Okay you guys this is a really gay foward I got and I felt the need to make fun of it. My responce is in the blueish purple.

* CASE 1: * Kelly Sedey had

* one wish, for her

* boyfriend

* of three years, David

* Marsden, to propose to her.

* Then one day

* when she was out to lunch

* David proposed! She

* accepted, but then had to

* leave

* because she had a meeting

* in 20 min. When she got

* to her office, she

* noticed on

* her computer she had

* e-mail. She checked it, the

* usual stuff from her

* friends,

* but then she saw one

* that she had never gotten

* before. It was this

* letter. She simply

* deleted it without even

* reading all of it.


* Later that evening, she

* received a phone call from

* the police. It was

* about DAVID!

* He had been in an

* accident with an 18 wheeler.

* He didn't survive.

Okay, first off, what kinda last name is Sedey? And wait, what the hell, why is she checking her email, she has a damn business meeting! And Marsden? Er...okay. And how the hell did this person sending this email KNOW she got this email? Okay, and how did this person sending this foward know she deleted it? Cuz if my boyfriend died, my stupid email would be the least of my worries, so what the friggin hell.

* CASE 2: Take Katie Robbenson.

* She received this letter

* and being the believer

* that she was, she sent

* it

* to a few of her

* friends but didn't have

* enough e-mail addresses to

* send out the full 10

* that you must.

* Three days later, Katie

* went to a masquerade ball.

* Later that night when she

* left to get to her car

* to go home, she was

* killed

* on the spot by a

* hit-and-run drunk driver.

But how come Kelly Sedey's boyfriend died earlier than this chick right here? Whats up with that?? Doesn't Marsden deserve some respect? C'mon you guys. And...okay how did the person sending this email know she recieved it and only sent it to a few ppl, because it's not like she's around to tell you...OH DIDN'T THINK OF THAT DID YA PERSON WHO MADE UP THIS GAY FORWARD!?!

* CASE 3:

* Richard S. Willis sent

* this letter out within 45

* minutes of reading it.

* Not even 4 hours later

* walking along the

* street to his new job

* interview with a really big

* company, when

* he ran into Cynthia Bell,

* his secret love for 5

* years.

* Cynthia came up to him and

* told him of her

* passionate crush on him

* that she had had on him

* for 2 years. Three days

* later, he

* proposed to her and they

* got married. Cynthia and

* Richard are still

* married with three

* children, happy as ever!

Hey..Why doesn't Richard have a car? Anyway, Cynthia has only liked him for 2 years and Richie here has liked her for 5 years, WHAT HAPPEND TO THOSE 3 YEARS IN BETWEEN CYNTHIA?? I guess they made up for it with those 3 kids they have..and they waited 3 days to get married..oh lord does it get any gayer? And the person who made up this regod damn diculious foward, how do you know he waited 45 minutes? riiiight..MY CASE is closed.