“Another GW Yaoi fic. Its 2x1 I was always a fan of the 1x2 pairing then I started to read Akuma’s fics. It’s impossible to read her fics and not love the 2x1 pairing. AU Plus vampires… Sigh I’m on my vampyre fetish again” Neko shakes her head.

Ryu gives a smile showing his new set of fangs. “Tell me about it, hmph well Neko-sama doesn’t own anything related to Gundam wing but she does own this story. Or rather thanks to me she does!”

The Party
By: Little Manga Neko

Email: bishonen@ishandsome.com
Website: http://www.bishonen.ishandsome.com


Trowa was laughing at him again. He could feel his gaze on him from across the lunchroom. Furtively looking up he noticed Trowa was in his usual spot girl on one side Quatre firmly established on the other as the in crowd tried to court his attention. He was too cool, too rich, and too popular to be limited to one clique. His one visible eye caught Heero’s just as he was looking away and again he was reminded of that time. That party. The faintest smirk touched Trowa’s lips and he stood abruptly rushing out of the lunchroom. Only one gaze noticed his departure or even cared.


That damn party as Heero had begun to think of it had happened a week ago. While he didn’t fit into any of the groups being more of a loner by nature his stepbrother Quatre did. Quatre was everything Heero wasn’t.


 Just one month older then him with silky straight blonde hair and sparkling Caribbean blue eyes. He was effortlessly sweet, handsome, and popular and his hair actually stayed in one place when he brushed it. His mother was exactly like him. She had married my father the year I turned 13. At first I was pleased I had never known my birth mother and Odin refused to speak of her. A real family and maybe someone to love me. What a joke.


It wasn’t until they moved in that I became aware just how lacking I was in everything. Quatre’s mom was very kind I knew she was worried and tried to push Quatre and I together. That was a bad idea like trying to mix oil and water. No matter how hard you shake its just not happening. Quatre didn’t like me. His father had been rich, mine wasn’t. In our house we were actually stuck in the same bedroom for exactly six months three days and fifty-seven minutes. Then after one to many huge fights our parents let me move into the attic.


So Quatre pretended I didn’t exist in and out of school, which was fine by me. I should have known he wouldn’t be nice to me if he could help it. But when our parental units insisted I go with Quatre to his study group at a friends house neither of us could do anything. If there’s one thing I’m good at its schoolwork numbers and textbooks are ten times easier to understand then human beings. So I tagged along unhappily and he made me promise to tell anyone about where we were going. I had a feeling then that I should have left but I couldn’t. They had sent me to go with Quatre and something in me cried out at the thought of leaving before my mission was complete. That’s how I ended up at a popular party for the first time in my life. And not just any party one at Trowa’s house.


Everyone knew who Trowa was. And about his parties. They were legendary. If you were invited you were considered beyond lucky anything and everything can and will happen at them and no one ever talked about it afterwards. How Quatre got me in I have no idea he ditched me as soon as we passed the doorway. Grabbing a toke from his friend and a new drink last I saw he was on his back on a couch with a brunette (1)

It didn’t take long for the party to degenerate. Designer drugs and alcohol was handed out freely and everyone was groping or more as the music pounded a steady base in the background I even had to walk over a naked couple on the stairs. On the whole I may have been disgusted or amused or shocked I don’t know everything was so fuzzy. That bottle of water I had drunk was making me feel odd.


I could still see Quatre’s sneer.

“Drink this if your thirsty at the house. There’s only gonna be harder stuff there and you don’t wanna get drunk, Ne?”

Even in the air-conditioning I felt hot. My head ached. I strayed further from the party as I tried to find quiet relief my head ached abominably. This section of the house was quiet and nice and dark. I was starting to see spots as I opened a random door. Blessed peace surrounded me as I feel on to the bed. My last fuzzy thought was ‘I’m so tired…’





Duo had to smile. Trowa was devoted to his older brother. And the fact that Duo had inherited the family disposition and Trowa hadn’t only elevated his opinion of Duo. Duo didn’t come home often he had his own life. But when he did Trowa always put on one of his parties. Not that he ever attended them they weren’t really his style. No Trowa usually found a decent girl for him and brought her up to him so he wouldn’t have to waste his precious time hunting. But this was unusual he had left a boy on Duo’s bed. Not that gender mattered both girls and boys could have sweet blood but stepping closer Duo noticed he was like nothing he had ever seen before. It was as if someone had molded the very essence of perfection into a human being.


And it wasn’t just his looks there was something more. His wasn’t the glaring beauty that made you stare no it was more subtle. Something about the pouty curve of his half parted lips or maybe it was the shadow of his long dark eyelashes against smooth golden skin or maybe it was even the way his hair looked like it had just been tousled by a lovers fingers. Something about him made you want to look twice and keep on looking. He definitely wanted more then a taste. Leaning forward Duo kissed the boys lips lightly in a gentle caress. He sighed it had tasted of innocence not the usual fare for someone who came to one of Trowa’s parties. His hands worked eagerly easing off the green tank top and loose black pants with an experienced hand he divested his own garments the paused to look at the beauty sprawled before him.


The boys body was not unscarred thin white lines on his wrist whispered neither was his mind. And he had to quell the anger that raged at the thought that something had dared to cause this boy enough pain to drive him to that. Somehow he found the smooth planes of the boy’s body more arousing in his white Hanes briefs then any curvy supermodel he had gone out with in the past. He definitely wanted more then a taste. He wanted to mark him, claim him forever. Reaching up Duo tugged on his hair tie and let the chestnut mass fall in silken waves to his shoulders as he leaned down to capture those sweet again. The touch was intoxicating him as Duo pulled the boy closer. He wanted more then his blood he wanted all of him. Crying his name as he withered beneath him and these new feelings shocked him. He had never felt so before. A conscious woman or man during the partaking was dangerous to him and all his kind. Usually if someone woke to soon he would pretend he had just been seducing them. Not that he wouldn’t try afterwards. At least by then he would know a name…




 Heero had awoken to look straight into the most amazing eyes pupils dilated like cats eyes in the semi darkness and they were purple… a faintly metallic violet not seen in nature. A heart shaped face to beautiful to describe and long golden chestnut hair everywhere. It was almost sinful to be that beautiful when you were a man and he most definitely was Heero could feel the hard evidence pressed against his thigh. He kissed Heero again tongue pressing into his lips partly opened from shock. He could taste the salty flavor of blood had he bitten his lip? It didn’t hurt no in fact the soft pressure being exerted on them caused a moan to rise in his throat. There was no way this could be real, true he never had a dream like this before but that didn’t mean anything. Heero moaned again as warm hands wandered touching him everywhere with teasing caresses.

‘Maybe it was the aaaaah water?’ He thought ‘Damn I gotta drink that again.’

He could feel the hardness of his own cock the tip weeping drops of precum, what had been going on? His hands gripping creamy shoulders as that warm mouth moved lower. Then he was caught in that gaze again the violet so dark it almost turned black as his fey lover whispered

“Duo call me Duo, Heero.”

Then took the head of his cock in to the hot wet cavern of his mouth and Heero screamed at the onslaught on sensations his hands tangling in silky hair as he tried to guide Duo’s head down. Some where in his mind he realized theses sensations were to real to be a dream but his passion, sleep and drug fogged brain refused to function. Even as he felt a finger touching him where no one had dared before slick and wet against the tight rosette his body tightened instinctively to keep the intruder out but then Duo began to hum as he took him deeper and deeper into his mouth relaxing his throat muscles and Heero was lost to the world even the pain as a second then third finger was added couldn’t distract him. It didn’t take long for the tightening spiral of pleasure/need in his body to find release with that delicious mouth tormenting him. His own head thrown back in passion he didn’t see the predatorily possessive look in the others eyes as he released pulse after pulse of warm sticky seed into Duo’s mouth.

‘Virgin cum mmmm’

The thought was not his own but he was to satiated to care. It took him a moment to realize that his legs were spread and hands were holding his hips slightly up Duo moved to give him another mind shattering kiss then whispered.

“Sorry sweet one but your so tight and I waited too long to go slow.. It’s gonna hurt this time.”

Then thrust into him all the way. He was holding someone else deep within but he didn’t have the time to wonder at the sensation for Heero’s body lanced with pain but it faded being replaced by a wave of pleasure as sharp as the pain when Duo brushed against something inside of him. Wanting it again Heero tightened his inner muscles savoring the gasp he wrung from his lover

“Your so warm and tight Hee-Chan” (2)

Soon no more words were spoken as Duo’s hand reached between them to pump him in a counter rhythm to his deep thrusts each managing to brush that spot again.




Heero was so incredibly hot and tight it had been almost painful to wait as Heero’s body had adjusted around him. Now Duo leaned forward to kiss those tear stained cheeks and staring into those amazing cobalt eyes. He had never seen a human with a gaze that intense before. Heero was flushed and panting and oh so beautiful as his body responded to Duo’s touch and the blood kiss it remembered unconsciously. His arms tightened around Duo’s neck as his hips began to rock up to meet each hard thrust. He desperately needed to hear his name on Heero’s lips but the boy said nothing besides the natural pants and moans they both shared and then it was too late as need drove him deeper and he felt Heero climax around him inner muscles clenching as his seed coated Duo’s hand and both chests. He finally cried


And that was all Duo needed to release his warmth into Heero’s receptive body trembling from the force of the feeling that accompanied his own release.




Heero could feel him throb, throb, throb as Duo’s seed flowed thru him like warm honey marking his mind with the memory forever. He lay still unsure of what came next since Duo was still laying between his thighs not seeming to be in any hurry to slip from Heero’s tightening warmth. Heero was frighteningly aware of himself at that moment the pain had sobered him amazingly and he blushed as he realized exactly what was seeping on to his thighs as Duo pulled out and left with a sigh returning with a towel to clean them both off.

As he pulled Heero close and with a pleased look pulled a blanket over them both he leaned forward and gently kissed his forehead saying


Heero noted his voice was rich and musical as a warm hand reached forward to brush some messy brown hair out of his eyes with infinite grace and tenderness.


Just then Trowa walked in the room green eye sparkling as he carried an unconscious girl with short dark purple hair.

“Hey Duo I brought you a prime… who’s that?”

The lovely beside Heero frowned.

“You don’t know him Tro?”

“Um nope never met him.”

Getting up he motioned for Trowa to join him in another room. Trowa nodded and followed still carrying the girl. As soon as the door shut Heero pulled on his shirt and pants (3) and walked out to the balcony. It wasn’t too bad… crawling over the railing he slipped lower till he was dangling a few feet above the garage roof. Fear at facing what he had just done pushed him and he landed with a thud then climbed down. He had always been athletic almost unnaturally so. Ignoring the protesting twinges of pain from certain muscles he slumped in the shadows a moment he could hear someone cry out “Heero?” from above him. With a shrug he acknowledged Duo knew he was gone. Slipping around the side he headed to where they had left the car. Quatre was probably passed out somewhere. He didn’t care at the moment Quatre knew his way home. Slipping the spare key from the glove compartment he headed home.




Returning from the balcony with a clenched jaw Duo looked at Trowa and muttered

“It looks like I’ll be staying longer then I expected, make sure no one wakes me.” He barely made it back to his bed in time. He was weak and vulnerable at the moment for instead of feeding from Heero he had exchanged a blood kiss binding their two souls. Now they were tied forever but it had taken a lot out of him. He had known blood kisses were dangerous and incredibly draining but hadn’t cared. ‘Damn it he didn’t have the strength to chase after him now.’

At least it had worked he was aware of Heero in the back of his mind like some kind of psychic binding at least he wouldn’t have to search over half of Japan to find him again.




Bringing his thoughts back to the present Heero decided he might as well be honest it had been exactly 149 hours since he had last seen Duo. Since that night he had raced home and snuck into his room telling himself it had never happened. His body didn’t deny it though. He was changing it was as if some dormant hunger had awakened in him craving more then a sexual release. He was craving something he didn’t have a name for that his body remembered but mind didn’t.

“Duo…” he whispered and licked his lips as a stray breeze ruffled his hair.






  1. 3X4 Hint hint!
  2. Akuma’s line! I borrowed it but if she doesn’t like I’ll erase it.
  3. He couldn’t find his undies ;-p


So did anyone like it?

Chapter 2: Enter the Girls