Disclaimer: I don't own them. Just playing with them for a bit. Hope you enjoy. ^_^


By: Skye

Email: deaths_koibito@yahoo.com

Pairings: eventual 1+2, implied 3x4

Warnings: umm...PG-13 for cursing, innuendoes, and drug use(?)

Notes: Okay this idea kinda popped in my head last night when I was trying to sleep. Its inspired by the movie ""The Breakfast Club"" and an episode of Dawsons Creek (1st season). C&C greatly appreciated no da!

""....."" spoken

<.....> thoughts


Duo Maxwell was going crazy. He was stuck in a two-hour lecture on ''Great Explorers'' with the most boring, monotone teacher at the school the five pilots were hiding in. Duo blinked and chuckled softly to himself. <Boy, Wufei would have a fit if he heard me say he's hiding.> From his left he heard the sound of someone clearing their throat nosily and he turned to glance at the perpetrator. A pretty brown-eyed girl caught his eye and blushing, motioned for him to pay attention. Duo flashed her a ''winning'' smile and turned his attention back to the stick thin old man droning on at the front of the lecture hall.

Ten minutes later Duo wasn't going crazy, he was bored. Violet eyes darted repeated to the clock on the far wall. <Still forty-five more minutes! I'm gonna kill Heero for signing me up for this class!> He glanced at the girl next to him, struggling to remember her name.

""Hey,"" he whispered, leaning closer to the girl. ""Suzano, wanna go to a movie with me on Saturday?""

Suzano blinked her large eyes and blushed again, ""Duo, after class.""

He grinned. ""Answer now or I ask someone else.""

""Mr. Morrison""

""So,"" Duo pressed. ""What do you say?""

""Duo! The teacher...""


With a yelp Duo tumbled from his seat landing on his back on the floor. Laughter rang out across the room but was quickly silenced by a glare from the instructor. Duo jumped to his feet and bowed his head in what he hoped was a respectful manner.

""Yes, Mr. Lowry?""

""What was of such importance that you felt it necessary to interrupt my class?"" Lowry grated menacingly, leaning closer.

""Nothing, sir.""

One pencil-thin gray eyebrow raised in disbelief.

Behind Suzano another dark-eyed girl grinned evilly and smiled, "" Mr. Lowry I know what he said. He asked Suzano to a movie on Saturday.""

Mr. Lowry's frown deepened, ""Is this true Ms. Takahashi?""

Suzano sank into her chair mumbling an affirmative.

Duo tried to remember to look intimidated as the teacher continued to glare. <Give me a break.

You are nothing compared to the goons I've had to deal with, Lowry.>

"" Duo Morrison you will report to the library at seven o'clock Saturday morning for all day detention.""

Duo paled, Heero was going to kill him.

* * * * * * * *

Heero Yuy glanced at the clock next to the bed. <Almost time.>

Across the room Duo Maxwell lay reading a magazine with his headphones blasting loudly enough for Heero to here the screeching guitars and pounding drums. He had his legs up in the air, kicking them up and down like a kid. His characteristic braid flowed down his back before falling down his side onto the mattress. Heero's eyes lingered on the chestnut rope for a moment before he forced himself to look at the clock once more.

Eleven-fifteen. Time to go.

Without a sound he rose from the bed and stalked towards his partner. Lifting the headphones off the baka's head he did his best not to shiver at the feel of Duo's hair against the pads of his fingers.

""What's the big idea Heero?"" Duo snapped.

""Hn. I'm outta here,"" he replied and let the headphones drop onto the bed. He turned to leave but a cool hand on his arm stopped him in his tracks. Cobalt eyes wide with surprise he waited to hear what Duo had to say.

""I'll come with you,"" Duo said excitedly.

Heero's eyes narrowed and he shook Duo's hand off roughly. ""Baka you will stay here. I don't know how long I''ll be and you have detention in the morning.""

A snort, ""I'll just blow it off Heero.""

Heero spun on the braided youth and fixed him with a glare that silenced the last of his response. ""No. You were fool enough to get in trouble and you will go to detention. If you blow it off you'll risk destroying our cover.""

Then before the other could respond he turned and stalked out the door.

Hours later Heero was carefully making his way back into the dormitory. He had spent the majority of the night updating Wing's mission logs in the blessed silence of solitude. Both Wing and Deathscythe were hidden nearby in the concealing woods surrounding their posh boarding school. He knew that Shenlong, Sandrock, and Heavyarms were also near but for safety reasons he had not been told their whereabouts. Mentally, he made note to remind their respective pilots to do a security check sometime over the weekend.

In the distance Heero made out the sound of voices approaching and he slid back into the shadows. A moment later two girls rounded the corner chatting and giggling loudly. Heero frowned as he recognized one of them as Suzano Takahashi. A wave of...jealousy rose in Heero's chest but he quickly forced it down. Jealousy? <Where had that come from?> Just because that loud-mouthed baka had asked the girl out to a movie...

Heero blinked as realization hit him. He was jealous for exactly that reason. Duo always flirted and threw innuendoes about when they were together and Heero enjoyed the attention. He enjoyed the way Duo would teasingly run his hands down Heero's arms. The feather light touches of his slender fingers against Heero's thigh. Yet he had asked out that, that girl!

<Why would he ask you to go? You always push him away. Call him a fool. And if that doesn't work....>

Heero's expression darkened at where that train of thought was going. <When that doesn't work I hit him.>

The soldier within him decided he'd wasted enough time hiding in the bushes and once he was sure no one else was about he darted toward the dorms. He reached the entrance with no problems. He quickly dashed up the stairs and reached for the door handle...only to have the door open from the inside. Heero froze, there was nowhere to go.

A tall man in a wrinkled suit emerged from the doorway and stopped as he saw Heero before him.

<Just great, busted by the principal.>

Chapter 2