Author's Note: Yes this insanity was spawned when I bought the new Card Captor Sakura DVD. For all who know about the CLAMP universe this takes place somewhere around three years before X and I threw in other characters just because I could. Be warned of inconsistencies but I've only seen some of the first season of Card Captor Sakura, so for that universe think of this as an AU. That was really confusing... Don't worry you'll understand as you read the story. J

Enjoy and please review!

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing and CardCaptor Sakura are not owned by me. They are owned by their respective companies, Sunrise, Graz and Clamp Entertainment.


By Snow Tigra

One Vacation too Many:

Duo pushed open the door with his back and backed into the room, glancing around and giving a low whistle. "I gotta say one thing for Quatre, he certainly spares no expense in these safe houses."

Heero followed him in and frowned. "He could have been a little more discreet."

"Aww, come on Heero. This is our vacation, enjoy it for once will you? We should thank Quatre that he gave us such a large apartment here in Japan. Besides, you're back at your own stomping grounds aren't you? When you going to give me the tour?"

Heero shook his head. "Not tonight."

Duo watched in a small amount of confusion as Heero walked off down the hall toward the bedrooms with a strangely blank look on his face. True, Heero's face was almost always blank, but there were degrees of blankness that Duo had come to recognize on his lover. This particular one was Heero trying really hard not to think of something in particular. Duo wondered quietly what that thing was. He dropped his bags off near his own door and walked over to Heero's room, leaning against the doorframe silently. He watched Heero with worried eyes as the Japanese boy leaned against the windowsill, staring out across the city below.

"You just going to watch me all day?"

Duo shrugged and walked over to Heero, wrapping his arms around the other pilot. "You got a problem with me watching you?" he teased.

Heero merely shook his head.

"What's up?" Duo asked seriously.

"Nothing, just old memories."

Duo raised an eyebrow. "Old memories? Like what?"

Heero shook his head again.

"You'll tell me later right?" Duo asked as he nuzzled against the side of Heero's neck.

Heero sighed softly in defeat. A small smile crossed his face and he turned on the braided American. Duo smirked at him then Heero wrapped him in a tight loving embrace.



Nokoru looked up from the mounds of paperwork on his desk to his blue haired associate. "Hai Suoh?"

Takamara Suoh laid two folders down in front of the fifteen year old Student Council President. "Here's the information on the new students that you requested. Duo Maxwell and Heero Yuy."

Nokoru raised an eyebrow. "Heero? Funny, my cousin didn't mention him. Unless..." Nokoru picked up the folder labeled 'Heero' and flipped it open, pulling out the picture. He grinned slowly. "As I thought, he changed his name."

Suoh took the picture and frowned at it, rubbing his chin. "Heero Yuy hm? He bears a striking resemblance to a few other people as well."

"Especially one student in particular, this should prove to be quite interesting." Nokoru agreed with a nod.

"What's that?" Akira pushed open the doors to the office with a bright grin. "Do we have another case?"

"No," Suoh said.

"Not yet." Nokoru amended for him, to Suoh's surprise. The President grabbed a sheet of paper and scribbled down a few names quickly. "Suoh, I want you to look through the classes these new students have and find out if any of these students are in their classes. Akira, I need you to speak with Otaku about two students in her division... I believe their names are Tomoyo

and-" Nokoru furrowed his brow in thought.

Akira giggled. "It's not like you to forget a woman's name, senpai. Tomoyo and Sakura?"

Nokoru nodded. "Yes."

"I'll head over there right now." And with that Akira headed for the door at a happy jaunt. Suoh watched him leave then glanced sideways at his friend.

"Are you sure it's wise to speak with those two? I'm not sure they would appreciate knowing that we looked into their pasts."

Nokoru nodded slowly. "All students are given background checks before they enter the Campus, especially those two. Besides, considering what happened in the past we owe it to them to warn them about his return. The last thing we need is an all out explosion here on campus. We should try and keep this as contained as possible, and if that means keeping those three

separated then we need to do that."

Suoh nodded with a determined look and sat down at the computer, ready to get to work.


Heero frowned quietly as he glanced at the school uniform lying neatly on the bed. He recognized it perfectly, and he dreaded putting it back on. The brown pants and suit jacket with the little yellow logo. Heero turned away from the uniform and glanced back out the window. From their tenth floor window he could easily see Tokyo Tower, and if the window had faced the other way he could have seen the clock tower of the campus... Heero clutched his fists and walked over to the closet, pulling his duffel bag out from under the small amount of clothes which were hung up. Checking the few belongings with a quick look he stuffed the bag back in the closet.

Great, he scolded himself silently, now you're getting paranoid. What did you honestly expect? That you could just bury your past? You should know by now-

"Ne, He-ko?"

Heero looked up to find Duo in the doorway holding a long rectangular package. As soon as his eyes set on the package the room flashed slightly. Heero quickly stood to his feet and walked over, noting with a small amount of interest that Duo had noticed the flash, he shouldn't have.

"This came in the mail but it's addressed to someone named Syaoran."

Heero frowned very quietly; he didn't have to open the package to know what was inside. He walked over to the bed and sat down, opening the package with care. Duo watched in confusion from the doorway, not sure what to say. His eyes widened as he saw what was inside. It was an old ornate sword that had various Chinese symbols etched along the hilt in green and gold.

Heero closed his eyes and held the sword tightly in his hands for a moment then set it down on the bed.

"The return address said it was from China, you know someone in China He-ko?"

Heero nodded solemnly. "Family," he muttered.

"Nani?! You have family?"

"Not now Duo." Heero pushed himself off the bed and grabbed a towel from the closet, heading for the bathroom attached to his room.

"You're not going to explain this to me are you?"

Heero paused but didn't turn back. "I... not now."

Duo nodded. "Yeah, I got it. I trust you, koi, I know you'll tell me eventually. But don't expect me to give up without a fight."

Heero glanced back and smirked. "It wouldn't be any fun if you did."

Duo grinned back. "Damn straight."

Duo watched with a contemplating look as Heero stepped into the bathroom and closed the door. He turned his eyes toward the sword lying on the bed. Heero use a sword? It seemed to odd, Heero was the type who used guns and mobile suits and bombs, but a sword? That was a side of his lover he rarely saw. Nor did he expect to ever see anything like it. Duo walked over to the bed and slowly reached toward the sword. A strange kind of energy crackled along the edge of the blade and jolted up to make contact with his skin, much like a flash of static electricity. Duo pulled away from the blade and chewed thoughtfully on the end of his braid.

"Yeah," he muttered, "I get the point, I'll stay away. You just better not hurt him!" Duo glared at the sword for a moment then broke out into a smile and shook his head. "Yeah, Maxwell you are losing it, you're scolding a sword!" He shook his head sadly and left the room for the kitchen to look for something to eat.

Heero stepped out of the shower a few minutes later just in time to hear Duo yelling from the main room. "I'm going to go check out the campus grounds, I'll be back later."

Heero didn't even answer. It didn't bother him that Duo was going out on his own. He was quite certain that the braided baka could handle whatever the campus decided to throw at him. And considering the fact that it was the CLAMP Campus that could be almost anything. Heero glanced back at the sword and sighed. Why had he accepted this mission?


"Hey! Sakura!"

Sakura looked up to see her friend Tomoyo racing over, video camera in hand, waving happily. She came to a stop as Sakura tossed the baton up one more time with a twirl and caught it flawlessly. Smiling she waved to the others on the team and head over toward her friend. "Hey Tomoyo."

"You rat! Why didn't you warn me you were going to throw it one more time? I didn't get it on tape, and you caught it so well." Tomoyo frowned and placed her hands on her hips in mock anger. Sakura only laughed.

"You've got me on tape enough, Tomo-" Sakura paused as she heard squeals from the team behind her. She and Tomoyo turned to see Utako racing toward them with Rika. The two girls pointed wildly at another boy wandering across the campus near the Gamera building.

"Who is he? Have you guys ever since him before?!" Rika asked in a hurried voice.

Sakura glanced across the lawn to see a boy about her age, in his midteens, wearing a priest's outfit? with a black cap and a very long chestnut colored braid. "He looks American. Maybe he's a transfer student."

"I hope he's in my classes!" Rika declared happily.

Tomoyo rolled her eyes and glanced at Sakura, immediately noticing her friend's small frown. "Sakura?" Tomoyo asked worriedly.

"Oh, its nothing. We have to hurry and change or we'll be late for our next class, come on Tomo."

Tomoyo nodded. "See you guys later!" she called back with a wave, then raced after Sakura, video camera tightly in hand. Just as the two disappeared into the building holding the locker rooms Akira came racing up to Rika and Utako.

"Utako-san." He said with a smile, pausing to catch his breath.

"Is something wrong?"

Akira shook his head and offered a very sweet smile. "No, have you seen Kinomoto-san and Daidouji-san?"

"They just left to get to their next class. What's up Akira?"

"I have to deliver something to them from the student council. Thanks."

With that Akira took off after the two girls. Utako and Rika shrugged and went back to speaking of the strange new boy who they had seen.


"What's up Sakura?"

Sakura frowned as she buttoned the front of her uniform. "That boy... something about him was strange. I don't know... it's like the old feeling I had before, when we were hunting down the Clow Cards."

Tomoyo raised an eyebrow and stopped swinging her legs on the bench. "You think he might have some? Or that he's related to Clow?"

Sakura shook her head. "We caught all the Clow Cards remember? There isn't a way he could have one, least I don't think so."

"You should probably talk to Kero about it." Tomoyo pointed out.

"Yeah..." Sakura shut the locker and grabbed her bag pausing for a moment. "Hey Tomo, will you take notes for me in class today? I'm going to find out what's going on."

"Sakura, you can't skip class. And you know how I hate it when you leave me out of things."

Sakura smiled. "Don't worry, I just want to follow him, I promise nothing will happen."

"Oh." Tomoyo looked away for a second. "Yeah, ok. I'll get the notes for you."

"Thanks Tomo."

Tomoyo placed a hand on Sakura's shoulder and smiled. "Don't forget to talk to Kero-chan ok?"

Sakura smiled back. "Hai." Sakura left her bag at the locker and raced outside, ducking around the side of the building. She pulled a small key out from around her neck and clutched it in her hand. Closing her eyes she spoke the incantation and moved her hand over the key. A six-sided star appeared on the ground around her feet and the key began to glow and expand. It grew

until it was almost half Sakura's height and then she opened her eyes and wrapped her hand around the wand, the light extinguishing at her touch. Moving her hand a pink and gold card appeared out of no where.

"Fly card!"

She touched the card with her wand and it disappeared, large white wings appearing on the edge of the wand. Sakura jumped on the wand as it flew off into the sky, heading in the direction the strange boy had went.

She sailed high in the sky, only low enough to see his very small form walking around the campus at a leisurely pace. She watched him walk with almost no direction, stopping many times to just look around then taking off again at a normal paced walk. He was exploring the campus yet wasn't wearing the normal uniform. He had to be a transfer student and Sakura guessed he would start classes the next day. But in the meantime she couldn't forget about the strange feeling she'd gotten when she'd first seen him. She knew he couldn't have a Clow Card and he didn't seem to have any magic so what was it then? Sakura frowned and commanded the wand to take her down to the ground.

Sakura landed behind a building in the park and the wings disappeared from her wand. Keeping it in it's enlarged size she peeked around the side of the building to watch the boy. The boy stopped in the middle of the park and dropped onto the grass with a grin. Closing his eyes he placed his hands behind his head and just bathed in the sunlight. Sakura was completely


"You can stop spying on him, Sakura."

Sakura jumped and stepped around the corner, surprised to find another boy leaning against the wall there. He had short brown hair and sharp blue eyes, dressed in a green tank top, blue jeans and a blue jacket. Despite the differences in his looks Sakura would have known him anywhere, she took in a deep breath.


Heero said nothing; he simply glanced over to where Duo lay. Duo was now sitting up, watch the two with a puzzled expression. He started to get up to walk over but Heero gave the slightest shake of his head and Duo got the point. Heero was busy, and it wasn't any of Duo's business at the moment. Heero turned his attention back to Sakura.

"What are you doing here?" she asked quietly.

"Why were you following him?" Heero countered.

"He's... well." Sakura fidgeted with her baton behind her back. "He feels like a Clow."

Heero shook his head and glared at the ground. "Sakura, you have all the Clow Cards, you know that. He doesn't have any."

"But he..."

Heero pushed off the wall and began to walk away.

"Li wait!"

Heero turned back and just looked at her. "We have business here, don't get nosy."

Sakura bit her lip and nodded slowly. Satisfied Heero turned and walked over toward Duo. Duo glanced between the two in confusion but shrugged it off thanks to a glare from Heero. Sakura watched the two boys cross the campus and walk out of sight. Li had returned to Japan, she should have been happy, but she wasn't. He was so different from the last time they'd spoken, so cold. Yeah, it had been five years since they'd last spoken but... but he shouldn't have changed that much.

"It's like I'm back at square one when I first met him and he was against me," Sakura said with a sigh. There was a ring and Sakura pulled Tomoyo's cell phone out of her pocket. "Hello?"

"Sakura, Akira-senpai just stopped by to talk to me, he was looking for you too. And he said Li is back in town."

"I know," Sakura said sadly. "I just talked to him. I'll see you after class Tomo, I'm going to go talk to Kero."

"Ok," Tomoyo hung up. Sakura placed the phone back in her pocket. "Fly card!" she yelled halfheartedly then flew toward her dorm room.


The moon shown brightly over the city of Japan, glinting off the many buildings and the brightly lit Tokyo Tower. A dark figure raced along the streets, too fast for most to see until he came to a large airplane hanger. With the grace and silence of a cat he snapped the lock, slid the door open and slipped inside. The mysterious 20 Masks paused and his mouth dropped open as she saw the large machines before him.

So this is what a Gundam looks like, he thought silently. They were huge! He smirked quietly and set to work. He hadn't expected them to be so large but it wouldn't pose a problem, not to 20 Masks. There wasn't anything he couldn't steal.

Duo walked into the hanger the next morning and froze cold. He blinked twice and rubbed his eyes, then narrowed his eyes. "Shimatta!" Turning on his heels he raced out of the hanger back toward the car they'd arrived in.

"Uh... Heero, you sure this is the right hanger?"

Heero looked up from his place in the driver's seat and nodded, his eyes narrowing. "Why?"

Duo laughed nervously. "Because either I'm blind or our Gundams are gone."

Without a word Heero jumped over the door of the jeep and raced for the hanger, Duo close on his heels. Heero stopped at the open door and stared in amazement at the empty hanger. "Inconceivable," he muttered softly. In silence Heero walked along the edge of the hanger, going over everything with careful eyes. He found one thing in the corner, a small red mask. Picking it up he frowned deeply.

"It's almost as if the Gundams were never even in this hanger, there's no sign of them anywhere. Any other clues?" Duo glanced back at Heero and caught sight of the mask. "What's that?"

Heero tossed the plastic mask to Duo, who caught it perfectly. "Strange," the braided boy remarked.

"They are still on campus." Heero said coldly.

"How do you know that?"

"Because I do." Heero shoved his hands in his pockets and headed back for the jeep. Duo raced after him and grabbed his shoulder, causing the gloomy pilot to stop.

"Man, this is getting real old. You need to tell me what the heck is going on! Our Gundams are missing and you're still being all secretive. First the sword, then the campus, then the strange girl and now the Gundams. Heero, what is going on?"

"I'll explain when we get back to the apartment."

"You better."


Heero opened the door to his room and his eyes narrowed dangerously. Duo noticed him tense up. "Oh now what?" Duo moaned.

Heero stepped into the room and glanced around quickly. He whirled around and the sword from the bed flew into his hand just as the closet doors flew open from a thought. Heero caught the sword without a though, having summoned it automatically and pointed the tip at a large golden spirit inside the closet. The dog spirit growled loudly, it's eyes glowing. Heero faced the dog spirit and glared evilly at him. Spinning his sword in the air he spoke the incantation as instinct.

"Force hear my plight, release the light!"

Light shot from the sword and slammed into the armored spirit. There was a flash and a very small yellow teddy bear-looking thing with wings smacked up against the wall with a yell. Heero dashed forward, ready to strike again.

"Itai! What was that for?!"

"You had better explain yourself Kero, my patience is short today."

Kero rubbed his head as he floated to eye level. "No kidding! One more shot like that and Sakura would have to look for a new guardian."

Heero glared icily.

"I got the point!" Kero said quickly. "Sakura said you were back in town and I came to check on you! No harm done see? Just innocent little Clow guardian checking up on an old friend. Don't kill me, k?"

With much hesitation and against his better judgement Heero lowered the sword. Kero sighed with relief, his eyes darted toward Duo.

"Who's the statue?"

Heero turned, suddenly remembering that the other pilot was also in the room. "Duo?"

Duo stood completely still, his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide with shock. Heero had the sudden urge to laugh, Duo looked so silly. And for once the he was speechless. Duo blinked a few times then finally closed his mouth. "N-nani?" he choked out. "What is going on Heero?"

"Heero?" Kero looked from Duo to Heero and frowned in confusion. "You mean you used your magic in front of him when he didn't even know? You're getting careless Li."

"Shut up Kero!" Heero snapped.

"You going to explain this to him?"

"Kero, I'm warning you..." Heero raised his sword again.

"Your friend's a Card Captor!" Kero blurted out then darted quickly behind Duo with a grin to hide from the sword and Heero's murderous glare.

"A... Card Captor?" Duo blinked in confusion. "I think I need to sit down."

Heero nodded slowly and lowered his sword once more as Duo made his way numbly to the bed where he did just as he said and sat down. Kero landed on the bed between him and Duo. "You going to explain this to him, Li, or do I have to?"

"Hn." Heero grunted, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Kero muttered. "You see, kid, your friend over there is what's called a Card Captor. He kinda... well umm... uses, captures and protects these things called the Clow Cards."

Duo smirked. "Clow Cards? Is that anything like Pokemon?"

"No!" Heero snapped angrily. Duo winced jokingly.

"So what exactly is a Clow Card then?"

Kero frowned. "You're better off just showing him kid. You still have the time card don't you?"

Wordlessly Heero raised the sword and closed his eyes. The sword blinked and an ornate card appeared floating in the air before him. He opened his eyes and snatched the card out of the air, flipping it around so Duo could see the design on the back.

"Ok," Duo nodded. "This is starting to make a little more sense, but what does it do?"

"Look out the window and watch the people."

Duo stood up and walked over to the window, looking down onto the campus.

"Time Card," Heero called out throwing the card in the air. "Release!" He tapped the card with the tip of his sword and the room lit up. Duo whirled around to see an old figure fly out of the card to float in the middle of the room, holding an old hourglass. The old figure tilted the hourglass and the entire world around them became completely silent. Duo glanced back out

the window and gave a low whistle as he saw the scene below. Everywhere he looked nothing moved. Birds were frozen in midair along with the clouds and people were frozen in mid-step and jump below on the ground.

"Time Card, return!"

The old figure turned the hourglass back and sounds rushed back into the room. The world suddenly started moving again as the old man dissolved into a cloud of mist and seeped back into the card. Heero snatched up the card once more and it disappeared as it touched his fingers. Duo turned to face Heero.

"You mean you had magic all this time and didn't tell us about it?"

Heero nodded, his face betraying no emotion.

"I'm hurt," Duo mock pouted as he grinned.

Kero snickered. "Well, it's good to see something's haven't changed about you, you still hang out with the same crowd. He reminds me of yours truly."

Heero rolled his eyes.

"He called you Li, and so did that girl from yesterday." Duo prompted.

Heero sighed, realizing Duo wasn't going to let up on this and he might as well explain everything now, or he'd catch hell about it later. Mentally he reminded himself to strangle Quatre for sending them here on vacation! "Heero Yuy is a code name. So was Odin Lowe. My real name is Li Syaoran. I changed it when I became a pilot."

Duo nodded slowly. "I understand that changing your name is an effective way of hiding your past, or forgetting about it, but the part about you being an orphan and all that is false too? No wait, I know the answer to that one. You said you got the package yesterday from family."


Duo turned and headed for the door, Heero raised an eyebrow.

"Where are you going?"

"Outside, I need some fresh air and time to think. I don't know about you but this is all a little overwhelming. It'll take some getting used to." With that Duo exited the room. Kero watched him leave tem flew over and shut the door.

"Now what?" Heero asked with annoyance as he dropped into a chair.

"Don't tell me you didn't notice it too! By all logic he shouldn't have been able to see Father Time from the card-"

"I know, Kero, I know. It should have frozen him too. But the same thing happened when I got the sword back, by all rights he shouldn't be able to see the magic at all or the Clow's forms. But he looked right at Time.

"Are you saying he has magic?" Kero asked furrowing his brow.

"I don't know. Least not yet."

Kero nodded. "Sakura said she noticed something about him too, she said he felt like a Clow Card."

Heero smirked at that. "I can assure you he is not a Clow."

"Yeah, well I'll leave it to you since he's your friend, but you better watch him."

Heero nodded. "I got it covered Kero."

"Yeah. So what are you doing here anyway Li?"

At that Heero frowned. "It was a friend's idea of a joke to send us here on 'vacation'."

"Cute joke," Kero grinned. "Well, I'd better get back to Sakura. Do her a favor Li and don't be so harsh next time. I know you two didn't exactly leave on the best of terms but still..." Kero trailed off.



"My name is Heero."

Kero sighed. "Hai. Ja ne."

Heero watched him silently fly out the window and closed his eyes. It was going to be a LONG vacation.

Chapter 2