A Gundam World ~6  

By Lady Twilight


Disclaimer…same as the last four I don’t own anything….i wish that I did but I don’t…*tears* man why can’t I be rich and famous???


Chapter 6!!!!!!


The girls looked apprehensively at the limo as they were ushered towards it. They weren’t sure whether to accept or decline Quatre’s more than generous offer. Mina, Lita, and Rei were slowly edging away from the limo. If Ami and Serena wanted to sleep in luxury tonight that was fine by them they could sleep outside. The three were just about to turn around and split when they each felt strong arms grasp their shoulders. Standing behind them were Duo, Wufei and Heero. The senshi sighed their defeat and allowed themselves to be placed in the plush limousine.

“So Quatre where exactly are we and what is going on that we should know about?” Ami asked the blonde boy that was seated next to her. The other girls leaned forward to catch everything that the quiet boy said.

“Well let me see here….”Quatre went on to tell the story of the gundams, the war, Oz, the Romafeller foundation, everything about what had happened, in general, in the lives of the gundam pilots and the civilians. The senshi soaked in every little bit of it memorizing each sentence. When he was done talking Quatre blushed at how the girls were staring intently at him. “We’re here.” He said. The senshi popped out of their trances and smiled.

“Great!” Mina giggled, she smiled her 100% best smile at the pilots and at the senshi. “Can’t wait to take a shower.” She sighed and leaned back in her seat, only to run into Duo who had spread his arms out. “Oh, sorry.” She blushed.

“It’s alright.” Was all that duo could muster, he was blushing horribly.

Rei unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door as the limo came to a complete stop. She stared in awe as she saw the splendor that Quatre lived in. “You actually live here?” she asked taking a step back, almost running into Heero. She looked back and apologized quickly. “Sorry.” She mumbled.

Heero just nodded, since it was dark no one could see the small blush that had crept its way onto the perfecto soldiers cheeks. He quickly stalked off to his bedroom. The other pilots bid farewell to the girls, except Quatre who escorted them to their rooms.       

Unknowingly he gave them each the perfect rooms to fit their styles. Serena got a plain white room with small moons and stars adorning the ceiling and walls. Ami got a light blue room with waves running along the edges of the walls. Rei’s room was a brilliant dark red with a large fireplace in the corner. Mina’s room was a deep orange with a large bed that was covered in little yellow hearts. Lita’s room was a deep forest green with a large balcony overlooking the forest.

“Thank you very much Quatre!” they all said as he left them to their rooms. Smiling he left to his own room.


••••REI’S DREAM••••


          Rei  was sitting on a large rock by the Martian sea. A sea completely filled with hot molten lava that only a full blooded Martian could swim in or even go within 500 yards of. There were some exceptions though.

          “Why am I here?” Rei’s mind raced. “What is going on? I thought that all of my memories had already returned.” Her brain was filled with questions but she finally decided that she would just go along with it like she had previously recovered memories.

          Her past self finished her meditation and rose to go back to the palace when strong arms suddenly grasped her around the waist. She giggled violently as the fingers started to tickle her uncontrollably and she fell to the ground laughing. “Prince Heero you are so cruel to me.” She said, mocking anger.

          “you could have stopped me you know.” Heero turned her around and smiled happily at her. “I’ve come back to stay this time Rei.” He looked at her shocked face.

          “You mean it? You won’t be leaving again?” when he nodded she embraced him. “I’m so glad Heero. I love you.”

          “I love you too, my dear princess.” He then pressed his lips to hers and enveloped her mouth in a loving kiss.

          “Rei get out of here!” Heero yelled at her. He watched as his love fought off the demons.

          Rei looked over at him. “Not without you.” She smiled and ran over to him only to see him struck down by Beryll. “Heero! NOO!” she screamed and raced to his side. “Don’t leave me Heero. You promised!” she cried over his fallen body.

          “I love you Rei. I promise we’ll meet again.” He said before his last breath left his quickly freezing body.


••••End DREAM••••


Rei woke up with a start. She was breathing heavily as she recalled her dream. Heero was her true love? What was going on? Why were these memories resurfacing now? Were just some of the questions that were roaming around the young priestesses head. She ran over to a window and threw it open breathing in the fake air.



°°°°Lita’s Dream°°°°


          Lita was practicing her martial arts on a humongous tree stump in the Jovian forest. A forest only those with the Jovian royal blood could enter without being electrocuted. There were few exceptions.

          “Why am I here?” Lita’s mind raced. “What is going on? I thought that all of my memories had already returned.” Her brain was filled with questions but she finally decided that she would just go along with it like she had previously recovered memories.

          Her past self finished her practicing and rose to go back to the palace when strong arms suddenly grasped her around the waist. She giggled violently as the fingers started to tickle her uncontrollably and she fell to the ground laughing. “Prince Wufei you are so mean to me.” She said, mocking frustration.

          “you could have stopped me you know. Silly onna.” Wufei turned her around and smiled happily at her. “I’ve come back to stay this time Lita.” He looked at her shocked face.

          “You mean it? You won’t be leaving again?” when he nodded she embraced him. “I’m so happy Wufei. I love you.”

          “I love you too, my dear princess.” He then pressed his lips to hers and enveloped her mouth in a loving kiss.

          “Lita get out of here!” Wufei yelled at her. He watched as his love fought off the youmas.


          Lita looked over at him. “Not without you.” She smiled and ran over to him only to see him struck down by Beryll. “Wufei! NOO!” she screamed and raced to his side. “Don’t leave me Wufei. You promised!” she cried over his fallen body.

          “I love you Lita. I promise we’ll meet again.” He said before his last breath left his quickly freezing body.


°°°°END DREAM°°°°


(((AN; okay you can see how these are going…all of the dreams are practically the same except that the people & places are different...got it?  Mina and  Duo, Ami and Quatre, and Sere and Trowa….I’m lazy and don’t want to waste time writing the same thing over and over again.)))

          Lita woke up in a cold sweat with tears running down her face. She gasped as she realized that Serena was not the only one who would end up with a true life and the senshi were not destined to a life of loneliness.  She put on a robe and grabbed a blanket, walking out to the balcony she sat on the cold floor. Wrapping herself in the blanket she stared over the large forest falling asleep.




          Mina woke up screaming. She huddled herself into a ball under the covers and started to cry. Unfortunately Duo had a room adjoining hers, and when he heard her scream he had rushed in.

          “What’s wrong? Are you alright?” he asked before he saw her curled up under her covers. He walked over and gently rubbed her back until her sobs subsided. “You gonna be alright now babe?” he asked her.

          “Yea…thanks Duo.” She lied, he could tell but he went back to his room anyways.




          Ami woke up sweating. She sat up in bed and looked around almost forgetting where she was. She rocked in her place for a minute before remembering that she had seen a pool on their walk to the girls rooms. She looked in her closet and found a swimsuit, apparently all of the rooms were stocked with extra clothing for guests just in case. Quatre had called ahead to make sure that the girls would have clothing tomorrow. Ami walked quietly down the hall wearing a pair of pants and a shirt over the swimsuit. Without a splash she dove into the pool, immediately calming her senses.




          Serena woke up with a start. She wasn’t surprised at the dream she had felt something like that for Trowa since she had met him. She smiled and fell back to a deep sleep. ((I’m not a real big Serena love fic fan so this will be more around the other four I just think that there are way too many fics centered around Serena out there))




          Heero didn’t really see what his dreams meant all he knew was that in his dream he actually showed his love for Rei and she had loved him back. He was quite unnerved when he had heard himself say that he loved her and then died in her arms. He didn’t know it but his room adjoined with Rei’s. He heard some muffled noises coming from the room next to him, but decided to ignore it. He fell back into a restless sleep.




          Wufei gasped for air as he woke from his dream. He ran out onto his balcony. He tood a deep breath of the artificially created air. His eyes wandered around the forest and finally rested on the balcony next to his. Sleeping there, wrapped in a blanket was Lita. He watched her for a moment until she began to shiver. Wufei smiled to himself and balcony hopped over to her. Picking her up gently bringing her back into her room he placed her on the bed. He went back to his room thinking about her.




          Duo had heard the scream right after he had awakened from his own dream. Knowing that Mina had the room next to his he raced over there.

          “What’s wrong? Are you alright?” he asked before he saw her curled up under her covers. He walked over and gently rubbed her back until her sobs subsided. “You gonna be alright now babe?” he asked her.

          "Yea. thanks Duo." Mina muttered as she curled back up underneath her covers. Duo looked her over for a minute and decided not to ask her what was really bothering her.

          "Sure thing..see you later." he whispered to her sleeping form. Then returned to his room and fell back asleep.




          Quatre woke up slowly. He sat up in bed shocked at what he had just witnessed, dying in Ami's arms. He heard her moving around next door to him, going through the closet. He stared at the ceiling for a while until he heard her leave her room. Wondering where she was going he followed her. Making sure not to be caught he followed her all the way to the pool he blushed as she jumped in gracefully. Quatre watched as she swam off her stress for a few minutes before heading back to his room worried about being caught.




          Trowa woke up calmly. Unlike the others he didn't have to see Serenity die or get killed himself..his dream had just ended. He knew that he loved Serena already and knew that she loved him just as much.


End chap. 6