Disclaimer: Give me one really good reason why we actually have to write these things. Everyone knows we don't own the shows!!

A Letter To No One

By: Jana

Email: hmjkpiotrowsky@prodigy.net

Website: http://www.lunarpages.com/trp/index2.html

Dear No One,

I am writing this just to get some things off my back. One, I know I have a temper. I really wish people would stop telling me that! Blame it on my armor.

Two, I do have feelings. You can't talk about me behind my back. I'll kick your ass.

Three, Mia's MINE! Back off, Rowen and Sage, 'cause I'll beat the snot outta you ten ways from Sunday. There, that felt better. Okay, thank gods this isn't to anyone in particular. There would be people trying to kill me.

Take a number.

Four, DESPITE WHAT YOU ALL THINK, I do have a life outside of kicking evil’s behind. It's called a girlfriend. And the NASCAR events. Soccer, football, baseball, track... the list goes on.

Five, I want the name of that guy who ran into me. Totaled the side of my Porsche, he did. I'm gonna beat the shit outta him too. 'Scuse my French.

Waitaminute, are swear words actually French?!? What kinda retard came up with the idea that they were. Morons.

Six, what kinda guy says that THOMAS EDISON WROTE THE DAMN DICTIONARY? Watchin' too much Weakest Link. Sorry.

Seven, how come Sage gets magic healing powers and I don't? That really sucks, 'cause when I'm gettin' the crap kicked outta me, they'd really come in handy. How much you wanna bet he's breaking some "magic healer union rule" or something when he uses them on himself?

Anyway, that's all I can think of. Thanks for listening, piece of paper.

Ryo Sanada

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