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tUESDAY Nov. 4th ,2003 1:00p.m.

Yes i know again it has been a while since I updated. I have been very busy with Halloween and The Texas Renaissance Festival...for on Halloween I went to a Halloween party and took some pics of all kinds of things...I took a short video of me in the strobe light and got told that i was stoned in the process..hehe anyways I have yet to figure out how to put the video on my site...anyone have any suggestions I would surely appreciate it. I took the video with my kodak camera...and the video is now in my kodak easyshare program....I am also trying to figure out how to email them also. I did have a wonderful time on Halloween...nobody really scared me except for the beast i met the next day at the Ren Fest..which there is a pic of him in my photo gallery...its named scared as hell tINA...hehe....he had a bloody torso in his hands and when i asked him if i could take a pic with him i saw that and his eyes and i started to think well this is cool but maybe this wasn't such a good idea...hehe..but im so glad i got the pic...and got scared..lovely feeling. I did have many people at the fest ask to take a picture of me and I was a Vinyl Ragdolly...i did get asked if i was Christina Agulera...which i took as a compliment yet felt insulted at the same time hehe...Some of the pics i took from Halloween and the next day at the Ren fest are posted in my pics section. I am gonna add more soon i update this all the time...thanks for reading!

"mY pHONES oN vIBRATE fOR yOU"by???trying to find out.
I am going to find the lyrics and add them in my lyrics section..its a beautiful song!
tHURSDAY Oct.23 ,2003 11:00a.m.
Sorry I haven't updated my journal in a bit...I have been quite the busy girl...I have added 3 new pictures in my abstract photo album and 4 in my photo album.Also I added a new midi file by Simple Minds..."Don't you forget about me" on my lyrics page.I am planning out my halloween costume me and my friend Kerri are going to be Ragdolls...sept i may be a really morbid one...were trying to find places that sale hair extensions for pigtales and such online so if anyone knows of some sites besides Ragdolly let me know for they don't have what we want. But we are planning on going to the Renaissance Festival probably on Halloween and were gonna take many pics which will be posted as soon as possible and you know im good at keeping up with my site so come back soon to see them...oh and with my costume i should have my black wings in a week or so so im gonna where those with it also!
On a sad note...someone got murdered here in the town i live in 2 days ago a man stabbed his girlfriend to death and then he tried to kill himself afterwards with pills but it did not he's got problems now...
I recently watched one of the best films "I feel" so far this year. "Bowling for Columbine", Everyone must see it! Especially Americans. It's sad and shocking....It's a documentary that Micahael Moore made and everyone needs to see it...I also saw "Gangs Of New York". It is very bloody and violent...gangs everywhere! It's really good too.
"I knew you recognise me"
"Call my name or walk on by"
"Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling"
"Down, down, down…" by sIMPLE mINDS.*look for lyrics in lYRICS section.*

tUESDAY Oct.14 ,2003 9:13a.m.
I have added a new abstract photo album of pictures that i have taken that i have felt have needed to be taken for they wouldn't usually get a second glance. and when you view them they become timeless beauty!and further to the bottom is my drawings i have done.Also i made these icons that are placed next to my journal entries. I hope you enjoy everything so far and i look forward to your feedback.
I recently watched "Scarface". That was a kickass movie...let's just say that everything that happens in it happens in the video game "Vice City" its totally uncanny how much they are a like. so go see it!

wEDNESDAY Oct.8 ,2003 10:20a.m.
I added 3 more pics of me today. And I added this new midi file to this page and my pics page. As I did research on Marilyn Monroe I got some really great ideas on I'll be working on those as soon as i get my dark angel feather wings from my mom...which should be before halloween as i told her. But I plan on doing a bunch of poses with those...I have a bunch of ideas now for photo shoots and I am so excited. I can't wait to do them! Yeah Arnold won as Govener of California! I'm so glad he won, for you know he'll be great and he'll be saying in the end.."iLL bE bACK!" hehehe.I hope you enjoy your stay here, as I usually work on this site everyday...tHANKYOU for visiting!!=-)
"I just want something I can never have."bY nIN
"You inspire me to be so inspire me to be free." by BT- lAST mOMENT oF cLARITY

tUESDAY Oct.7 ,2003 4:46p.m.
Well I did my hair lighter today so there is a new pic of me in my pics section.

mONDAY Oct.6 ,2003 9:26a.m.
"sOMNAMBULIST",sIMPLY bEING lOVED" by bt/emotional technology.
Oh you know the night that Marilyn Monroe died was on my birthday? August 4th, 1962. Yet I wasn't born yet but hey that still is wierd..Or she may have died very early the next morning...I watched a special on it all on Discovery the other day... It was really interesting...they were saying that she definately had intentions to kill herself...for she locked her bedroom door..that she never locked..They were saying that she would always take a bunch of sleeping pills...and she may have tried to take a bunch this time...even though she had tried to kill herself a bunch of times before yet ended up telling someone about it so they saved her. But this time they said that someone could of gave her and anima and gave her drugs that way for when they examined her colon it was all discolored....But in the end they were saying that she most likely meant to kill herself. I don't know much about Marilyn Monroe but I'm gonna do research on her today hehe.just cuz I'm interested in Norma Jean and how she became Marilyn I will update on here....
Im gonna go back Blonde! Maybe not as Platnium as before cuz of the damage it consumes but yes im doing it blonde. I may leave the two red dark pieces right in the front ...not sure yet...and then im gonna get it cut an inch shorter.
Man, "this is sick", I was driving in my car this morning and on the radio these people were calling in saying how they had friends that would do it with dogs! I was like oh thats so fuckin nasty...makes you really scared to be with anyone that if it isn't bad enough as it is now with diseases and such...
I do have to be to work at 3pm to 9pm tonight...and then i don't work the next day...You know what is awesome..also KMFDM is coming with BILE Nov 13th here to a local houston club i go to alot called Numbers...I'm going for sure ...this will be my second time seeing them too...oh and they kickass in concert! I haven't heard BILE but I've heard there perty good...Im gonna check out there music.the 17th 18th and 19th I'm going to this big party on the beach called "lovefest" and there gonna have a bunch of live Dj's there playing all kinds of music....the party lasts for 3 days..and best part is...its not very far from here and its free! so hell yeah im going to that is perfect weather for it now.
{fAVORITE lYRIC fOR tODAY} "Simply being more then enough!"by BT

tHURSDAY Oct.2 ,2003 11:00a.m.
Yes tis another day in this lovely world. What have I been up to lately? Well working and editing my you probably noticed with a little help from my friend I added a midi file. It's the music I mentioned above.I love it! I hope you do too! I'm trying to figure out some new idea's for photo shoots...such as a theme for hALLOWEEN and such. So If any one has some ideas for me...swing them my way please. I am planning on doing a project with my dark angel wings....probably be in the nude and in higheels..hehehe...well see how that goes...wish me luck!
"I want to know what your thinking, there are some things you can't hide. I want to know what your feeling...tell me what's on your mind!" by dURAN dURAN

wEDNESDAY Oct.1 ,2003 11:09a.m.
I'm in a many mixed mood today. I did add 3 more pics to my site today. Lots of things have been going wrong as of late..which i won't let out today.I did have a certain someone email me today from Utah that remembered me and mentioned me in his Live Journal, which I thought was really nice of him.A month ago or so i lost my Uncle Mike to cancer...its really sad since I hadn't seen him in like 5 years atleast...death is really wierd to think about.As of late though i haven't been in the best of moods...I'm going through a time in my life where i don't know what to do in my life. I am planning on doing some more full body shots of myself, it's just hard to find a good photographer i can trust. So my modeling career is kinda slow at the moment. If anyone who reads this knows any "serious" photographer's let me know.
"I'm not an artist, I'm a fuckin work of art."by mARILYN mANSON
"Nothing in this world is for real..except you are for me and I am so your's!"by mARILYN mANSON
"You drained my heart...and made a spade..but there's still traces of me in your veins."by mARILYN mANSON

tUESDAY sEPT, 30 2003 4:42 p.m.
This is my first entry to my new homeade journal.hehehe I shall soon be getting my own Live Journal as soon as i get my butt to doing it.Today I have been working on a bunch of different icons that i will soon be adding to this page.My friend is gonna help me with the animation...for yes he knows who he is.And for the time being I have added 2 new pics of me for you to gaze upon and I have many more to add.I have also been working with pics and making them into cartoon pics and coloring book pics. Like this one above of me is cartoon. I'm your anime lady...heheh. I'm also working on getting a midi file for this site.I have added 6 more sites for you to enjoy also.Hope you enjoy your stay here...
"When your here...I don't care...what you say....what you say to long as you say it! bY zEROMANCER
