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Kristie's Elsewhere

My name is Kristie; welcome to my elsewhere. This a personal web pag designed to display my interests. Hopefully you will enjoy the pages too!

Just a little about myself...I am a single twenty-something woman with red hair and hazel eyes. I love the important stuff in life like spending time with my two youngest sisters, hanging out with my two best friends Danielle and Jill, and my cat Taz. I have a ton of hobbies that I like and even more favorites. Hopefully the list to follow will be helpful to understanding the site.

Kristie's Favorites

Book: The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton, Of Mice and Men by John Steinback, Native Son by Richard Wright, and of course Charlotte's Web by EB White(can you tell I like the classics...not to say I don't enjoy a good mystery or a scary story!)
Movie: The Labyrinth (David Bowie), The House of Mirth (Gillian Anderson), Footloose (Kevin Bacon), Pretty Woman (Julia Roberts)
Cartoon: I love cartoons; I don't think I could pick one favorite...but some of them are the Smurfs, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, the Care Bears...that's just to name a few.
Actress: Gillian Anderson
Comedian: Jon Stewart
Color: Green and Purple
Animal: Cats, Dolphins, and Butterflies
Food: Currently Subway...junk food wise I love Ice Cream!
Past Time: Helping Other People, Goofing off with my friends