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My BFA show from FIU

This was the Art from my B.F.A. Show from the Florida International University, in Miami.

7 Demons

This was my version of the seven deadly sins. But,i used demons to represent each sin and how those demons possessed a charcter in some classic fairytales. 7 Demons

Rose Red and Sky Blue

This is a retelling of the fairytale, RoseRed nd SNow white, the story of two sisters. However i changed the girls tolook like me and my little sister when we were younger. If only we had adventures of this kind. Rose Red and Sky Blue

The Nutcracker

This was a video of my vesion of The Nutcracker, instead of ballerinas i used little puppets drawn on paper and attached to popcicle sticks. The effect was to be a homemade child's theater. it was cute, fun and tons of work!! The Nutcracker

Plutogoddess's Wicked World...