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Breaking the Glass; Revealing the Truth: The Gallery

Welcome to my take on some of my favorite Fairy Tales and other childhood stories.

Personally i was sick of all the stories i heard growing up where the girls were weak and just let people and circumstances run them over. So i decided to change them. Now i have created warriors and intellagent young girls and women which i now can not stop creating.

Each painting is like a page from a giant book, for now. Each one is packed with all kinds of neat stuff like toys and little junk. So when looking you have to get up close to see it all.

Which was inspired through pictures like this from the original storybooks. They sit in the back of your mind and haunt you all your life.

My version of Alice's Journey through the Looking Glass

Alice in Wonderland was always one of my favorite stories. But poor Alice was put through so much. Untill i came along now she is in charge and basically runs both Wonderland and LookingGlass Land. But click above to veiw my Alice Paintings.

For the Oz paintings i went to the original BOOK for insperation...the movie just was not good enough.

D's Mission in Oz

And actually once i reread the first Oz Book i had to go and reread all the others. (Glinda of Oz, and Ozma of Oz and Tic Tok of Oz are my favorites!!)

Next was the Fairy Tale The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Anderson

The Ice and Snow Queen

This was one of my favorite Fairy Tales Growing up. Many people in Florida or shall i say Miami never heard of it. Which i found amusing.

Plutogoddess's Wicked World...