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Name: Danielle Michelle
Age: 19
DOB: February 13, 1984
Birth Place: Burlington Township, New Jersey
Nicknames: Danyellie, Danni, Dee, Ellie, Deelle.
Eye Color: Umm they change but mostly Blue
Hair Color: Ive had it every color of the rainbow, but now its Red.
Height: 5'10
School: Nowheres right now but probly somewheres in the fall...

~*~*~Other Stuff~*~*~

Brother: Jesse
Mother: Nancy
Father: Andy
Boyfriend: not now
Love: Of course I'm always in love
Pets: Now I only have a fog... Matt.... Promise was put to sleep 7-22-02
Hobbies: Singing, Acting, Shopping, umm everything hehe
Job: At the mall.... yeah I know
Car: The red honda civic.
Piercings: 4 on left ear, 5 on right, and my tongue and umm and I got one more hehe. So 11 right now.
Tattoos: I have a tribal heart on my lower back and a playboy bunny with my name under it on my right sholder.


Color: Red
Smell: Peaches and Very Sexy (Victoria's Secret)
Candy: Extra Polar Ice Gum.
Poet: Emily Dickinson
Song: Swirl 360 - Okay
CD: Don't have one right now.
Band: Simple Plan and Blink 182
Guy In Band: Tom Delonge
Actor: Josh Hartnett
Actress: Julia Stiles
Movie: 8 Mile, 40 days and 40 nights
Clothes: Hurley
Show: Passions
Word: Frozen
Day of the Week: Friday
Season: Spring
Store: PacSun, AE, GAP, Old Navy, Vans.
Guys Name: Seth
Girls Name: Sky