Disclaimer: Why bother? If you’ve read fanfics before then you know all about copyright disclaimers already.

Warnings: Shonen-ai

This fiction is an entry in the Gundam Wing FanFiction Future Frozen Contest. Here is the link if you want to check out the Contests.


~~Always Trapped~~

By: Kinzoku

Email: Sazira@aol.com

Doctor J and Professor G were the only two surviving scientists of the explosion in the "final battle". A year and a half went by, and the two scientists remained hidden from society. None except a handful of assistants knew of their existence during that time.

As time went by, they spent it working on small projects and researches. Nothing serious, until one day J had an idea.

"What if there was a war.. say, 50 years from now? It would make sense, considering by then the Gundam Pilots would be too old to fight. Some society is probably already planning to jump out the minute they turn elderly!"

"You’re right... but what can we do about it? Train another batch of superior pilots and make Gundams for each of them? That would take more time than we have, and we’re without those other old fools, you know."

J scratched his chin with a metal claw as he considered this. "You’re right there. But I’m sure we can rebuild at least 2 or 3 Gundams given the right material. As for pilots... we don’t need to train anybody," He said, motioning to the computer systems.

G looked at the computers for a moment, then he smirked and nodded. He understood what was to be done.


Heero stood in the ankle-high grasses in the yard and simply stood, slowly breathing the sweet Earth air and watching the nearby ocean waves with his senses rather than eyes.

Perfect soldier. Was there really such a thing? No... there were far too many definitions of the word ‘perfect’ for it to exist. He was just highly above average. As good of a soldier as he was, he was probably the most imperfect human. What is a human without emotions?

Heero opened his eyes as a stronger gust of ocean wind hit him. "What is a human... without the ability to love?" He asked himself, as memories of colbat eyes and long braided hair came surging up, as clearly as if they’d been painted in the sky. He gritted his teeth and shook his head as if to shake away those thoughts. As if they were nothing more than distractions to something more important.
But what would that be? The Gundams were destroyed less than a year ago along with the war, Heero had nothing left, not anything to live for. He just let the time pass in a crawl as he lived in the small house near the ocean, had weekly visits by Relena, and attended his job working with computers.

But all that abruptly ended as a small dart shot through the bushes and into Heero’s back. It was as if his future turned dark within a single second.

"Argh!" Heero yelled, swiftly ripping out the dart, his shock and anger swelling. He could already feel his backside start to numb. Heero’s eyes narrowed in rage as he glared at the bloodied dart in his hand. He closed his fist around it so tightly that it shattered.

Suddenly... another dart. This time it hit Heero in the forearm with a sharp pain. Heero clenched his teeth and tore that one out too, threw it at the bushes, then ran.

"There he goes! After him!" A voice shouted behind him. Heero ran faster, even though every step became heavier against the fresh grass. As he ran, he clutched his useless arm at his side. He bolted around the corner of the house and stepped behind a thick maple tree, grabbing his gun out of his pocket with his good hand.

Thnk! A dart stuck to the tree bark. Heero jumped away from the tree and quickly fired in the direction the dart came from.

"AAAAAHH!!!" A male voice screamed. Heero caught a glimpse of a man holding his bleeding leg and rolling on the grass in agony. Heero ducked back behind the tree as another dart shot past his head, telling him that there were more attackers than just one.

Heero’s vision was getting blurry, and he knew he didn’t have much time left. He began to back away, shooting at the trees behind the fallen man, knowing his allies were probably hiding there.

But now he could hardly see anything but a blur of colors, and his head was spinning dizzily. The gun fell from his numb hand and landed at the base of the tree.

Voices were shouting and ropes tightened against him. When did they sneak up on him? Heero didn’t know. The sleeping poisons were making him drowsy and maddeningly confused. Heero struggled limply in whatever way he could still move, but it only made him more exhausted as his vision filled with black, and sleep overcame him.

Heero stifled a groan as he slowly woke with a painfully intense headache. His stomach churned, and for a moment, he felt like he was about to throw up. Heero tried to raise a hand to his forehead, but suddenly knew he couldn’t. He was tied in a sitting position against a wall, the ropes on his wrists looped around a metal pipe.

Heero stiffened as he realized where he was. The room was different, but the equipment was all too familiar. There was no doubt that crossed his mind, he was in the room of one or more of the professors who built the Gundams. "Crazy bastards..." Heero growled to himself, shifting and pulling to try to loosen the ropes.

Heero stopped struggling when he saw two pairs of feet come into his downcast line of vision. Heero looked up and glared a threat to them.

"I’m surprised our assistants managed to capture you so easily, Heero! What’s the matter, you getting soft without the old training?" J asked tauntingly.

Heero narrowed his eyes and didn’t answer.

"I’ll bet you’re wondering what we’re up to, don’t you?" G asked. "It’s for the good of yourselves and the colonies, really. We’re planning on freezing you and your fellow pilots in case of any wars in the far future. We wouldn’t want you to loose all your fighting abilities in old age when needed, now will we?"

"You’re both insane..." Heero said, more of a statement of fact than an insult, still keeping his voice hard with anger.

"Are we? That’s not very nice to say to the ones who are in control here," J said, leaning towards Heero in intimidation. Heero involuntarily shrunk back slightly.

"We already have assistants after 03, 04, and 05," J began, straightening up.

"...But there is one pilot we had trouble locating..." G continued, stepping closer to Heero so he could look him in the face. "Tell us where Duo is!"

Heero twitched in rage. "If you go anywhere NEAR Duo I swear I’ll--..." Heero stopped himself and looked away.

But it was too late. J and G smirked at each other. So... Heero had a weakness after all. Perhaps they could find a way to use it to their advantage. The two scientists walked to the other side of the room to discuss their plans privately.

"What if we were to let him escape and follow him to where Duo lives?" J whispered.

"That wouldn’t work, you fool," G hissed in reply. "He’s too clever for that, and I highly doubt we’d be able to catch him a second time. He’s too valuable to risk loosing. We have no choice but to continue the search. In the mean time, we’ll have to halt our capture plans for the others. If Duo finds out that the Gundam pilots are disappearing one by one, he’ll be even harder to locate."

J nodded in agreement. "We’ll just have to look harder. I’ll send a message out to the capture units and tell them of the change of plans..."

"You there," G said to one of the assistants. "Lock him up."

Heero kept his hot angry glare focused on the scientists as the assistant approached him. What he didn’t expect was a metal bar that cracked down onto his head. Heero hissed in pain and struggled to stay in consciousness, but the sleeping poisons still kept him exhausted, and he was unconscious once again.


Heero awoke and found that this time, he actually could rub his forehead. The headache was at least 4 times worse now, though.

Heero’s wrists were in handcuffs now, and they were attached to a heavy metal chain that came out of the wall. As he looked around, he noticed 4 more chains and handcuffs coming out of the wall also. For the other pilots, no doubt.

The entire room was square, and the walls made of brick painted over with white. The only other thing in that room besides the door and a very small air vent, was a tray with a bread roll, orange, and a glass of water. Heero stared at it for a while, then closed his eyes. Seconds later, he let out a shout of anger and kicked the tray across the room. "They’re going to capture Duo and the others and I can’t do a thing about it!" he told himself in despair.

Heero turned towards the wall and rested his arms on his knees, and hung his head, thinking about the others.


"Heero?" Relena asked, knocking on his door again. "Heero, are you home?" Relena furrowed her brow and stepped back. "Funny... he’d usually leave a note on the door if he went somewhere. He knows I visit him every Sunday!"

Relena reached for the doorknob, and was startled to realize that it was unlocked. "Maybe he’s asleep or taking a shower... I’ll just come back later."

As Relena turned to leave, she spotted something shiny in the grass near the bushes. She walked towards it, unsure of what it could be. When she bent to pick it up, she almost dropped it in surprise.

It was a dart, with dried blood on it.

Relena stood up and looked around to see if anything else was left on the ground, and she was right. By the tree in the back yard, a gun. And a few feet away from it, the grass was stained by old blood. Relena recoiled in shock, and ran into Heero’s house to call the police.

To be continued...

Chapter 2