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Part One
Phase Four

Sailor Moon is owned by Toei, Kodansha, Bandai, and Naoko Takeuchi the Great. But, my story belongs to *me* and you must e-mail me if you want to post it, etc. Author's notes at end.

Thanks and enjoy!


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"War is like love, it always finds a way."
-Bertolt Brecht

- - -

Usagi sat at the coffee table in Mamoru's apartment. Her eyelids drooped wearily and she tried to suppress a yawn. Seven more days until Entrance Exams and Usagi had only gotten four hours of sleep the proceeding night in an attempt to cram more and more knowledge into her brain. It had been this way for almost a week and it was finally catching up to her. Sleep. She needed sleep. She did not need to be studying in Mamoru's apartment any longer. But it would almost be over. Three months of agony. Of incessant bickering, of reserved coolness, and then of almost shameful, hidden sympathy. It would be over in seven days.

"Ready?" asked Mamoru, as he came and sat across from her, two cups of steaming tea in his hands.

"Yeah," said Usagi, picking up a mug. "Let's study some chemistry."

Mamoru complied without comment. It had been this way between the two since that day that Usagi had first come over to his place. Very detached. Each said as little as possible to one another for fear of revealing anymore of themselves. They hadn't fought in...Mamoru couldn't even a long time. The study session went awkwardly smooth although, despite all of the time she had spent studying it, Usagi still could not grasp some of the concepts that chemistry entailed. Just then, the phone rang.

"Hold on," Mamoru said, as he quickly got up and rushed into the kitchen.

"Hello?" Usagi could hear him say. "Hey! I haven't heard from you in a while!"

Usagi tuned out. She really had no interest in the conversation that was taking place. Groaning in frustration, she attempted to balance this last equation. It just wasn't working. All of the letters and numbers on the page were meshing together. Sleep. She needed sleep. Putting her head down on the table, Usagi figured that maybe she could get a few minutes of sleep before cracking the books again...

"Okay, Motoki...uh huh...yeah...alright, I'll talk to you soon...okay...Bye."

Mamoru hung up the phone and gazed at the clock on the microwave. Fifteen minutes on the phone. Eeek. Usagi wouldn't be happy. He walked from the kitchen into the living room to see Usagi, eyes shut peacefully, sleeping on her open chemistry book. The light of a marvelous sunset caressed her features and hair, picking up the natural, glistening highlights. A calm expression was on her face and lips. She seemed ethereal. Mamoru didn't know whether to wake her up or not. It seemed as if she had desperately needed rest today and from the look of her slow, regular breathing, Mamoru guessed she was gone. He stood there and stared and felt something in his heart that he had never before felt for the Odango. There's something about people when they sleep. All pretense vanishes and a raw innocence is the product. Everybody is beautiful in slumber. Slowly he walked over to the table and sat down next to her. Again, Mamoru gazed at her for a while. Then, as if guided by unseen hands, his fingers reached out and brushed her blonde bangs off of her face. Her hair and skin were velvety soft. In shock, he realized what he had just done and became half-embarrassed, half-angry. His fingers recoiled as if he just touched acid.

"Hey," he said, shaking her shoulder a little bit rougher than he had intended. "Wake up."

Almost immediately, Usagi snapped her head up and blinked. "Uh, sorry about that," she apologized. "Where were we?"

"We were trying to balance this equation," Mamoru stated coldly.

"Oh, right," commented Usagi, and then she began scribbling furiously in her notebook. Although, he wasn't paying much attention. Inside he was trembling. What had just happened? Where had that affection come from? His head was spinning. What on God's green Earth had possessed him to dosuch an insane thing? He shook his head and attempted to dismiss it.

"No, Usagi, for the last time, two acids can't go together!" Mamoru reprimanded rather harshly.

She threw her pencil down on the table. "But, there's no other way! Ughhh, I just can't do this!"

Mamoru rolled his eyes. "Look, you do this first, add one over here, double this one, and there all balanced."

Usagi stared at the problem blankly. She had absolutely no idea what he had just done. This was like Greek to her. Frustratedly, Usagi began rubbing her temples. "I'm just tired...I guess I won't be getting that Achievement Award, after all," she whispered to herself. But Mamoru had heard. He heard her sigh sadly and saw...wetness in her eyes? Was she really that upset? The stress was getting to her, he figured.

"We don't need to study any more," Mamoru said placidly. "Go home, get rest."

Usagi shook her head but her focus remained on the green carpeting. "No...I need to study."

Mamoru tsked. "You know, Usagi, the Achievement Award isn't the be all and end all of the Universe."

She peered up at him slowly. "That wouldn't be your theory if the tables were reversed."

"But they aren't," Mamoru replied frankly.

"So, what? Are you suggesting *you* stand a better chance than *me?*"

He knew it was his denial of what had happened a few minutes ago that caused a chill in his tone. "Not suggesting. Saying."

Usagi's jaw dropped a little. "Well, I'm *saying* that I will get it. Geez, what's *with* you? I knew you'd emerge from your mask at some point or another."

"What do you mean by that?" he asked defensively.

Usagi shook her head. "Nothing."

"No, I want to know! What did you mean by that?"

Usagi stared at him dryly. "Do you really? I'm talking about that mask you use to hide your real self with. You know..."

"No, I don't. Would you care to elaborate?"

Usagi shook her head. "I'll put it this way. You're the typical 20th century anti-hero. Cool, stoic, and witty on the outside. That's what you show the world. And they all think 'Gee, what a great guy.' You've buried your emotions in that marble-encased tomb you call your heart. But, every now and then you accidentally let someone in there. Someone actually sees emotion. Based on what I've seen, which isn't pretty I might add, I'd have to say that you have a lot of skeletons in that crypt of yours."

Absorbing the onslaught of passionate words just thrown at him, Mamoru stared contemptuously at her. "You think you know everything don't you? You think that based on that trite, stereotyped description that I'm being phony to everyone and that you, Miss Know-it-all, is the *only* one who has seen who I really am? You're flattering yourself, Odango," Mamoru sneered, the temperature rising in his voice.

Usagi narrowed her eyes upon hearing her detested nickname. "I don't buy your defense. You can't even prove to me you're not like that!"

"You've never given me a chance to!" Mamoru yelled. "Yeah, I shouldn't have said that to you the first day, but I apologized and you couldn't forgive! I'd say you were being the cruel one!"

"Me!!" Usagi shrieked. She shook her head. "You don't get it do you? Actions speak louder than words! You say one thing and do another! If you were sorry you wouldn't have called me 'Odango' again in front of everybody or just now!"

The two stared at each other, enraged, for a moment. Usagi's eyes were glassy, Mamoru noticed.

"I shouldn't have said that..." Mamoru said.

"Save it! Didn't you just hear anything I said! I don't want your empty 'I'm sorries!' I know you don't mean it and you'll just keep hurting me!" Usagi retorted.

Mamoru stared at her coldly. "Fine." And then he brushed past her and walked away.

"You see!" Usagi scoffed. "You just shut off when you don't like something you hear. You don't want to admit it, but I've got you figured out better than you'd imagined. You're-"

"Enough! I've had enough of this! You're so-so self-righteous! You may *think* you see who I truly am, but you'll never, ever know me!! Get out! Get out of my face! Get out of my apartment! And get out of my life!" Mamoru shouted at the top of his lungs.

Fear and shock. Usagi, eyes quivering with tears, opened her mouth to retort but then shut it quickly. Red-faced, she grabbed her things, sniffling in a vain attempt to conceal her tears. She stormed towards the door, opened it, and looked back at Mamoru who had gone out to his balcony, then slammed the door loudly. Outside, she leaned against the wall and buried her face in her hands, her body shaking from her sobs.

From his balcony, Mamoru could see the small figure of a blonde running from the building. He was so angry he could have punched the glass. Softly, he cursed Usagi. Why did she have to provoke him? Why did she wish to exhume an ancient grave? Just when it seemed like his life was finally settling, *she* had to come and muddy the waters. Just when he thought the wounds from his parents' death, the orphanage, running away, living on his own, and his best friend leaving were healing, *she* had to come in and twist the knife again. Mamoru squeezed his eyes shut. Maybe he would open them and this would all be just a horrible nightmare. She would be gone and he could forget again...Remembering the gory details. His life. That was the worst pain. He opened his eyes and did something he hadn't done in a long time.


Apologizing wasn't an option for either Usagi or Mamoru therefore forgiveness was out of the question. The water had boiled over this time. Not a word, a gesture, a look passed between the two rivals. They regarded each other as two strangers on the street. Had it been any other time, Usagi might have felt relieved. However, an uneasiness crept into her. What she had told Mamoru, about her not needing his help, had proved to be untrue. There were still some concepts in Chemistry she just could not understand, nuances really, but enough to prevent her from reaching her goal: the Achievement Award. But what could she do? Her only options were to study what she could in the short time she had and cross her fingers and hope she got lucky. And so the countdown rolled on.

6...5...4...3...2...1...exam day.

Mamoru scanned the room apprehensively. He saw some people he knew from school and a lot of unfamiliar faces. These were his competitors. The people he would be battling for entrance into universities. He knew he had to do well today, his future depended on it. Sitting down at a nearby table, he waited for the exam to begin. The girl in front of him, he noticed, went to his school. He recognized her to be Mizuno Ami.

"Hey," he said.

She turned and smiled when she realized who it was. "Hi! So, do you think you're ready?"

"I hope," he said, nodding. "You?"

Ami smiled. "Yup, I think so. Well, good luck!"

"You too," he replied.

Ami turned back around and then waved towards the door. More specific, to the person who had just walked through the door.

"Usagi-chan! I saved you a seat!" Ami called.

Mamoru paled upon hearing the name. The last thing he wanted distracting him was *her.* Usagi skipped over to her friend, grinning, but the smile died on her face as soon as she noticed the solitary person behind her. She ignored him.

"Hey, Ami-chan. Gosh, I'm nervous..."

The two began talking quietly then and Mamoru couldn't hear what they were saying. It didn't matter, though because a tall, very regal looking woman entered the room just then.

"Good morning, students. Welcome to the College Entrance Exam. You will be receiving a packet with your test. Put your name on the front and begin. Good luck to you all."

And that was it. Mamoru received his exam and saw that the English part was first. He picked up his pencil and began.

He put his pencil down and smiled triumphantly. Done! With twenty minutes to spare. Inwardly, Mamoru congratulated himself. The last section, science, had been a breeze and he coasted through it. He had finished his entrance exam! He wanted to scream with relief. He gazed around the room. Most everybody else was still struggling. Scribbling furiously. Racking their brains. Mamoru wanted to laugh.

*Eat my dust,* he thought.

Then, he gazed up in front of him. At Usagi. From his vantage point, he could see that she was having a difficult time. Her pencil was flying across the paper. Then she stopped, examined her findings and erased some. Stopped again, and just stared at it. And stared.

*What's she doing?* Mamoru thought.

Calmly, she placed her pencil down on her desk and just stared at the paper. Tears were in her eyes. A pang of guilt coursed through Mamoru as he watched her rub her eyes in an attempt to gain her composure. Then, slowly, laboriously, she again took her pencil in hand and tried the problem once more. He should have been celebrating, laughing as his rival crashed and burned. But he wasn't. He felt terrible. He felt as if it were his fault. That he could have helped her more. Not have acted like such a peon. Controlled his temper. He gazed at her again. Her pencil was racing across the page again but he couldn't curb that horrible feeling of guilt. The English section had been easy, thanks to her. And had he fulfilled his side of the bargain? Obviously not. He think he knew what he had to do.

He picked up his pencil again.

It was after school and Mina had forgotten her History textbook in her class. She raced up the stairs and was about to enter her classroom when she heard voices.

"You did what?!" shouted a voice she recognized as Amuro, one of the boys in her class. "Mamoru-kun, how could you do such a stupid thing!"

"I felt bad," Mamoru replied stoically.

"You felt bad! Who cares?! These are University entrance exams we're talking about! Not some popularity contest! Besides, I thought you hated her."

"I don't *hate* her. I just don't like her. But it was the right thing to do."

"Mamoru-kun, you're crazy! You say you don't like this girl, that she's your sworn rival and then you go erasing answers on the most important test of your life because you feel bad that she's not doing well. I don't understand."

"It was only three science answers. They won't make a difference in my getting into a college or not! What I did, Amuro-kun, was honorable. I know how much she wanted that Achievement Award. Better that I sacrifice as much as I can so that she can have a fair chance of getting it than my receiving it with this burden on my shoulders."

There was a long pause.

"Whatever," responded Amuro. "It's your mistake, Mamoru-kun. You're going to be paying the price."

From outside the classroom, Minako stood in bewildered amazement. Had Mamoru really done that for Usagi? Geez, she couldn't think of *anyone* who would have done something like that for their supposed "nemesis." Which led Minako to believe that there was something behind the name-calling and cut-throat competition. Her former suspicions seeped into the front of her brain. Her mind raced. Something had to be done. She had to figure out a way to make those two see what she had since day one.

"I got my scores back!" Usagi said breathlessly as Makoto opened the door to her apartment.

"Scores?" asked Mako, letting her friend enter.

"From Entrance Exams!"

"Oh my gosh! did you do?"

Usagi spurted out her score and then the two girls screamed wildly.

"What happened?" Minako asked racing into the room. Ami was right on her heels. Both had frightened looks on their faces, like they thought someone was being murdered.

Usagi told them her score and all four had another squeal-fest.

"That's terrific!" Ami said. "With scores like you can get into any college you want."

Usagi beamed as she and her friends walked into the living room. This was common practice now. Every Sunday afternoon, the girls would gather at Mako's for a homemade lunch and then go out or gab a while. Now, on this chilly March afternoon, the quartet talked excitedly over the salad Makotohad prepared.

"Have you gotten your scores yet, Ami-chan?" asked Usagi.

Ami shook her head. "No, but they should be here any day now. The suspense is killing me. I've just gotta know already!"

"Relax, Ami-chan, you've got nothing to worry about!" Mako insisted. "You're a genius! Universities will be groveling at your feet for the chance for you to pronounce them your alma mater."

Ami shrugged. "I hope. My mother has such high expectations I just don't want to let her down. If I want to follow in her footsteps at the hospital then I've got to be near perfection."

"Don't worry, Ami-chan. You're one of the smartest girls I know. Keep striving for perfection and I know one day it will kiss you on the forehead," Usagi said, wrapping her arm around her friend's shoulder.

Minako frowned. "You two are the reasons girls like me can't go to college! How am I supposed to compete with brains like you?*"

They laughed. "You don't even want to continue your studies, Minako-chan!" exclaimed Mako.

"True," Minako agreed, flipping her hair pseudo-arrogantly. "I've got all the smarts I need to be an idol!"

The three looked at her dryly. "Now all you need is the talent, ne?" joked Usagi.

Minako threw a pillow in her direction but she missed completely.

"Just kidding, Minako-chan. I have no doubt that one day you'll be super-famous and forget all of the little people you used to hang out with every Sunday."

"I'd never do that!" Minako insisted. "You guys are my best friends!"

Everyone laughed.

"All I can say," added Makoto. "Is that I am so glad I didn't have to take those dumb exams. I know I would have failed miserably."

"Aww, Mako-chan don't say that. You wouldn't have done that bad!" Ami scolded.

Mako smiled. "Yeah, I know. But I'm glad that I'm going to business school. It'll help when I decide to open up my shop*."

"A cake and flower shop..." Usagi mused. "A somewhat peculiar combination."

"Not really," Mako said. "If you're getting married, you purchase you cake on one side of the store and only walk a few feet to get your flowers. I think it's great. Getting to help so many happy brides..."

"Well, I'll promise you my business when I get married to some famous movie star," Mianko exclaimed. "Then you could be 'Kino Makoto: Cake and Flower Expert to the Stars.'"

Mako rolled her eyes but then grinned. "Thanks, I appreciate the gesture."

"Mako-chan! You have to do my wedding too!" Usagi pleaded. "I want a white cake with um...ten tiers with pink icing and pink roses all over! Oh, and those cute little bride and groom people on top!"

Ami chuckled. "Usagi-chan you're already planning your wedding but you're forgetting you have no one to marry yet!"

Usagi waved her hand. "I know, I know. But a girl can dream, can't-Aaack!!" she squelched when she saw the clock on the VCR. "I have to be home in ten minutes or my mom's gonna kill me! Bye, guys! See you tomorrow!"

In a whirlwind, Usagi had grabbed her things, taken one last bite of her salad, and was out the door.

"She certainly *is* something," commented Mako. "Planning a groom-less wedding and all."

Minako grinned impishly. "I don't know about that, Mako-chan."

The brunette's eyebrows elevated slightly and Ami seemed puzzled. She asked: "Just what do you mean by that?"

Rubbing her hands together, Minako had a gleam in her eyes that screamed mischief.

"Minako-chan! No secrets!" shouted Makoto.

"Alright, alright. The Love Goddess Aino Minako has predicted a match!" she sang.

"A match?" rang two voices. "Who?"

"Oh, come on guys, it's so obvious," she said melodramatically. Then her voice lowered to a whisper. "Usagi-chan and Mamoru-kun. So? What do you think?"

The two stared at her in disbelief. "Why do say this?" asked Ami.

"I knew you'd ask! One, they compliment each other like peanut butter and jelly. Two, they would look absolutely adorable together. And three, the Love Goddess is never wrong!"

"Okay, Venus, I'm still not convinced," Mako said dryly.

"Oh no? This should convince you. You'll never believe what I heard the other day..."

Test scores came, college acceptance letters came, and the clearer visions of the future came. Busy months passed silently like leaves carried by the wind. The End became less a word, an idea and more an realization. Usagi, once so determined to attend the community college back at Home just so she could be back at Home, now couldn't bear the thought of leaving Tokyo. There were too many things she had grown fond of. The bright lights on the bay. The park in the spring, drenched with cherry blossoms. But, most of all, the friends she had made. And better still for her education. Instead of going to a mediocre college in a small town, now she could attend some of the nation's top universities. Move on to a successful career. From this vantage point, the future was a long, red carpet stretched out further than the eye could see. All she could do was dream and wait for that one very important day that would catapult her into the rest of her life...

Graduation Day. A sea of white-robed, fresh-faced, bright-eyes graduates spilled out onto the atrium of the school. It was a perfect day. Clear skies, a gentle breeze, warm sun shining. A perfect day to end it all. Usagi breathed it all in. She should have been paying attention to the speeches that the principal and other honored guests were making but all she could think about was the sadness and elation that permeated her. Sadness, that she would be departing from the comforts of high-school and moving out into life, and elation for the exact same reason.

"And now it is time to present the Entrance Examination Achievement Awards to the top performers in every class," Principal Uematsu announced, snapping Usagi into focus.

Mamoru gazed down at his shaking hands. This was it. Now was the moment when he would see if the answers he had sacrificed would mean something. However, he wasn't sure he wanted it to matter. Regret tinged his thoughts as he doubted his decision for the millionth time. He wished he could have gone back in time so that he could have kicked himself when he had gotten the insane notion in his head to help Usagi.

"...From Class 1..." announced the principal. "Tsukino Usagi!"

Jaw dropping to the floor, Usagi could hardly believe her ears. This was unreal. She heard the applause but she seemed to float up to the stage on a cloud.

Mamoru struggled to look up, to pretend he was happy, to pretend he didn't care. He heard the applause and slowly raised his eyes. There she was, standing on the stage as she said she would, with a smile that would have melted the polar ice caps. Usagi reached for the crystal, triangular award and winked at her family who seemed to be bursting with pride. And, suddenly, the bitterness drained from Mamoru. He actually found himself smiling. Like he, Usagi had wanted this more than anything. But unlike himself, she had somebody to share it with. Her happiness made three others happy. He made no one happy. The grin faded from his lips. Sighing, Mamoru touched the small gift on his lap and couldn't wait for the moment his diploma would be placed in his hands and he could finally escape this hellhole.

"Okay, Mama, I'm hurrying! I have to go get some things from my desk yet! I'll meet you by the car in ten minutes!" Usagi called.

Still clad in her white robe, she entered her empty class, stopped and took in a deep breath. Another goodbye. Despite some things, actually one thing, actually one *person,* her year and a half at Juuban had been bliss and now, she was actually mourning the school she would leave behind. She walked to her desk, opened it, and discovered a small, square, simply-wrapped box. There was no card so Usagi didn't know who it was from.

"Usagi?" came a voice from outside the class.

She whirled around to see Ami and Mako standing in the doorway. "Hey, Ami-chan, Mako-chan."

"Whatcha doing?" Ami asked.

"Just cleaning out my things. Saying goodbye to my class."

"Yeah. Are you-Hey, what's that?" Mako asked poiting to the unopened package in Usagi's hand.

"I don't know. There's no card or anything. I was just about to open it," Usagi said.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" asked Ami.

Usagi smiled and tore off the paper. Enthusiastically, she lifted up the lid to the box and gasped when she beheld a small crystal crescent moon on a long gold rope. Lifting it from the box, Usagi marveled at how it caught the light and split it into a rainbow.

"It's amazing..." she breathed.

"There's something at the bottom of the box," Ami said.

Usagi took out a folded up piece of paper and began reading. The smile on her face fell. When she was done, she just stared at the note.

"What does it say?" Mako asked. "Who's it from?"

Then, Usagi threw the Moon trinket into the box, shut the lid, and walked over to the garbage and dumped it in with a small clank.

"What was that for!" Ami asked.

"I can't stand it!" Usagi yelled. "He's such a cheap, heartless coward! Read this!!"

"'Odango-This isn't the apology you want but it'll have to d
o. Just a little trinket for the once and future Moon Princess. -Chiba Mamoru'," read Mako.
"What's wrong with that? I think it's sweet!" Ami insisted.

"Sweet! I think it's sick! All that he did to me, all that he said to me, and he thinks he can buy me over with some dumb present!"

Ami and Makoto were silent. Then, Mako began in a soft, slow tone. "Usagi-chan, you know you're one of my best friends but sometimes you can be the most stubborn and selfish person I know."

Usagi stared at Mako with surprise.

"I'd have to agree, Usagi-chan," Ami added, her normally placid voice becoming angry. "And especially what Mamoru-san's done for you! What he's given up for you!"

Mako gave Ami a strange look. "Ami..." she warned in a soft voice. Ami's eyes grew wide and her face turned beet red.

"What? What was that look? I saw it! What has he done for me?"

Ami and Mako looked at each other guiltily and said nothing.

"Tell me! What are you hiding from me?" Usagi asked.

"We promised Minako-chan we wouldn't say a word..." Mako said.

"If this concerns me, I have a right to know!"

After much pleading and insisting, finally Ami gave in.

"Alright! Usagi-chan, the only reason you won the Achievement Award was because of Mamoru-kun!"

Usagi's jaw dropped. "What! That isn't true!"

"Yes, it is! He purposely erased three answers from the science portion because he felt bad for you!" Mako continued.

Staring at her friends with a look of horror and disbelief, Usagi could hardly believe her ears.

"St-still, that d-didn't make a difference," she stuttered.

"Oh, yes it did. Usagi-chan, Mamoru-kun only scored two points under you. He would have beat you if he hadn't erased those three answers," Ami finished.

Usagi looked down. A million things were flying in her mind. *He hates me. Why would he do that? Does he really hate me? Do I really hate him? What does this mean? I'm so confused. What should I do? Thank him...thank him...apologize.* Looking up, Usagi glanced from Ami to Mako. The, she ran to the garbage and lifted the box from it.

"I gotta go, you guys! I'll talk to you later!"

And then, white robe flying behind her, she took off. Mako and Ami watched her leave.

"Do you think we did the right thing?" Ami asked.

"I don't know..." Mako said. "I really do hope so."

"Alright guys, I'll see you at the graduation party tonight!" Mamoru called as he waved goodbye to his friends. Sighing, he looked at Juuban High School for the last time. He held only his graduation cap as he walked on the green lawn, alone, amidst the voices and laughter of proud parents and students.

"Mamoru!" yelled a voice from far away. "Wait!"

He turned around to see, Usagi, hair streaming wildly around her face and white robe, running at top speed towards him. In her hands she held her cap, the crystal Achievement Award, and his package. Mamoru stopped and waited for her to catch him. Usagi slowed her sprint to a walk, panting heavily.

She stood for a few seconds, saying nothing, simply catching her breath. Finally, she spoke.

"Thanks...for the, uh, gift. I like it," she said.

Mamoru shrugged. "It's nothing."

Usagi stared at the ground. This was harder than she imagined. "So we finally graduated..."

"Yeah...," replied Mamoru, looking away uncomfortably. Silence. Awkward and horrible.

"I, um, feel really bad because I don't have anything to give you in return. But, you deserve something. So, I'd like you to have this," Usagi said, holding out the crystal Award.

Mamoru stared from it and back up to her. "This? No, I can't have this. It belongs to you."

Usagi shook her head. " doesn't. Not really. Please, as my gift to you..."

Still, Mamoru shook his head and refused.

"Please, take it. It made me happy to receive it makes me even happier to know that you sacrificed it for me. Let me repay you...for what you've done."

Wide-eyed, Mamoru reached out and accepted it. The two stared at each other in silence.

"Thank you," Usagi whispered, her eyes glassy and wet.

Mamoru nodded. "How'd you find out?"

Usagi smiled through her tears. "That's not important."

Mamoru smiled too.

More silence.

"You know, it's going to be really strange..." Usagi murmured.

"What do you mean?" Mamoru asked.

"Well, you know, next year, how will I get by in college without my rival forcing me along?"

Mamoru laughed. "I'm sure you'll do fine. Maybe you'll need a little help with science and math..."


"Just kidding. So, where did you finally decide on?"

"K.O. University*."

Mmaoru laughed again. "Well, I don't think you'll need to worry about losing your rival!"

"You're going there, too?!" Usagi asked incredulously.

Mamoru nodded. "So don't worry we can still be rivals."

Suddenly, Usagi's face became serious. "No...Mamoru, I was thinking...I was thinking that, uh, maybe...maybe we don't have to be enemies next year. That is, we should, er, if you want to I mean...What I'm trying to say is maybe, we can be friends..."

Usagi gazed up at the person standing across from her. He was silent and it made Usagi nervous.

"I-I was wrong about you, Mamoru, and I really hope you don't reject-"

"You know, Odango, I don't know what took you so long. That's what I've been saying for over a year. Yeah, friends. Of course."

He smiled and held out his hand. Looking up into his eyes, Usagi noticed a warmth she had never seen in them before. Grinning, she placed her hand in his. They shook hands for a moment, never letting their eyes unlock from each other's. Finally, they let go.

"So, are you going to the graduation party tonight?" Mamoru asked, as the two began walking off together.

"You bet! I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

"So then I'll see you there. And you can fill me in on everything that's been going on since you stopped talking to me."

"*I* stopped talking to *you!* Oh, no! I think it was the other way around!"

"No it wasn't!"

"Yes, it was!"

And so the two walked off, together, jokingly arguing, both older and wiser. Funny, how sometimes the worst of enemies can become the best of friends. And how discovering your errors can make you a better person. That's what puts the tang into life. Always searching. Always learning. At least that was the simultaneous thought coursing through the minds of two blissfully happy teenagers as they walked away together. The end of a beginning...and then, another beginning...and another. Always another beginning...

The End of Part 1

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Author's Notes:

*Okay, I'm sure you're all wondering why I had Makoto want to open up a flower/cake shop. In the manga, this is her real dream. And I figured the restaurant thing was becoming too cliche.

*K.O. University is the college Mamoru goes to in the manga. This is a pun on an actual university in Tokyo called Keio. (<-Naoko-sensei is so clever!!) In real life, it's one of the best Japanese colleges.