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Gundam X Gallery

Rain: Okay. Yeah I know...NO ONE KNOWS WHAT GUNDAM X IS!!!!!

Kyo:^_+ I think Rain's gone to the dark side of coffee and chocolate again.

Rain:Anyways....all of these pictures have the same two comments: They're there because I want them be and because Gundam X is cool even if Japan gave it bad reviews! It could do well in America! Cowboy Bebop did badly in Japan, but well in America!

Kyo:¬.¬ I think she's going to go out dancing in the streets again....I hope she doesn't get hit by a car....or a cat...

Garrod! He's the main guy. O.o He looks a lot like Duo Maxwell of Gundam Wing.

I keep thinking he's American!!!

She's so Pretty! She's also a NEWTYPE!!!