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This is my story, so far. Unfortunately, I have only the first two pieces of it, right now. But, fear not! I'll get the rest up, soon! As Duo would say, "I might run and hide, but I'll never tell a lie!"

The Gundam called, Rogue


Act 1:Dark Memories
Scene 1: Wherever you are, you will carry always

    Two girls stood together on the wide, central lawn of the Campus. 
The first of the pair had blond hair that fell just passed her 
shoulders. The girl wore a shin-length, pleated, dark red skirt 
and a long-sleeved, white blouse. A wide, dark red ribbon was
tied around her throat. The second girl had long, brown hair 
that was tied back, away from her face, with a wide ribbon that
looked akin to the one around her tied around her neck. Her 
outfit was exactly the same as her friend’s and her schoolmates’. 
Both girls carried a small stack of books and papers. A large 
group of students, over two-thirds female, were wandering 
toward a large, brick building to the West. A large, hand-painted,
wooden sign hung up above the door of the building. Though hard 
to read, all of the students on Campus knew the sign by heart, 
   “So, where the heck is she?” The brunette girl groaned, 
stomping her foot on the ground. 
   “Um, I don’t know.” The blond girl shrugged.
   “Bri! You idiot! You weren’t supposed to answer that! It 
was a rhetorical question!” The brunette girl threw her hands 
in the air. “I just can’t teach you anything!”
   “Oh. Yeah, I knew that! Sorry, Iris.” The blond girl, Bri, 
shrugged, nearly, dropping her books in the process.
   “Salut.” Another girl approached, silently. Her copper-blond, 
braided hair sparkled in the midday sunlight.
   “Oh. There you are! Finally!” Iris crossed her arms over her 
chest. “We’ve been waiting for you for over ten minutes!”
   “Ten minutes? Your class, it let out early?” The girl 
raised an eyebrow. “C’est impossible!”
   “No, we left early.” Bri said.
   “Zut alors! What a surprise!” The redhead said sarcastically. 
Her turquoise eyes flashed with amusement.
   “Yeah, right. So, are we gonna get lunch or not?” The brunette 
   “C’est bien, mais…” The redhead sighed, looking exhausted. 
   “But, what?”
   “I’m not very hungry. I am,..tired.” The redhead shrugged. 
   “A long day, already, huh?” Bri shrugged, “But it’s only lunchtime!”
   “Well, okay. Fine.” Iris shrugged. “Stay here then.”
   “Can we go eat?” Bri asked.
   “Yeah, let’s go.” Iris turned and began to walk toward 
the cafeteria. “If Amina wants to stay here and starve, 
that’s her problem.”
   “D’accord,” The redhead sighed as the two girls rushed 
toward the cafeteria. “I’ll see you later.”
   “Don’t forget, lunch is over in an hour.” Bri called 
over her shoulder.
   “You idiot! She knows that!” Iris’ voice faded as the girls 
disappeared into the brick building.
    Amina turned and began to walk toward the Southern end of 
Campus. A cold, autumn wind picked up as she walked. The wind
was blowing in a low, cold front. The thick, dark clouds 
seemed to bloom in the sky like dark gray hyacinth. The autumn 
winds were late, this year. It was already October and the winds 
had just begun to pick up, chilling everything in their path. 
The seasons had not yet, lost their wonderment. The broad, deep 
green leaves of the ivy vines that covered the bottom half of the 
ancient, brick building fluttered in the wind. The leaves of 
the large trees that dotted the Campus were beginning to change 
into their fall colors. Several newly fallen, brown leaves 
crackled under Amina’s black shoes as she walked. Her long-sleeved, 
white shirt billowed out around her as the wind blew. Her pleated 
skirt whirled and fluttered in a bizarre myriad of red, while 
the broad bow on her throat flapped like a trapped bird against 
her skin. 
    The voice startled Amina. Her dark, shadowy, turquoise 
eyes darted to the sound’s origin.
A small group of girls huddled together against the sharp, 
stinging cold of the wind. One of them waved to Amina. She was 
taller than the redhead; almost everyone was. Her pale, blond 
hair blew around her shoulders in the wind. The pale, baby-blue 
eyes were fixed on Amina.
   “Hey! I know you! You’re in one of my classes!” The girl smiled 
at the redhead. “My name’s Sabrina.”
    Amina ignored the girl, and continued to walk, silently, 
toward the South end of Campus.
   “'Ello?” One of the other girls waved at the redhead. 
“She does talk, doesn’t she?”
    The rest of the girls giggled.
   “Hey! Wait a minute!” Sabrina called, and rushed up, behind 
    Amina stopped walking.
   “I just wanted to ask you, if you wanted to study with us, 
later.” The girl blinked.
   “Biology, right?” Amina spoke without turning to face the 
   “That’s right.” Sabrina stared at the copper-blond braid that 
rolled down the other girl’s back and brushed the back of her skirt.
   “C’est bien. We can talk, later.” She began to walk, again.
   “Uh, sure.” The blond blinked.
    She watched Amina walk away for several seconds without 
moving. Then she turned and walked back to her friends. 
All of the girls began to laugh at once.
   “God! What a weirdo!” One of the other girls giggled.
   “Well, they say she makes straight A’s!” Sabrina shrugged. 
“So what if she has the personality of a wet noodle!”
    All of the girls laughed at the joke.
   “But, she's hiding something! And we’ve gotta find out what 
that girl’s secret is!” Sabrina pounded her fist in her hand. 
“The press has a right to know! And since, we’re the only press 
on Campus, we’ll have to dig up the dirt ourselves!”
    The other girls giggled, again. They were all on the combined 
yearbook and school newspaper staff, which meant they had the 
latest gossip on everybody! But no one knew much about the redhead, 
and the rumors were too juicy to go on without being backed up. 
The latest of which stated that Amina was a rebel from the colonies 
plotting to take over Earth. But that was ridiculous. After all, 
Amina was short, quiet, and from France, right?

Scene 2: The truth of the scars


    Amina crossed out of the far reaches of the brick buildings. 
She passed the soccer fields, before long, and jumped over a row 
of hedges that marked the end of the Campus. Underneath 
her feet was one of the many, huge splotches of dry, brown grass 
in the fields behind the Campus. This field stretched out for 
more than a hundred meters, then ended in a row of small trees. 
The turquoise eyes locked onto the distant line of green and 
orange leaves. Her final destination lay just beyond the trees 
that had been touched by the autumn cold. 
    I must hurry, the girl thought. There isn’t much time left, 
and it has to be today! Today, I will begin to keep my promise, Father. 
    Amina’s mind drifted back. The memories returned with force 
like they always did on this day…

    …The large, steel building rose up into the sky above her. 
She stared up at it and sighed. Father always brought her to his 
meetings, and they usually lasted for days without getting 
much accomplished. She shrugged and giggled. It didn’t matter, 
though. For once, she was just happy that she could come along 
with Father. He had been busy for months, discussing and trying 
to coerce the other delegates with no luck. It seemed as if the 
colonies would remain silent to one another for all eternity. 
But then, they had reached some new breakthrough. All of the 
delegates from the L1 colony were here to meet with the Earth 
delegate to discuss a mutual, peace agreement. 
    The girl knew all of the other delegates, personally, 
having met each of them. She had even been to one of the other 
colonies. Although, nobody ever believed her when she told them. 
And though she was young, only fourteen, she understood 
all of the concepts that her father debated over with the other 
colonies. She, in fact, had prompted more than one argument 
over the years and because of this, she was considered by the 
delegates to be one of the brightest, young diplomats to come. 
The girl smiled as she skipped through the lobby.  Her soft, 
turquoise-blue dress fluttered around her small frame and her 
bright, turquoise eyes flashed as she took in the sights 
around her. Her long, wavy, copper-blond hair trailed down her 
back, brushing the backs of her knees as she darted through 
the building. She wore a tiny pendant around her neck. It had been 
a gift from her father on her seventh birthday, after her mother’s 
death. It was a pale, turquoise-blue sapphire that matched 
her eyes and was surrounded by diamonds. She recognized 
one of the other delegates, as she skipped along. He smiled 
and waved to her as she passed. The girl waved back, returning 
his smile with a bright one of her own. 
    Suddenly, the girl shivered. She spotted a group of uniformed 
men waving around. Something was wrong here. Something terrible 
was going to happen, she knew. Then she spotted her father, 
and shook off the feeling of dread.
   ‘Father! This is spectacular, a chance in a lifetime!’ 
The girl rushed to greet her father. He was a tall man with soft, 
brown hair and wired-rimmed glasses. 
   ‘That’s right, my jeune louvre! That it is!’ Her father 
smiled and patted her on the back.
    The girl smiled at her father’s play on words. 
“Jeune louvre” was an ambitious young professional or a young 
wolf. Her mother had loved to call her daughter her “little 
wolf,” when she had been alive. Of course, her mother always 
had the accent perfect, having been born in France on Earth. 
Her father was from the colonies and, well, was not as gifted.
   ‘Oh? I should call you that more often, Amina.’ Her father laughed.
   ‘If you do that, I might act the part!’ She winked at him.
   ‘No, no. That’s last thing we need now is another wolf in 
the colonies. Did you see the soldiers walking through the 
   ‘Yes, Father. Oh God! You don’t think they have anything 
planned, do you, Father?’ The girl’s eyes narrowed, and grew 
dark. The feeling of dread returned.
   ‘Now, now, musume! Don’t worry, everything will be fine!’
   ‘But, Father! If something happened to you..!’ The girl choked 
on the words. She knew what would happen. She would be alone… 
She would have no one to take care of her, to care about her…
   ‘Don’t worry, my dear! I was warned prior to this, and I 
made certain provisions.’ He smiled, and unbuttoned part of 
his shirt. Underneath the thin shirt was a bulletproof vest. 
‘See. If they try to shoot me, they’ll only waste their 
   ‘Oh! That was a good idea, Father!’ The girl smiled, 
although she did not feel very relieved. But she knew how 
important it was to her father for her to be happy. ‘I won’t 
worry anymore!’
   ‘Good.’ The tall man smiled. ‘Now, I know you wanted to 
sit in on the conference, but they won’t be allowing outside 
personnel. I’m afraid that includes wolves. So, you will have 
to wait outside. But, I believe, the Earth delegate, Mr. Doriland, 
has brought along his daughter. She is year older than you are. 
I hope that will not be a problem.’
   ‘Oh no, Father! I will be happy to talk with her, when I 
find her. I’m sure, she will have interesting views on the future 
peace between the Earth and ourselves!’ The girl smiled 
slightly, her fingers strayed to the necklace.
   ‘You are a good girl, Amina. Now run along! And musume.’ 
   ‘Yes, Father?’
   ‘Have fun.’ Her father hugged her and then walked to the 
room with the other delegates.
    The girl watched him go, sadly. She walked back to the room 
that her father had booked, the night before. Her father had 
wanted a head start on his preparations for the Earth delegate’s 
arrival. She walked in and looked around. She spotted a small 
picture of her father from several years ago, shaking hands with 
another man. She picked it up and stared at it. She looked down, 
out of the room’s window, and spotted a girl about her age walking 
out of the building. She rushed out of the room and down into 
the lobby, quickly, eager to meet the Earth girl. She stopped in 
the middle of the lobby and stared. The Earth girl was handing 
something to one of the soldiers, a woman officer. The girl could, 
just barely, hear the exchange of words.
   ‘Excuse me, ma’am. You left this back there.’ 
It appeared 
that the officer had, accidentally, left a small compact 
and the girl was returning it. However, at this angle, The redhead 
could see the flashing light in the small device. She blinked, 
knowing that the compact was not what it appeared to be. She 
could not move; she just stared. 
   ‘You idiot!’ The woman screamed, snatching away the small 
    The woman threw the device through the window where all 
the delegates were. The redhead girl watched the device fly 
through the shattered glass and explode just inside the building, 
above her head. 
   ‘Father!’ The other girl cried out, running into the building 
and passed the redhead. 
    The redhead girl just stared. Her bright turquoise eyes were 
wide with horror. 
   ‘Go after the girl! If she resists, kill her!’ The woman in 
the uniform yelled, pointing at where the other girl had just 
    The bright turquoise eyes followed, too shocked to shed tears 
and too horrified to do anything, but stare. That woman had 
just murdered her father. The soldiers rushed passed the girl 
without stopping. No one seemed to see her. Suddenly, the girl 
felt sick. She turned and threw up on the lobby floor. One of the 
soldiers turned at the sound and shouted at her. 
   ‘Hey! There’s another one, get her!’ The soldier shouted 
and rushed at the girl.
    The girl’s bright turquoise eyes turned to stare at the 
oncoming soldiers. ‘No!’ The girl choked out the word and tried 
to run.
    But the soldier was in front of her, before she could force 
her legs to move. His hand closed on her shoulder, close to 
her neck. The girl panicked and lashed out with one of her fists. 
The small clenched fist slammed, hard, into the man’s groin. As 
he doubled over, she heard something snap. But she could not 
turn to see what it was, she just ran. She ran as fast as she 
had ever run in her life. A combination of anger, pain, 
anguish, and adrenaline surged together, giving her unnatural 
speed as she rushed out of the building, vaulted over a bench, 
and ran across the street. Her copper-blond hair fluttered 
behind her as she ran. She was horrified and upset, she felt 
sick with anger and pain. But she could not cry. And for that 
she hated herself.
   ‘Mon Dieu! They killed you, Father! Oh! Father! FATHER..!’ 
Amina screamed, falling down on the street and scrapping 
her knee. ‘…Those were Earth soldiers…Earth…’
     The girl felt her blood run cold with anger and hatred. 
The sharp pain as the hard ground dug into the soft skin on 
her knees felt, strangely soothing. She slammed a fist into the 
ground. She ground her teeth as she vowed revenge.
   ‘There can be no peace until those butchers have been repaid 
for what they did!’ Her eyes grew dark as she spoke. 
‘You’ll pay for what you did! I’ll make you pay for murdering 
my father!’
    The girl stood up and began to walk away, slowly. Her eyes 
burned, appearing shadowy and dark, but she did not cry… She could not cry… 

    Amina’s thoughts snapped to the present.  She shook her 
head. She was at the line of trees. She passed under the 
low-hanging branches. On the other side of the trees, a large 
lake stretched out across the landscape. The lake was once a 
man-made crater, carved into the landscape by missiles and buster 
rifle fire, during the war, two years prior. The irony of the 
placid, beautiful lake carved out of cold stone by blazing 
weapons had made her laugh. This was perfect; this was the spot 
she needed to begin her work. And most of the other students 
did not know of the lake’s existence, making it the perfect 
place for her mission to begin, and end. 
    The grass ended about a meter behind the trees. After the 
grass ended, the ground dropped off into large piles of rocks. 
The rock piles dropped down a few meters, and beyond that was 
the small, sandy bank of the lake. Amina stopped moving, 
suddenly. The bright sunlight was flickering off something 
shiny in the far distance. She frowned. Someone was following 
her, had been for a while. Amina smirked, thinking, not for 