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AE Postcard Campaign

Okay here is the idea behind the postcard campaign. Basically what you do is copy off this image and then paste it on to a postcard and then mail it to FOX. These things generally work best if we do them as a concentrated effort, so if we could start sending them to FOX ASAP that would be great. On the postcard you might say something about how much you love the show and would greatly appreciate another chance for it on the the network. Make sure to mention that you are sending the postcard as a part of the Bring Back the American Embassy Campaign. If we can do this and the letters, and perhaps e-mails we might have a better chance of getting our beloved show back. The address for FOX is:
Fox Broadcasting Co.
PO Box 900
Beverly Hills, CA 90213

Fox's e-mail address:

I will be putting up more images in a few days but for now this one will have to do. As soon as I get home from my business trip I will post the new improved images. This is a start at least! Oh, and thanks for all your willingness to help! If you are looking for more ways to make an impact be sure and sign the campaign petition and send e-mails and letters to FOX.
