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Midi Playing: "Dreaming of You" Selena

Sites for Recovering Anorexics/Bulimics

The Bulimic Dance a website that was a research project on Bulimia. It is a very resourceful site, nonetheless.

Pale-Reflections An interactive support and educational site for people recovering from an ED.

Celebrities with Eating Disorders a website that shows that an ED can happen to just about anyone...good to show you that you are not alone!

Music Links

Lourds The official website of Lourds!! I've seen her band perform at the Witches' Ball at Don Hill's, and at the Continental's "Chicks that Rock" event....She is f*cking AWESOME!! I really suggest ordering her CD...she is such a kewl person, she is nice, she is VERY talented...the list can go on and on and on!!

One of my FAVORITE ARTISTS!!!!!!! I think her songs are brilliant!!!

Personal Links & Random Silliness You can go here for almost ANY midi file that you are looking for!

Learn how to make your own sushi!! I LOVE this place!!!

Queer as Folk Official site at a hilarious website by Hal Sparks, an awesome comedian & actor (currently can be seen playing "Michael Novotny" on Queer as Folk). This guy is just a real hoot! =D

I.B.S. Links

IBS Self Help Group Come here to chat with others who suffer from will definitely gain some knowledge from this place!

Tattooey Goodness AWESOME WEBSITE! Need I say more? A website owned by my LJ buddy, Taesa, who runs Ink Alternative in Long Island, NY =) An awesome website with endless flash art! Great source of inspiration!!

Redhead Stuff (I was one for 10 years, you know!)

This is THE gathering place for redheads the world over! This is just a REALLY kewl place to hang out!

Just For Redheads This is an online cosmetics catalogue created by a redhead, just for redheads. Has every type of makeup for all red-headed needs :)

Great Boredom Solutions Need I say more? A great place to open up your own blog. Nice tightly-knit community.

Witchy/Druidic Resources

The Witches' Voice There is NO WAY to describe this site in just one mini-paragraph. It's just THAT informative and resourceful!

Witches' Brew: For All of Mother's Children I've been visiting this site since I was a teenager. Beautiful, informative, and interactive!

The Celtic Connection This amazing site was owned by a wonderfully kind man named Herne (who passed away, not too long ago). It is maintained by his friends and family.

Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship A wonderful resource if you are looking to familiarize yourself with the wonderful world of Druidry. Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids Another wonderful and resourceful site on Druidry!
