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A Baby- Sequel to A BSB's Fans Dream Come True

Updated: August 17th, 2001

When Nick Carter met Emilie Anne Parker, that special day back in September.9th, 1998, he knew then she was his soulmate. Through troubled times, a short break up, and other events that have tested their love for each other, Emilie and Nick finally tyed the knot, right after Emilie found out she was 2 months pregnant. Now, they are married, have a bouncing baby girl named Lillie, and are living together in Orlando. Everything is going great until their love is tested. Do Emilie and Nick really love each other? Does destiny truly happen when you think you've met the one? What happens when you realize the one you marry, isn't necessarily the one you love? Open the book, and read onto see where love really lies and the answer could tear apart a successful boyband, best friends for over seven years, and two special relationships, just for all in the name of love...

All About Emilie

Prologue-Emilie's Perspective
Chapter One-Nick's Perspective
Chapter Two-AJ's Perspective
Chapter Three-Emilie's Perspective
Chapter Four- Howie's Perspective

This story is not true! It is completely fiction and none of the events are real. I do not know any of the Backstreet Boys or anyone affiliated with them. This story is also copyright. If you have any comments, e-mail me
@ e Thanks!