A Child Among Immortals
By Hiruma

This fic is officially dedicated to Tenku’s Girl. It’s her birthday present since I can’t exactly give her a naked Touma or anything else she really wanted. Happy Birthday TG!!!!!! I hope you like it!!!!

Part I


"So, you decided to show your face here after all. If I were you, I would've never even thought about coming here after your failure."

Shu looked up from the bundle he carried to glare at Shin. He was almost surprised that Shin had the nerve to speak to a warrior of noble blood in that way, but this was Shin you were talking about, he almost had no respect to begin with. "The difference between you and me is that I am not a coward."

"I'd rather be a coward than have to face the wrath of Taiyo-sama, you won't make it out of his chambers alive," Shin smirked.

"Well, unlike you, at least I'll be invited into his chambers, I'll be closer to being in his bed than you ever will." The warrior knew exactly how to ruffle Shin's feathers.

It was common knowledge that Shin has tried to get between the sheets of Taiyo-sama's bed. Before he could say another word, Shu made his way down the hallway to his master's chambers. He had never been this nervous about seeing Taiyo-sama before, but he did fail in his mission, he brought back a prisoner when told not to, and he did not want to see Taiyo-sama angry. Holding the warm bundle closer to him, he braced himself as he knocked upon the door to his master's chambers.

"Enter, Shu-san," a soft voice commanded.

Swallowing down his fear, Shu opened the door and shut it behind him, going into the bright room. Sitting by the window was his master, his perfect features defined by the golden rays of the sun that filled the room. Taiyo-sama was perfection, he was radiant, wise, graceful, fair, caring and the list goes on, even in his nervousness, Shu had to marvel at the excellence of his master. Shu then scowled himself, he nearly forgot his place, even as a noble, he didn’t even begin to measure up to a god. Walking up to Taiyo-sama, he knelt before him, pressing his forehead against the cool, jade marble of the floor.

"I have returned from my mission, my Lord."

"I sense that all did not go well. Did you lose many men?"

"No, Taiyo-sama, it went quite well. The invasion of the Yami land was successful and we were able to burn the palace of Anubis, he will not be attacking us anymore."

"Then what is troubling you, my friend?"

Shu hesitated, he knew Taiyo-sama was going to be furious at him. "We've brought back a prisoner."

Taiyo-sama raised an eyebrow, disappointed that his orders had been ignored. "I thought I told you to not to leave any survivors of those people, no good can come from them."

"I know, I realize that, but I could not bring myself to kill him. He is not but a child, he hasn't even seen three years. And I feel that he isn't apart of the Yami, instead of the Yoru." Shu hoped he was right, the Yoru was a clan that had been wiped out by the Yami, but some were taken as slaves and that's what he believed this child to be.

"Let me see this child."

Placing the bundle down in front of him, Shu pulled back the blankets which covered the young boy's face. The boy was still sleeping, unaware that his life could be taken any second by Taiyo-sama. Getting up from his seat, Taiyo-sama knelt down to look at the child better. Gently he pushed back the locks of hair that covered the boy's round, pale face.

"He does look like a Yoru, but he came from the Yami land, so we cannot be sure, he can be mixed breed for all we know. I do not wish to take any chances."

Fear gripped the tender hearted warrior, he did not wish to see the child killed. He had grown attached to him ever since the first day of the campaign against the Yami when he found the boy. Shu had found the child alone in his bed in a slave’s quarters, crying for his mother, but was perfectly content when Shu took the boy in his arms and soothed away his tears. It broke Shu’s heart to think that someone would’ve abandoned their child at a time like this.

"Taiyo-sama . . ."

Smiling softly, Taiyo-sama continued, "But I do not wish to kill the child either, Shu-san." Gathering the child in his arms, he stood up and announced, "This child will live here in the palace and raised with the most care possible. We shall call him Touma and his origin will never be spoken of again, if this is not so, they will have to answer to me."

"I knew you'd come through, Seiji-san!" Shu jumped to his feet with a giant grin. This time he totally forgot himself and called the God by his given name, but Seiji didn't care, Shu was his friend. "Touma-kun will become strong and intelligent, he'll become the greatest warrior you've ever seen."

"Even greater than your Lord, the Sun God?" Seiji Taiyo asked, his face completely straight and serious, but his violet eyes sparkled with humor.

"Perhaps, if his Lord, the Sun God, ponders all day by the window."

"Well, with young Touma around, I feel I'll be getting more exercise, I will train him myself when he is the appropriate age."

Shu blinked in surprise, only the elite were trained by Taiyo-sama. As far as he knew, he, Ryo and one other he didn't know were trained by the Sun God. "You must feel that there is something special with Touma-kun."

Gazing down at the slumbering child, Seiji nodded his head in response. "Yes, I think this boy will grow to be one of the best things that has ever happened to this place."


~ Five years later ~

A bright blue kite in the shape of a bird sailed through the air, twisting and turning every way in the mild breeze. Merry laughter rang out within the walls of the palace of the Sun God. A little boy, clad in shorts and a tunic too large for him, ran all around the well tended garden, holding onto the strings of the kite tightly.

His laughter came to a sudden stop as he tripped over a large rock and unwillingly let go of the thin strings. The boy scraped the palms of his hands and his knees on the hard soil of the path, which were slowly bleeding, but those were the least of his concerns. He looked up just in time to see his kite fly out of sight. Tears built up in his eyes, he loved that kite, it was one of the few toys he owned.

"Poor Touma-san, I can't believe someone like Shu-san thinks you're going to become a warrior. With that kind of clumsiness, you're going to get yourself killed before you're even ten," Shin taunted.

"Leave me alone!" Touma snapped, not happy at all that Shin had saw him fall and lose his kite. He didn't care for Shin, the man would never just leave him be and constantly pointed out his faults, which seemed to be a lot.

"Oh, are you about to cry? Little boy lost his favorite toy?"

"It was my favorite toy! Seiji-san gave that to me." He used the sleeve of his tunic to wipe away the tears in his eyes. "Now it's gone . . ."

"So pathetic," Shin rolled his eyes. "No wonder Taiyo-sama pities you."

"He does not pity me! He cares about me!"

"Why would he?" Walking over to Touma, Shin flicked the lock of hair that hung between the boy's eyes. "You're nothing but an ugly child. I'm sure the only reason the Sun God keeps you here is because he thinks you'll be a good life to waste on the front lines for the next war. I guess it's true when they say the Sun God has no mercy for the wicked, I would've been kind and killed you when you first brought to the palace rather than let you live out your miserable little life."

Tears filled Touma's stormy blue eyes again. "I am not wicked."

Shin snorted, "If only that were true. Then tell me, Touma, why do the other children of the land tease you? If you are not wicked, then why did you break Shu's favorite bo or rip one of Taiyo-sama's best robes? Why did you crush Taiyo-sama's prized flowers and not tell anyone? Why were you playing instead of studding like you're supposed to?"

"I don't mean to be bad," the boy whispered, wiping his tears.

"You got what you deserved, Touma, that's probably why Taiyo-sama gave you that toy to begin with, he knew you'd grow fond of it and be foolish enough to lose it." With that, Shin left the boy in his spot.

Furious about the way Shin's words hurt him, Touma yelled, "You're nothing but a big bully, Shin! I . . . I hope you lose something you like too!"

Sniffling, Touma thought about what the older man had said, knowing that he was probably right, he got what he deserved. And he was ugly, compared to all the beautiful people living in the land of the Sun God, he was the black sheep. His bright blue hair reminded many of Anubis, ruler of the Yami, he was constantly teased about it.

If he wanted to, Touma could run to Seiji-san or Shu and complain and they'd do something about it, but he was too ashamed of himself and afraid that they would view him as ugly as well. He refused to be weak, he was determined to become the warrior Shu and Seiji-san wanted him to be. He longed to be loved or to just be useful and not the burden he was.

"Why are you so sad?" a soft, unfamiliar voice asked him.

Touma looked behind of him and saw a handsome man he had never seen before. His hair was dark and long, his skin tanned perfectly and had tiger blue eyes that showed sympathy for the young boy. He sat down next to the child and took his face into his hands.

"You have the most lovely, sad eyes I've ever seen," he whispered. "Why are you sad, child?"

"I . . . I lost my kite. It was important to me, Seiji-san gave it to me and I lost it," he answered quietly, wondering why this man he didn't even know was being so kind to him.

"Poor child, you're hurt," the man noted, taking a hold of one of Touma's bloody hands. "Come, we will go tend to your injuries."

Touma followed the man silently into the palace, a bit confused about who he was and what he wanted. It was only a short walk to the infirmary, where Touma sat on the soft bed and the man bandaged his hands and his knees.

"What do they call you, boy?"


"I am Ryo, the Fire Ninja, a good friend of Seiji Taiyo. Are you all right? Would you like me to take you back to your room?"

Shaking his head, Touma replied, "No thank you, I can get there myself."

"You're such a pretty child," Ryo said suddenly, running his hand through silky locks of wild, blue hair. "I bet you'll grow to be just as gorgeous as Seiji Taiyo himself, you might even surpass him."

Heat rose up in Touma's cheeks, no one would ever dare say such a thing, Seiji Taiyo was the most beautiful being, no questions asked. No one had ever said he was pretty either, everyone thought that he was repulsive. Lowering his eyes in embarrassment, he fidgeted under Ryo's gaze, unable to say anything.

"I suppose that I should go visit my friend now, are you sure you're all right?"

"Yes, thank you, Ryo-san." Touma stood up and bowed to the Fire Ninja.

Kissing the boy's pale cheek, Ryo smiled gently, "You're welcome, remember, I am at your service, Touma-sama." Bowing deeply to the eight year old, the ninja winked at the boy and left the room, searching for Seiji.

Only waiting a few seconds after Ryo left, Touma ran out of the infirmary and looked down the hallway, Ryo was nowhere in sight. Running down the corridor, Touma slipped into his small bedroom. This was his sanctuary, the only place he felt completely safe from all the teasing and the harsh look from others, the only place he felt he could be himself. He was only eight, but he wasn't stupid and he didn't think like an eight year old. Living in the palace among people who would always look down on him taught him to be smart and to never give up, to prove that he wasn't the outcast they all thought him to be. He would prove them all wrong, he might be hideous to everyone, but he'd make something of himself, he would even surprise the Sun God.

Sitting down at his desk, he started on his assignment out of his history book, he wanted to impress Seiji-san with how intelligent he was.

In Taiyo-sama's chambers, Ryo sat, staring out the window, then shifting his gaze back to Seiji, he said, "I'm proud of you, you've held years of peace after the fall of Yami."

"Have you achieved peace yet, Ryo-san?" Seiji sipped on his tea, looking at his life long friend.

"Yes," the Fire Ninja's eyes were filled with joy. "After all these long years, we finally defeated the Doku not too long ago."

"It would've been faster if you had allowed me to help."

"You were busy with the Yami and I didn't want to disturb the peace your land deserves. I see you have a new child running around here. Cute boy, found him in the garden, his name is Touma, correct?"

Raising an eyebrow, Seiji stated, "Touma is supposed to studding, not playing. He has to learn that his studies come before playtime."

"Don't be too hard on the boy, he was quite upset when I found him. He told me that he lost his kite, but I think it was something else too."

Sighing softly, Seiji put down his cup of tea. "I bet you anything it was Shin, I will talk with him. Many of my people do not want to accept him as one of their own and I cannot force them, I wish things were different. They all think he is a Yami or Yoru, neither favorites in this area."

"Why don't I take him back with me?" Ryo asked. "My people have no bones to pick with the Yami or Yoru, he will be accepted there. Name your price, my friend."

"I’m sorry, but I cannot give him to you, not Touma.” Seiji answered. "Touma is priceless."

“I had a feeling you’d say that. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen living child within the palace walls, do you even know how to raise him?”

“Of course, you don’t just forget how to raise a child. Remember when Shu-san was first born? I thought he’d never stop crying,” Seiji chuckled.

“Shu-san could’ve woken the dead, his mother was so worried that you were going to be angry with her since Shu was so loud and no one could get any sleep. How long has Touma been here?”

“For five years now. Oh and Touma-kun, you can come in now if you like,” the Sun God slightly smirked as he heard Touma’s gasp from the other side of the door. It never creased to amaze Touma how Seiji could tell when someone was waiting outside his chambers.

Touma shyly walked in, his hands fidgeting with the papers in his grip. He smiled hesitantly at Ryo before scampering over to where Seiji was sitting, his smiled widened as the Sun God took the papers from Touma and an approving look formed on his face. The boy held onto Seiji’s arm, peeking now and then to see what the god was reading, he waited anxiously for a comment.

Ryo watch with amusement as the little boy hung on his friend’s arm, it was almost like a child clinging onto his mother. Looking over Touma, the Fire Ninja knew that he was going to grow up into a lovely young man. However, any attractiveness Touma would receive late on would be ignored by Seiji's people and he would remain an outcast, he would never be appreciated what he is here. All the boy was promised in this land was sorrow, it made Ryo want to steal the child away and protect him from any hurt that threatened him.

"You've done excellent work, Touma-kun," Seiji praised the boy. "I am proud at what you've accomplished academically, when I was at your young age, I could only do half the work you can."

"Thank you, Seiji-san." Touma was beaming with joy, he was pleased to get such a compliment from the Sun God.

"I heard you lost your kite while playing in the garden today."

Touma's cheerfulness faded away and his gaze drifted to the ground. "I'm sorry, Seiji-san, I didn't mean to lose it."

"I know you didn't, but you know that you were supposed to be studding. Neglecting my orders shouldn't go undisciplined, should it?"

"No, sir." All the color drained out of the boy's face and Ryo could see that he was shaking.

"But you did lose your kite and I think that was punishment enough, just don't let it happen again. Tomorrow, you and I will make you a new kite, how does that sound to you?"

Touma grinned and threw his arms around Seiji, giving him a big hug. "Thank you, Seiji-san! Can we make the kite in the shape of a bird, like my old one?"

"Of course, my little one." Pressing a kiss on the boy's forehead, Seiji returned his embrace. After letting the boy go, Seiji had him sit down in the chair next to him. "You know Ryo-san already, do you?"

Touma timidly lowered his eyes and nodded his head. "We met in the garden."

"Ryo-san is one of my best friends, I've known him for almost my life entire life. He is one of the strongest gods I know."

"But you said you were a ninja, you didn't say you were a god," Touma said to Ryo.

Ryo smirked. "I'm sorry I failed to tell you. I am a god, I'm the Fire Lord or better known as the Fire Ninja, my family is a long line of ninjas. We're the most famous of those kinds of warriors, there hasn't been an opponent we haven't been able to beat."

"Wow!" Touma's eyes were round with amazement. "Seiji-san, can I be a ninja too? Like Ryo-san?"

Seiji chuckled softly and ruffled Touma's hair, "You, Touma-kun, are going to be great warrior, but you'll learn the ways of a samurai, the ways of my family. Trust me, being a samurai is more fun than being a ninja."

"Says you." Ryo stuck his tongue out at Seiji.

Touma decided then that he liked Ryo. Even though Ryo had said all those nice things to him earlier, they made him feel a little uncomfortable and he didn't know if that was good or not. Now the ninja displayed a new side to him, it was more playful and it was a nice change to Seiji's proper attire. Though when he thought of it, Ryo's words still made him feel weird. Only Shu or Seiji had ever said anything nice to him.

Leaning back in his chair, Touma felt his eyelids grow heavy as he listened to Ryo and Seiji talk. Laying his head down on the arm of the chair, Touma curled up into a comfortable position. Soon he could no longer hear the words being said and he drifted into sleep’s sweet embrace.

Ryo stopped in mid sentence, he knew that Seiji was no longer paying any attention to him. Instead, Taiyo-sama was interested in the young boy sleeping in the cushioned chair next to his. His fingertips glided across the smooth, pale skin of the boy’s cheeks and throat, then moved up to caress his soft hair. Then his hand rested on the back of Touma’s neck.

The Fire Ninja was about to ask his friend what he was doing, but his question was answered as he saw a soft glow illuminate from Seiji’s hand. The god was mending the scrapes on Touma’s hands and knees. Ryo never grew tired of watching Seiji use his powers to heal, it was a rare occasion.

“You did a poor job in bandaging his wounds.” Seiji observed as he gently took off the bandages from Touma’s hands, then lifted the boy’s shorts a bit to take off the bandages on his knees.

“Hey! It’s not like he was bleeding to death and it’s not my fault I don’t know how to, blame it on my parents.”

“For shame, a warrior who doesn’t even know how to treat scrapes properly.” The Sun God smiled as he teased his friend. Picking up Touma, Seiji went to the other side of the chambers and laid him down on the bed there, tucking the covers over Touma’s small form. “He’s a handsome boy and nobody here realizes it.”

“My offer still stands, I’ll take him back with me. He’ll have a much easier time growing up among my people.”

“And my answer is still no. He’ll have a tougher life here, but I’m confident it’ll make him strong and he’ll excel in my training. ”

“I think there’s more to this than you’re saying, my dear Taiyo-sama. I know you better than you know yourself, you just don’t want to give him up because you feel he belongs to you.”

Seiji narrowed his eyes and glared at Ryo. “Doesn’t he? He lives on my land, sleeps in my home, of course he belongs to me, like every single one of my people do.” The Sun God was rather surprised that his friend had said that, true, Touma did belong to him, but Ryo had stated it as if he were wrong.

The ninja merely shrugged. "You might think that he belongs to you, but I can feel a free spirit in him and I know you can too."

Seiji didn't reply.

"I have a feeling that one of these days he'll defy you."

"Touma wouldn't do such a thing," Seiji snapped. "He might have a free spirit, but it doesn't mean that he'd be disloyal to me." Turning back to the sleeping child, Seiji wondered if Touma's disobedience could be a sign for what was to come in his future.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Ryo whispered and slipped out of the chamber.


The small boy woke up with dawn's light warming his face. He was a bit confused, the way his bed was positioned, there was no way for the light to reach his eyes. Sitting up, he observed his surroundings, realizing that he was still in Seiji's room. Climbing out of bed, Touma rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked around for Seiji, wondering where the god went.

Pushing open the chamber door, Touma slipped out of the room and headed back for his own. He could probably get some more sleep before Shu came to wake him up for breakfast. Touma stopped when he heard giggling coming from the gardens, he couldn't help but go outside to see what it was.

He wasn't surprised to see some of the children from the villages outside of the palace gathered in the gardens, playing their usual games. The children would come from the villages with their parents who worked or visited the palace. It was the same group as it always was and Touma knew that they didn't like him.

"Touma!" Sakura, the prettiest girl in the group waved at him. "Touma! Do you want to play with us today? We need an extra player!"

They wanted him to play? Touma felt his heart rise up in hope, they had never asked him if he wanted to play with them. The young boy smiled and walked up to the group. "Are you sure I can play?" Touma asked shyly, unsure of himself.

"We wouldn't have asked you if we didn't want you to play." Yukio, one of the boys, replied.

"Okay." Touma's smile brightened. "What're you playing?"

"We're playing war. We needed someone to be Anubis, ruler of Yami, and you fit the part perfectly." Kosaku answered, he was the strongest and oldest of all of the children at the age of twelve and towered two feet taller than Touma.

The smile disappeared from Touma's face. "I do not wish to play then."

He turned to leave, but Kosaku grabbed one of his thin arms and threw him to the ground. The other children began laughing as Touma tried to scramble up, but Kosaku stepped on his chest, preventing him from going anywhere.

"You have no choice, Anubis."

"My name is Touma!" The young boy spat. He bit his lip, trying not to cry out as the pressure on his chest increased.

"I don't think so, Anubis." Kosaku smirked as he kicked Touma in the side, cracking his ribs. He continued to hit the younger boy, showing no mercy.

"What's wrong, Yami? Can't get up?"

"Get up, Lord of the Yami! Show us why you were defeated!"

"Yami! Yami! Yami!"

"He does look like Anubis! He's probably the reincarnation of that demon!"

The children threw stones at Touma's vulnerable form, shouting taunts and laughing as one of the rocks broke the skin on Touma's face, making blood run down from his forehead.

Touma felt himself trembling as he sat on the ground on his knees, not from pain, but from anger. It coursed through his body, awakening something within him. He could no longer feel the pain from the stones or the beating Kosaku had given him earlier. Something snapped and Touma screamed.

A large blast of power rose up and struck Kosaku, sending him flying across the garden until the wall stopped him. Then a whole wave came rushing out, getting the rest of the children and causing the entire palace grounds to shake. His usually stormy blue eyes were now unnatural black, the sky darkened and Touma could swear that he could see the stars twinkle from the heavens above.

Rising to his feet, Touma looked around him, he could see the other children moaning in pain, but for some reason he couldn't hear them. Adults had come outside to see what had happened, their lips were moving, no sound came from them either. The energy in him was rapidly fading and he began to sway on his feet until he finally collapsed.

He knew that the adults were scurrying over to his tormentors' sides, seeing if they were hurt, but no one would come to him. Now, not only were they disgusted with him, but scared too. Touma could sense their fear, he didn't care. The only thing that mattered to him was Shu and Seiji-san, what would the Sun God think of him now? Tears streamed down his face, he would probably be put to death or worse, banished from the Taiyo land and Seiji would never love him.

Closing his eyes, Touma could only hope that his punishment would be swift, yet deserving of what he did. Finally, Touma's body went limp from exhaustion, his body almost nearly drained of his energy.

About half an hour later, the Sun God was pacing in his chambers, the Fire Lord watching him with mild amusement. Taiyo-sama was furious that Touma would use his powers to attack the other children, not just one child, but the whole group! Seiji could sense the power within the boy, but he didn’t think that Touma knew about them.

The young boy laid motionless on his bed, his skin sickly pale and his breaths slow and shallow. Touma looked so defenseless that Seiji had to feel sorry for him. Sitting at the edge of the bed, the god ran his hand down Touma’s soft cheek, he found that he could not stay angry at him.

Frowning at the bruises on the boy’s face, Seiji knew that there had to be more under his clothing. It wasn’t the first time the children had attacked him, but it was the first time Touma had fought back. The Sun God was then convinced that Touma didn’t mean to hurt the other kids, instead his attack came out of a natural self defense. If this was the case, then it was true that Touma was of the Yoru people and not the Yami.

Moaning softly, Touma’s eyes fluttered open and they instantly locked onto Seiji’s face. “S-Seiji-san? What happened?” Trying to sit up, Touma hissed in pain and clutched his ribs.

“Just rest, little one.” Seiji helped the boy lay back down without hurting his ribs again. Putting his hand on Touma’s forehead, he quickly healed the wounds on the tiny body.

“Seiji-san? Are we still going to make my new kite today?”

“Maybe tomorrow. Touma-kun, do you remember what happened out in the garden?” Seiji questioned.

“No, not really.” Touma tried to think back to when he woke up that morning. He could remember going to his, but then wandering over to the garden first. The other kids were there and asked him to play, then they started teasing him. Everything after that was a blur in his mind. “The other children teased me, but I don’t know what happened afterwards. What happened, Seiji-san? Why am I in your chambers?”

“That’s what I’m trying to figure out,” Seiji replied honestly. “Go back to sleep.”

Touma nodded his head weakly, drifting back to sleep.

“What’s going to happen to him now?” Asked Ryo.

“The people will demand for me to do one of two things. First, I can banish him from the land. Or second, have him put to death for attacking others.” Seiji answered sadly.

“You’re not going to kill him! Are you!?” Ryo cried out, horrified that anyone would want to kill, no, murder, an eight year old child.

“Of course not! I can’t do either of those things, not to Touma. The only thing I can do now is start his training now, that way he’ll be able to control his powers. I highly doubt that this incident was caused on purpose.”

“Start his training now!?”

Ryo was a little concerned. He was trained by Seiji and it wasn’t a walk in the park, that was for sure. Would such a young boy be able to handle it? The youngest person to ever take on Seiji’s training was Shu, who was thirteen and still struggled. Ryo was fifteen when Seiji trained him and it was probably the most difficult thing he ever had been through, even as a young god.

He was considerably younger than Seiji, despite knowing the god longer than anyone else. There was about a fifty year difference between them, but Taiyo-sama didn’t look a day older than twenty years old. Now that he thought about it, Seiji would be nearing almost five hundred years, the time sure did fly.

Would Touma be able to go through the intense training so soon? The Fire Lord could feel that the boy was surprisingly strong, but he was only eight years old. Not only was it physically hard, but also mentally. The Sun God’s training involved just as much exercise of the mind as the body.

Worry weighed down in him for the little boy. Starting too soon could damage someone, Ryo would hate to see that befall Touma. Though, if it were up to Ryo, Touma would never have to fight in his life. The startling beauty the child had showed signs of how gorgeous he’d look as an adult, Ryo couldn’t wait to see what Touma would look like in about ten to eleven years.

“I don’t really have a choice and if anyone can handle, it is him.”

“I sure as hell hope that you’re right.”


Touma looked curiously around him, he had never been in the Sun God’s private chambers before. No one ever dared to go in there without Taiyo-sama inviting them in and that was a very rare occasion. Like the entire palace, it was flooded with light, yet there was more of a warm, comfortable feeling to the room, Touma could see why Seiji-san liked sitting in there by himself to think.

The chairs were more comfortable than the ones in Seiji-san’s other chambers and the furniture was more elegant. He had a much bigger bed too. Touma was tempted to run over and see how soft the bed was, but he sat perfectly still, not wanting to be disrespectful while Seiji was away.

The boy fiddled with his dark blue, silk robe, he wanted to look his best for Taiyo-sama. He was handsome for such a young child, Shu had even praised him for that before ushering him to the door of the private chambers. Running a hand over his hair, Touma wished it wouldn’t stick up so much, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Hastily standing up, Touma bowed to Seiji as he entered the room, walking gracefully over to where Touma had been sitting.

It had been a week since the incident and now Seiji planned on telling Touma that his training would start earlier than expected. He was pleased to see that Touma had dressed so nicely, rather than his usual tunic and shorts. It showed that the boy had respect for him.

Sitting down across from Touma, Seiji smiled gently at the boy. “Touma, there’s something I need to tell you.”

Touma scooted his chair closer to Seiji’s. “Are you going to tell me where babies come from?”

“W-What!?” Seiji was shocked by the question.

“I asked Shu-san and he told me that you’d tell me.”

“He did?”

“Yep,” Touma nodded seriously. “I wanna know. Seiji-san, where do babies come from? Do they come from the same place as baby gods?”

Well, he wanted to always be honest to Touma and he didn’t want to start lying to him now. “Um, well, first . . . Ah, there’s a mommy and daddy who love each other very, very much and they decide to have a baby . . .”

“Where do they get the baby?”

“Eh, they . . . They go to bed and . . . And pray to the Baby Goddess!” The words just popped out of Seiji’s mouth before he could even think of them.

“The Baby Goddess?”

“Yeah, she . . . she then gives the parents their baby! And that’s where babies come from!”

“Where does the Baby Goddess get the babies?”

//May the High God help me! This boy has the most inquiring mind I’ve ever seen! Seiji thought to himself. Shu took that excuse when he first asked me, why won’t Touma take it too? Damn Shu!// He knew Touma would ask all these questions! “I-It’s one of those great mysteries that’ll never be solved.”

“We could ask her! You told me before that you can contact any god or goddess you wanted!” Touma suggested excitedly, he was eager to solve a mystery.

“First, we need to talk about something else. I told you that one of these days I was going to train you, correct?”

“Yeah, you said when I’m about fourteen I get to start training.”

“Yes, well, we’re going to start it early.”


“You have a power in you, Touma, and it can become quite dangerous if you don’t learn how to control it.”

Staring at Seiji with realization in his eyes, Touma stated quietly. “This is the end of my childhood.”

“Touma-kun . . .”

“It’s okay. I’ll make you proud, I promise! I won’t bring you anymore shame!”

Seiji could feel his heart breaking at Touma’s words. Did the boy really think that he brought him shame? Wrapping the boy in his arms, he held him close. “Touma-kun, you already make me proud. You could never bring me shame.”

“If I don’t bring shame, then . . . then why does everyone hate me? What did I do?” Tears fell from stormy blue eyes, wanting to know answers to so many questions buried deep in his heart.

“Because others don’t understand you like I do. The people of my land may not like you, but I love you with all my heart. Never forget that you have the love of a god and nothing will ever change that.”

“I love you too, Seiji-san, you’re my favorite person in the world.”

Kissing Touma lightly on the forehead, Seiji held the boy closer. “You will always be loved, maybe not by everyone, but always by me.” Pulling away slightly, Seiji wiped away the boy’s tears. “One of these days, Touma-kun, I’m going to show you how much you mean to me.”



“We haven’t tested out my new kite. Do you want to test it out with me?”

Grinning like a child, Seiji answered, “I’d be honored to.”

A bright blue kite in the shape of a bird sailed through the air, twisting and turning every way in the mild breeze. Merry laughter rang out within the walls of the palace of the Sun God. This time though, the laughter of a child was mixed in with the laughter of a god. The kite was not lost. And Touma’s smile didn’t leave his face for the rest of the day.

Chapter 2 Coming Soon!!

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