm not to fond of Mamoru, so all you Mamoru lovers be warned,
Mamoru-bashing ahead! Oh yeah, I made up the names of my Senshi; so if they mean anything
in another language, tell me, I'd like to know. And I'm not certain about all the Inner
Senshi's attacks, so tell me if I get them wrong. Thanks! The Sailor Senshi are 16, the
Solar Senshi* are 17 (except Uranus* who's 19), Solace* is 21, Zechs is 25, Treize is 27,
Relena is 16 and the pilots are 19. All the Senshi (except Uranus who works for Oz, and
Solace, who is a teacher's aide), the pilots, Relena are in a Junior College. Now enough
chitter-chatter, on with the show!

RATING: PG or possibly PG13, with a mention of Yaoi and possible Lemon later in the story

"...." People talking
~.... ~ People thinking
<<...>> Author Notes
^^^^^^^ Change of time or place
(...) Important information about the character, place, or event



Solace* sat staring out his bedroom window, thinking of every thing and nothing. Hisharo*
was acting most perceptually lately. He seemed so distant lately. What in the name of Sol
could be wrong with Hisharo? Hisharo was one of the most cheerful people Solace knew. Well
next to Usagi and Minako.

~Was that it? Was the ever so popular Hisharo having girl troubles? ~ Thought Solace.

At the thought of his best friend's possible girl troubles, a smile flitted across the usually
cold features of Solace's face. Unexpectedly, Solace's communicator went off. Unexpected
because of the recent decline in Youma attacks.

"Solace here." He said activating his communicator.

"Solace! We need you! Many Youma of great power..." the static filled transmission ended
with Ami screaming in agony.

Solace calmly opened his bedroom window and leapt out of it. < floors...and his bedroom is on the third floor! >> Solace gently landed on the ground and
ran to his Harley Davidson. He pulled on his helmet and revved the engine. With the tires
squealing, he raced towards the location of Ami's transmission.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^EARLIER THAT NIGHT^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

"We're going out, Solace. Are you sure you don't want to come with us? Kafir* asked him.

"Come on, Oniisan-chan (dear older brother), it'll be no fun with out you.... please??"
Usagi asked, blue eyes welling tears.

"Imooto (little sister), you know that doesn't work on me...and I have studying to do what
with entrance exams being tomorrow." Solace said, gently stroking her hair. "However, there
is something you can do for me..."

"What, Oniisan-chan?" Usagi asked, brightening.

"Get rid of the odangos...tonight you are Usagi, not Serenity!' He said, taking her hair
down from the odangos and swiftly French braiding her ankle length blonde hair.
She smiled up at him and nodded. With that Usagi, the Sailor Senshi, and the Solar Senshi*


Solace could see by the ferocity of the battle that these Youma were as stronger or even
stronger than Ami believed. The Youma out numbered the Senshi five to one. Sighing, he
held up the belt buckle that contained the Golden Imperial Solar Crystal.

"Solar Crystal Activation!"

Ribbons of pure energy wrapped around Solace's body, forming Sol's sub-armor.

"Armor of Sol, energize!" The ribbons of light formed into the gold and white armor of Sol.
Solace was now Soldier Sun. He ran forward and joined the battle.
"You are all here now! And now you all die! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA < but it's the closest to insane laughter I can get...>>" Came the insane voice...or was it
voices? It sounded as though many spoke as one.

"Who are you?!" Sailor Moon screamed, kicking an attacking Youma in the head.

"I am Chaos." Came the multiple voice.

"Show yourself!" Sailor Sun snarled.

"I am over here...Solace."

Sailor Sun jerked in surprise as Mamoru/Prince Endymion stepped from the shadows. He appeared
different. In place of his usual black armor, he wore gold armor in a similar style of Soldier
Sun's gold armor.

"Mamoru?! Why??" Sailor Moon cried out.

"I didn't want to wait to gain the World's throne...besides I got sick of pretending to faun
over you." Endymion/ Chaos cruelly sneered at her.

"I always knew that was your goal. Serenity didn't listen though. Love must truly be blind."
Sailor Sun sighed.

~ You have no idea how blind love is Solace, you have no idea! ~ Hisharo thought bitterly.
"Pluto Death Scream!" Soldier Pluto* whispered.

The battle raged on...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Time Gate ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Sailor Pluto watched sadly as her little brother, her princess, her prince, and her comrades
were thrown around in this battle against the traitor, Endymion.

"Ryoken*, be careful," She whispered, her maroon eyes filling with tears.

She winced as Ryoken was thrown against a wall. The wall shattered. They would not survive
this battle. They would win, yes, but survive, no. Sailor Pluto stood by the Time Gate for
the appropriate time for the Solar Senshi and the Sailor Senshi to be reborn into...

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Battle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Soldier Pluto was thrown back yet again, only this time into an ancient tree, the bark scraping
his armor. Every muscle in his body screamed in protest as Ryoken pulled himself away from the
tree. Endymion, that traitor...kuso (shit or damn, your choice) he was stronger than Pluto and
Uranus combined.

Soldier Sun was thrown threw the air, head first towards a nearby wall.

"Solace! Go limp!" Hisharo shouted, leaping up directly into the path of Solace.

Uranus felt Solace's head and shoulders strike his upper chest. Uranus braced himself and
pushed of the wall behind him, flipping down to the ground. Kneeling, he placed the dazed
Solace on the ground. With determination lining his features, Uranus shifted into a crouching
attack stance. He held his left hand out, in line with his belt, palm up. He then placed his
right fist into his palm. Energy then coursed threw his body, flowing down his right arm,
pooling into his right fist. The energy became visible as a large ball of light. His hands
came together and became even with his chest.
"Uranus Energy Beams.... Smash!"

The beams of energy raced across the battlefield, striking Endymion and slicing through
Endymion's armor. Endymion screamed in fury and retaliated. He sent wave after wave of dark
energy into Hisharo's body.

"Hisharo!" Solace screamed his best friend's name.

Hisharo dropped to the ground nearly dead.

"Itooshi (beloved)..." Hisharo whispered, closing his eyes. His breathing was shallow.

~ Whom does he speak of? ~ Solace thought to himself. ~ Never mind, I'll ask him later. ~

"Ouji-sama (Prince)! Look out!" Alantas* (Soldier Earth) screamed, as he threw himself before
Solace, taking the full force of Endymion's latest attack. Atlantas collapsed before Solace.

"Stop it, Endymion!" Solace shouted as he transformed into Prince Solaris.

"Well, well, long time no see, Prince Solaris," Endymion sneered.

"You will die this day!!" Solaris screamed, drawing his sword.

"You first, sunny boy!" Endymion snarled, drawing his own sword.

Their blades clashed and sparks flew. Solaris battled on, closing his ears to the profanity
and sacrilege that Endymion spewed at him, in a futile attempt to distract the Prince of the
Sol Kingdom.

Sailor Moon, the Sailor Senshi, and the remaining Solar Senshi defended the fallen Uranus and
Pluto. A few brave news reporters and cameramen watched fierce battle from a safe distance
away. Those at home or anywhere near a television stopped to watch in a terrified awe this
devastating battle.

"Mercury Ice Storm... Freeze!" Sailor Mercury screamed, obliterating some of the foolish
Youma that dared to attack the fallen Senshi. A Youma leapt upon Mercury's back, its claws
slashing and gouging her flesh.

"Ami!!" Rei screamed.

Sailor Mars rushed to save Mercury, only to be attacked by five Youma.

"Mars Celestial Fire Balls... Surround!"

The fireballs took out three of the five Youma. The remaining two attacked her as one.
The same scene played across the battlefield.

Endymion and Solaris locked blades.

"You'll never beat me. Even if some how you do, will it be worth it? Serenity, her Senshi,
your Senshi...they all will be dead!" Endymion sneered at Solaris.
"You forgot something, traitor,...you'll be dead too." Solaris stated coldly, sending his
blade through a weak spot in Endymion's armor, right through his treacherous heart.

"You will never stop Chaos!" Endymion screamed with his last breath.

"We shall see, we shall see..." Solaris stated wearily, placing his armored boot on Endymion's
chest and pulling his blade from the now dead traitors chest. Endymion's blood was no longer
human red, but Negaverse green.

Solaris turned to face the battle. His heart nearly stopped beating at what he saw. Uranus,
Mars, Earth, and Mercury were down. And the others would be soon. Solaris gritted his teeth,
knowing his decision would be costly.
"Usagi!! Become Serenity!" Solaris's heart lurched painfully in his chest as he said, "We
must use the Crystals' power to seal away Chaos!"

Sailor Moon looked at him and nodded. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Her crescent
moon appeared upon her forehead as her body glowed. The light died away as she transformed
from Usagi, high schooler, to Serenity, Princess of the White Moon Kingdom. She opened her
now silver eyes, and looked at her Oniisan.

Solaris held up his Golden Imperial Solar Crystal. Serenity did the same with her Silver
Imperial Moon Crystal. The light that the Crystals gave off was blinding. The remaining
Youma stopped attacking to see where the brilliant light was coming from. An immense mistake
on the part of the Youma. The remaining Senshi was able to destroy them easily. Drained of
their energy, the remaining Senshi collapsed.

Serenity could feel her Oniisan's presence behind her.

"We can do this, Imooto-Chan." He said.

Serenity nodded in silent agreement. The powers of both Crystals flowed through them, giving
their bodies a luminous glow.

Chaos screamed and cursed at them and threw wave after wave of dark energy at them and their
fallen Senshi. The Senshi awakened in pain. Through their pain, they knew that their
respective rulers needed them. They staggered to their feet.

"Uranus Star Power! Armor of Ueanus, Energize!!"

"Mercury Star Power!"

"Mars Star Power!"

"Pluto Star Power! Armor of Pluto, Energize!!"

"Saturn Star Power! Armor of Saturn, Energize!!"

"Venus Star Power!"

"Neptune Star Power! Armor of Neptune, Energize!!"

"Earth Star Power! Armor of Earth, Energize!!"

Each Senshi glowed their respective color. Hisharo, Alantas, Ryoken, Shawn* (Soldier
Neptune*), Kafir (Soldier Saturn), Ami, Rei, Makato, Minako, each of them were near death, but
they knew that their work was not yet done. The Senshi collectively staggered a step towards
the Prince and Princess. The last remnants of their energy went to their rulers.

Serenity and Solaris felt the energy flow threw them. The power of all the Senshi and the
Crystals pushed Chaos back, but it was not yet sealed.

"Moon Crystal Power!"

"Solar Crystal Activation! Armor of Sol, Energize!"

Chaos was sealed at last with that extra burst of energy.

~ Silver Imperial Moon Crystal, grant my last wish...I wish that my Senshi, my Oniisan, his
Senshi and myself be reborn into a time where we are most needed. ~

~ I know my Imooto-Chan has wished for us all to be reborn, so I need not worry about that...so
hear my last wish, Golden Imperial Solar Crystal, grant the heart wishes of my loyal Senshi! ~

The Solar Senshi were passing on to the next world when a voice whispered to them, "What is
the wish you carry deep with in your hearts?"

~ Let my Emperor be reborn into a normal life. ~ Alantas.

~ Let my Emperor and fellow Senshi be reborn into a normal life. ~ Ryoken.

~ Let my Emperor be reborn into a normal life. ~ Kafir.

~ Let my Emperor and fellow Senshi be reborn into a normal life. ~ Shawn.

~ I know my fellow Senshi have wished for my Emperor and my Comrades to be reborn into a normal
life. When I am reborn...let me be female, so that Solace might love me as I love him... ~

That's it for now people, sorry there was no mention of the Gundam guys, but there will be in
the next chapter, so until then please review and give me some ideas to use in the next chapter.
Well, until then, minna(every one), happy reading!!!