Ŧħę Ģąŧęş ơƒ Ħęłł







Welcome to my dark side...
I have no fears...

there are no dreams to ponder.
this is my reality
this is my world.



I'm me...my thoughts and expressions are mine...by my choice...I choose my own path...sometimes its right, others it is wrong...but when I believe in something I follow thru.

I believe trust is the most overrated word in the english language...always remember...never let anyone know your weak spot...not even your best friend...it can be used
against you.


There is a cold...dark sinster side in all of us...we just each move to a different beat. This is not to say that this side is the most
...dormant waiting to spring into action as soon as the moment arises.






This is only the beginning...and its more than a phase...now is the time for me to express...
my Evil Ways.



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