Disclaimer: GundamWing is not mine. I own nothin' please don't sue me.....

Key To The Heart
By: Solo666

Email: Solo_Maxwell_Yuy@hotmail.com

Warnings: au, dark, vampires, yaoi
Pairing: 2x4 (5x3, 1xR)
Rated: Nc17+
Ramblings: Feedback welcomed......Another vampire fanfiction. I'm trying to get better....ya know....^_^ *grins and nods his head*

Quatre stared at the picture in the novel. His English teacher really seemed into the supernatural for some odd reason. Now she was really getting into it since it's almost Halloween. Rolling his eyes he laid his head down onto the desk. Eighty full minutes of reading. Scowling inwardly he turned a page along with the rest of the class....Lady Une smiled slightly as she looked at her class. Most seemed interested in the novel. Personally she thought it was better than doing work.

Glaring slightly, Quatre closed his eyes and tried to relax. Maybe he'd be able to get some sleep. Just as his eyes drifted closed the bell rang. Closing the book he gathered his things and bolted for the door just like the rest of the class. Now he had to meet up with his friend Duo so they could go to lunch together. Walking down a empty hallway he dug around into his pocket for his card. Glancing at the numbers on the lockers he stopped at his own. Sliding the card down through the slot, he waited. The door opened and he threw his books inside.

Stretching slowly he yawned. The door shut and he made his way to the large lunch-room. On the way there he spotted a few friends. Waving cheerfully he entered the room. Duo was already waiting at their table. A annoyed expression on his handsome face. Mumbling sorry the two boys walked into the line. Since it was Friday their school gave them only two blocks. It was great. "So how was English?" Duo asked before grinning. The long haired youth was a full grade a-head of him. Quatre sighed softly and shook his head. "It's annoying. I'm totally tired of vampires. Their not real and it's just a waste of my time." Duo laughed as he took a tray full of food.

Doing the same, Quatre stared down at the stuff. Most of it he wouldn't bother eating. Not really being a fan of rice....Shuddering he grabbed a apple and a bottle of soda. Following Duo to the table he sat his tray down. Sitting down he yawned. "Mrs.Une just dosen't get the hint that no-body cares." Quatre mumbled as he watched Duo chowing down. As he chewed Duo grinned slightly. "On come on Q-man, I had her last year. It wasn't that bad. Unless your not into blood and gore." Quatre giggled and ate a bite of rice. This was going to be a long year.

Duo watched Quatre with a curious gleam in his violet eyes. He had just met the Arab student this year and yet they had become the best of friends. It was almost to much to hopeful. Considering his horrible secret. Lowering his eyes at the thought he took a drink of soda. Gulping it down he felt his canine's starting to come through the skin. Setting the bottle down he wiped a hand across his mouth. Quatre watched him before looking around the room. His eyes settled on another table where the two new students where eating. Their names where Hiro Yui and Trowa Barton. Trowa seemed interested in them both and waved. "Lets go say hello Duo...." Quatre said as he tugged on Duo's black sleeve.

Raising a eyebrow Duo followed the cheerful blond over. Hiro barely even looked at them as he contuined to eat. Trowa snorted at him before shaking hands with both boys. "Hi! My name is Quatre Winner and this is my friend Duo Maxwell." Hiro's blue eyes grew large for a moment and he looked at Duo. A blank look on his face. Shuddering slightly, Duo wrapped a friendly arm around Quatre. A friendly look in his eyes. "Don't mind him." Another voice said. Looking up Duo noticed another boy. This one had shoulder length black hair and shining onyx eyes. Trowa chuckled and moved over. The boy sat down and glanced at Hiro. "What's your problem Yui," he asked softly.

Hiro looked at him before shrugging. "Nothing." The Chinese boy shrugged helplessly. "My name is Chang Wufei." He bowed his head slightly before digging into his food. Duo laughed again and smiled at his new group of friends. He was popular but he didn't really enjoy the other students company. Most of the time he enjoyed being alone. Noticing his arm was still around Quatre's small shoulders he blushed and removed it. Wufei laughed deeply before looking over at Trowa. A familar look in his eyes. Duo noticed this and grinned.

It was Wufei's turn to blush and the four boys burst into laughter. Hiro snorted before smiling just slightly. Soon the lunch period was over and so was the day. Duo and Quatre wondered back towards the dorm building. Shifting his pack, Quatre glanced over at Duo. The American seemed deep in thought. His long chestnut braid sliding onto one shoulder. A pout on his lips as they contuined down the side-walk. The other three said they would be by later. The five where planning on doing something that night. "A penny for your thoughts," Quatre whispered as Duo looked at him. "Quatre."

Duo whispered softly and looked away again. A curious look crossed his face and Quatre waited. Duo was never this serious. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." He contuined before a grin crossed his face. Soon the two boys got to the dorm building. Climbing the thick carpeted stair-way they didn't bother talking. The silence was heavy even as they entered their shared room. Laying his bookbag aganist a wall Quatre stared out a window. His small body making Duo quiver just slightly. Often he would want to take Quatre into his arms and just hold him tight. But it was a dangerous thing for him. Laying down on his bed he stared at the white cracked ceiling.


Wufei and Trowa wondered down the street. Their hands locked together as they walked. "I noticed that Duo was a vampire." Wufei said as he looked at his lover. Trowa shrugged slightly. "He dosen't seem dangerous to any of us. Quatre seems close to him." He stated absently as he looked around. The city was mostly quiet. No doubt the vampires doing. There was a-lot of them around. For some reason Trowa got the feeling that Duo didn't really want to be what he was. The wind blew through the street blowing cheery petals from the trees. They swirled around the two hunters and Trowa caught a scent on the air. Whirling around he saw two figures standing in the shadows.

Both where blond. Narrowing his eyes he watched. The taller one stepped forward. His ice blue eyes chilling Trowa to the bone. "Your hunters?" He asked voice deep but whispery. Nodding Wufei took a step forward trying to protect his lover. Laughing slightly the vampire bared his teeth. "My name is Zechs and this is my student Dorothy." The shorter blond walked up to stand next to Zechs. Her long hair blowing in the wind as she smiled. "Your stay here will not be long right?" She asked while wrapping her arms around Zechs. Throwing a coy look over his shoulder. Wufei hissed and reached towards his pack. Placing a hand on his shoulder, Trowa stopped him. "Wait." He said in monotone.

Use to the change Wufei gave him a strange look. "Why," he asked....Trowa shook his head. Zechs raised a eyebrow. "Why do you stop him?" Trowa sneered and then smiled. "Because that would be foolish." Wufei blinked slowly before watching as the wind tore through the street. Within seconds the two vampires where gone. Wufei turned slowly and stared into Trowa's emerald eyes. Opening his arms he openly hugged the Latin pilot. Laying his head onto Wufei's shoulder Trowa shuddered just slightly. "Everywhere we go....why can't they just leave us alone?" He asked voice cracking just slightly. Wufei sighed in pulled Trowa, not knowing what to say to him.

"Maybe they like us?" He joked before kissing Trowa's forehead. Smiling, Trowa nodded before they contuined on.


Hiro leaned back aganist a bench. Pulling his labtop out of his pack, he turned it on. Typing quickly he ignored his surrounding completely. He didn't notice the person wondering up until a shadow was before him. Looking up quickly he saw a young woman. She had long golden locks and bright kind blue eyes. "Hello." She said as she stared at him. Hiro raised a eyebrow at her before shutting his labtop. He wasn't use to being around people in general. "Who are you," he asked voice cold. The girl blinked and then smiled. "My name is Relena Peacecraft.....yours?" She questioned hopeful. Hiro stared into her eyes and then smirked. "Hiro Yui." Relena nodded before sitting down beside him.

Taking a deep breath he inhaled her scent. She was totally human with some speical powers. Biting his lips he looked around. The entire park was mostly empty execpt for a few people. But they weren't no where near there. Relena sighed softly and snuggled back aganist the bench. A few stray locks falling onto her shoulders and face. Without thinking Hiro brushed them off. Gasping Relena looked at him shocked. His hand stayed in mid-air as it shook. Amazed at his own reaction he blushed. "I'm sorry." He whispered and Relena shook her head. "It's totally alright, believe me."

They looked at each other for a moment. Relena felt her pulse rate hit the roof. She had never seen someone so fine in all of her life. That wild green hair and those blue eyes that wavered like water. Hiro watched her also. Taking her in as well. The long golden blond hair and those shining cornflower blue eyes....The way she smiled made him want to smile as well. "Relena?" He whispered as he contuined to stare into her eyes. "Would you go out with me?" He asked feeling utterly embrassed all of a sudden. A light pink blush crossed his face as he looked at the ground. Where the pink flower petals lay. Relena's eyes went wide and she nodded a few times. "Hai....I mean yes sure I'll go out with you."

Hiro turned back to her shocked. He hadn't expected her to say yes. Smiling slightly he got to his feet. Shoving his labtop into his pack. "I'll take you back to the dorms if you want me to," he asked while zipping his pack up. Relena got to her feet as well. Her skirt moving with every movement. Taking her hand Hiro quickly lead her down the sidewalk. It wasn't going to be that bad here after all.


Before Quatre could realize it, night had fallen. He had fallen asleep on his bed only minutes ago. Or so it seemed. Sitting up he ran a hand through his messy hair. Duo was still asleep in his own bed. Pulling the covers away, Quatre wondered over to stand at his bedside. When he sleeps he looks almost like a baby.....how cute.....He thought before running a hand through Duo's hair. "Wake up Duo-kun we have to get ready soon." The braided boy's eyes flew open and he looked at Quatre. For a moment neither moved and Quatre shivered. Feeling a cold sensation traveling down his spine. "Duo?" He whispered as the American sat up.

Looking at Quatre, Duo glared slightly. He needed some blood and he needed it soon. I can't bite Quatre. He's the only person I can truely consider a friend. Getting to his feet with un-natural grace, Duo stalked towards the bathroom. Trying to ignore his extincts. Shutting the bathroom door, he leaned aganist it for a moment. Getting his breath back under control. Moving away from the door, Duo walked over to the back of the bathroom. Brushing a towel aside a small door appeared. Typing in his pass-code he waited. The door opened and he saw the bags of blood. He had stolen them from a local hospital. Personally he thought it was better to steal blood than to kill someone for it.

Taking a bag from the safe he tore it open just slightly and slowly sucked the blood down. Taking his boxers off he headed over towards the shower. His canines poked through the bag and more blood ran down his throat. Turning the hot water on Duo used his hands to unravel his hair. Running a hand through those long strands he stepped into the shower. Bag still in mouth. As he washed himself Duo finally got to enjoy the blood. It tasted sweet and sour at the same time. This person was innocent. Finishing the bag he threw it to the shower floor. Washing his hair he tilted his head up and let his eyes close.

Quatre stared at the bathroom door in shock. Why did he act so cold....Duo.....He turned away as tears slowly ran down his cheeks. For the last few months he had been denying his true feelings. To be truthful he was just afraid to openly admit that he cared. That was one of the reasons why his father had sent him here. His father couldn't stand the thought of his only son being gay. Sitting back down on his ruffled bedsheets Quatre laid his head into his hands and began to cry softly. He didn't know what to do about any of his feelings. There was a knock on the door and he wiped his eyes quickly. Opening the door he noticed a young woman with shining blue eyes. "Hello, my name is Dorothy. I'm new here may I come in?"

Staring into her eyes, Quatre felt a strange dark feeling. Nodding absently he backed away from the door. Dorothy wondered in brushing past Quatre as she did so. He noticed her very long blond hair and he blinked. She has longer hair than Duo....wow....Thinking absently he noticed that the shower had been turned off. Moments later Duo walked out small black towel tied around his waist. As he stepped out he noticed the strange girl in their room. A feeling of utter jealousy tore through him like a knife. Does Quatre have a girlfriend? His canine's started to grow and quickly he turned his back. Wondering over to his dresser he pulled out a pair of black pants.

Quatre moved past him and went into the bathroom. Leaving the two strangers alone in the room together. Putting his clothing on Duo didn't bother to look at her until he had to. "Nice to meet you." His said voice sounding cheerful. The girl raised one of her strangly shaped eyebrows and chuckled. "Why do you even bother to pretend?" Duo looked at her strangly as she took a step forward. "I know what you really are." She whispered softly as she watched Duo's expression. "You can't possibly know what I am. No-one can." He said while taking a step back.

"My master and I know that you are a hybrid. Half vampire half human...." Her smile grew and Duo saw a pair of sharp teeth. Just as Quatre walked out of the bathroom he watched that girl Dorothy lunge at Duo. Gasping he watched as she slammed herself into Duo. They went flying to the floor. Duo easily threw the girl off a dangerous gleam in his eyes. Quatre placed a hand on the doorframe trying to keep himself from falling down."What is going on?" He screamed and stepped forward. Duo hissed sharply before getting to his feet. Dorothy snarled and attacked Duo again. "My master wants you to join us...." She said her voice no more than a whisper. Quatre blinked and looked at the young woman.

Cracking his knuckles Duo silently showed his teeth. Smirking Dorothy placed her hands upon her hips. "Cute." She said and ran a hand through her hair. "I'll never join your master." Duo replied and looked over his shoulder. Quatre was standing there looking at him, curious. Dorothy chuckled and looked towards the door. Footsteps where pounding up the stairs. Laughing softly she disappeared into the night. Seconds later Trowa and Wufei appeared both looking strained. "What happened?" Wufei asked stepping into the room.

Duo looked at them both a shocked expression on his face. "N-nothing...." He stammered softly as he sunk to his knees. He couldn't understand why some vampire would want him. He was a freak a hybrid. Even his own parents hadn't wanted him. Thats why he was sent to this school when he was only 6 years of age. Tears burned his eyes but he ignored them. The three other boys just stared at Duo. Quatre seemed in shock his eyes growing wide as he stared at his roommate. "Well lets start at the beginning...." Trowa said as he watched Duo getting up again. His hair was knotted and he looked pale. Sitting down on Quatre's bed Duo stared at the ground.

Quatre spoke up first how-ever. His tone of voice making Duo's head perk up. "Well when Duo was in the shower, someone knocked on the door. I thought it was you guys so I opened it. Anyway that young woman..what's her name...Oh yeah Dorothy said she was new here. She asked me if I'd show her around or something like that. So I let her into the room. She seemed nice enough until I went to get a shower. Then I guess all hell broke loose." He replied before shooting a worried glance at Duo. Who was still staring at the floor. "I had opened the door just as Dorothy attacked Duo. I didn't really hear much but it just seemed to weird for my personal taste." He finished and looked at his two new friends.

Shockingly enough both seemed calm. Wufei shut the bedroom door before leaning aganist it. His head bent, arms crossed. "She was a vampire." Quatre's mouth dropped open just slightly before he smiled. "Your kidding. Vampires are not real. If they where then we'd know right?" He said voice slightly cracked. "No. Most humans just don't realize." Trowa argued and moved to stare out the window. Quatre started to shake slightly. "And your friend Duo is one of them also." The American's head jerked up and he looked at Wufei a look of pure hatred burning in his violet eyes. Quatre wasn't ready to know that. Wufei met his eyes and sneered.

"Duo?" Quatre whimpered and backed up aganist the wall, shock evident as he stared at his best friend. Duo turned to look at him slightly. "I'm sorry for not telling you. I just didn't really know how to come up with a reason." He said voice raw was emotion as he watched the boy. Quatre had tears running down his cheeks and his entire body was shaking with fear and something else. Whatever it was made Duo feel sick. "Why?" The Arab asked as his eyes opened. They looked cloudy and almost empty. "Because I know this would be the result. Your already shutting me away." Duo said as he got up and walked over to stand before Quatre.

Placing his hands onto the smaller boys shoulders. Duo stared into Quatre's empty turquoise eyes. "Please don't hate me," he begged. Quatre looked at Duo and a smile small crossed his face. "I could never hate you." The blond boy whispered before wrapping his arms around Duo's waist. Quickly burying his head into Duo's neck. There was a knock at the door and Wufei pushed himself away before opening the door. Hiro walked in moments later. He noticed the strange mood and he took a deep breath. A vampire sent attacked his senses. "A vampire was here correct?" Hiro asked before sitting down on Duo's bed.

"Yeah." Trowa said while turning around and looking into Hiro's eyes. "Her name is Dorothy." Hiro's eyes grew large at the mention of the woman's name. "Where did she go, do you know?" He asked looking at everyone in the room. Duo and Quatre turned around. The small blond still laying in his arms. "I don't know but she was pretty mean."


Relena wondered into her dorm-room. A happy glint in her eyes. Her day couldn't possibly get any better. She had snagged one of the hottest guys on the campus. Shutting the door she threw her bag onto the floor. Going over to her full body mirror she took her hair-clips out. Her long blond locks falling past her shoulders. Finally she noticed that her roommate wasn't in there. Laying back onto her bunk, Relena stared up at her ceiling. The bathroom door opened and one of her closest girlfriends, Dorothy Catalonia wondered in. Toweling her extra long blond locks. "Why hello, Relena I didn't hear you coming in." She said as she sat down on the girls bed.

"Why are you smiling?" Dorothy asked curious. Relena grinned even more. "You know that new boy, Hiro Yui?" Dorothy's expression dropped. "Yeah what....." Relena nodded. "Well he asked me out." Dorothy hissed under her breath as she looked at the human girl laid out before her. Ignoring her instincts to attack she turned away slowly. Hiding her pain and hatred for that young man. Miss.Relena had always been hers....and that was how it was going to stay no matter what it took. Dorothy said dropping her towel. Luckily she had dressed before she came out. Blushing slightly Dorothy stood up and smiled. "I'm very happy for you Relena. He is quite a catch you could say..." Relena giggled and kicked her feet up into the air. A joyful expression on her face.

Going over to the window Dorothy stared out into the night. Soon she would have to feed.


Hiro stood up quickly, his expression hardened. Relena told me that she shares a room with that vampire...K'so....He looked around quickly before dashing out of the room. Duo watched him go before staring at the others. "Should we follow him?" Trowa nodded before taking his stuff and leaving. The others followed quickly not wanting the gap to be to big. Stepping out into the night Duo felt a cool energy come into his body. His canines grew quickly and he looked around. The urge for blood getting horribly strong to over-come. Shaking his head he dashed after Quatre.

Opening the girls dorm door, Hiro ran inside. His breath harsh pants in the back of his throat. One of the guards tried to stop him an he quickly knocked the young man out. Dashing up the stairs he checked the room number. Oh God dammit! This fucking sucks....Finding her door he quickly knocked. Not hearing any movement inside a pure evil look crossed his face. Calling upon his inner-powers he felt his animal instincts taking hold. A long tail appeared and his ears turned cat-like. His eyes glowed a yellowish-green. Roaring loudly he threw himself at the door. It crashed to the ground like nothing....Getting to his feet he looked around. Dorothy was no-where to be found and he saw a trail of blood leading to a window. "Relena?" He called hopeful.

The others appeared moments later. Duo shocked. He had no clue that Hiro was a shape shifter. Grunting he came up behind Quatre. Wanting to protect the blond. "They took her..." Hiro said through clenched teeth. "Huh?" Trowa asked....as he smelled the air as well. It was true....




I hope ya-all like it.....hehe........Hee-chan a cat person.....*does a dance* ^_^ Feedback is needed if you want this to continue. I do have a kick-ass fanfic planned out....So please do...*begs*


Chapter 2