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The Mission That Brought Them Together
By: Jen-chan

Heero Yuy looked up from his Gundam.  He sighed, running his fingers loosely through his dark brown hair as he stared at the man dressed like a priest.  The man was on the phone with someone unknown to Heero, but that didn’t matter.  To him, the man’s voice sounded much like a song, a beautiful song, one that he wishes he could hear all day, and the way the man talked, it was almost all day.

“Okay, I need the parts by tomorrow.  Can you do that for me? Great.  Thanks.” He hung up the phone. “Bah!  Those blasted idiots.  They just piss me off!”  He kicked the wall nearest to him and turned around, looking up at Heero. He brushed his braid off his shoulder and walked over to the gundam that was lying on its back, waiting for repairs.

“I guess those fools don’t have the parts, Duo?”  Heero said, looking down at the other pilot.

“They do, but the parts won’t get here in time for the mission.  We have no use but to not accept it and hope that Trowa and Quatre can do fine on their own.”

“What about Wufei?”

“He’s on a different mission, I believe.  You know how he is.”  Heero just picked up a wrench and began to make the repairs on the gundam’s cooling system. He couldn’t let Duo see how happy he was that they were going to be alone for a weekend, possibly a week.

Duo shrugged and walked off towards the only door that led out of the hangar and opened it.  He turned and looked at the other pilot with a look of longing on his face and pulled his cap down so that he couldn’t see it. He walked out of the hangar and down the small corridor that led to their rooms.

Heero, my love, my only love, why don’t you just give up and come and find me.  I’ll be waiting for you like I have in the past.  Why are you so stoic?  Duo sighed and opened the door to his room.  It was small, cramped, gray.  He only had the basic necessities that a man needed: a bed, a dresser, a lamp, and small, cluttered desk full of reports and financial statements that he never bothered to read.  The pilots were seventeen now, fighting for rogue nations and colonies.  They banded together with Quatre’s money and Duo’s hangar to create the small band of mercenaries that they were.  It was sad, really, to see them stoop so low.  But they needed to survive.  And to survive, they did the one thing that they knew how to do: Fight.

Duo sat at his desk, alone, and picked up a forgotten report.  He read through it quickly: the state of the present nation that the pilots were fighting for, the cost, how much money they were making, etc.

Such a baka I am, becoming leader of this group.  It’s supposed to be Heero at the head, or Trowa, but they prefer to follow orders, instead of giving them. Me and my big mouth. He sighed again, signing the necessary papers.  He was behind, and they knew it.  Half of the nations haven’t even contacted him about why they haven’t seen any help. Most of them gave up fighting against the alliance and surrendered, leaving the pilots more free time than they’d like. Duo subconsciously told himself that he’d get more organized when he heard a knock on the door.  He stood up slowly, rubbed his eyes, and answered the door.


“Duo, this just came for you.”  Heero handed him a couple of papers.  Duo nodded and said thank you to him, and turned around, shutting the door as he looked through the papers. 

Suddenly a hand grasped his arm and stopped him from moving.  He turned around and saw Heero, enraged for lord knows what.

“Heero..?” Duo was shocked.  He had no clue what was going on.

“You’re going to accept the mission and leave me, aren’t you?”

“What are you…?!”

“Answer me!!!”  Heero shoved Duo through door and Duo landed on his unmade bed.  He had never seen him so mad, so enraged.  It frightened him.

“Answer what?  What mission?!”  Suddenly Heero was upon him, pinning him to the bed.  Heero had never felt so abandoned, so alone, so scared.  He couldn’t let Duo accept the mission.  He couldn’t let Duo leave him.  The mission was suicide, and Duo knew it.  He didn’t have the parts to fix his gundam and without the parts, he’d fail. He’d die.  He’d be gone forever.  The thought haunted him so much, he almost cried.  The thought of not hearing the jovial American talk twenty four hours a day, not see his smile, not be comforted by the thought of him across the hall, the thought of his gundam not next to his in the hangar, all the little things that mattered to him, to have them disappear tore at his heart.  And Duo knew nothing.

“The mission to Havana….  The one I couldn’t accept because I didn’t have the parts….”  Heero began crying, tears streaming down his face.

Suddenly, Duo understood.  He was thinking about taking the mission himself.  Leaving the group, no, leaving Heero, the man that could care less about him, made all the pain that Duo had felt because of Heero’s isolated ness melt away.  To leave him behind and to stop bugging him.  To make sure that he was happy.  That was all Duo wanted.  And Duo was pretty sure that being with him made him unhappy.  If only he knew the truth.

“Heero, what are you saying?”

“I’m saying that I love you, baka!!!” he shouted without any need.  Duo’s face paled despite the fact that he felt like he was flying.  His heart soared and his blood raced through his veins.  He couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“You what?”

“I love you… Duo… with all my heart… and all my being…  I don’t want to lose you… Not to Hilde… and not to that damned suicide mission….” Heero cried and sniffed, loosening his grip on Duo and fell to his knees on the floor.  Duo knelt down beside him and hugged him tightly.

“I love you too Heero.  And you’ll never lose me, not to that mission, and not to that stalking Hilde.” He smiled and lifted Heero’s chin up.  They kissed for what seemed like days and it intoxicated them, making them drunk.  They tugged at each other’s clothing, content with making love on the floor.  When they were done, they held onto each other, never wanting to let each other go, and deep down inside, they knew they wouldn’t have to.

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