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Shana Evrae:

BackGround For Shana:

When Shana was born, she was born rich, very rich.Her family lived just outside a city, that city was called Perin.They were a very loving family, and caring.They had a nice home and everything a child could wish for.A month after Shana had reached her sixth birthday, her mother was murderd, and the body was dumped in the family's front yard.

When Shana's father was heading out the door to work he saw the body of his dead wife, just laying there, on the front steps.He was furious, he called the police, and they soon caught the murders, and they were put to death.

Shana's father soon started to go out at nights and drink badly.After he would get back from the clubs/taverns/pubs he would stroll into Shana's bedroom ever so slowly, and would wake her from her sleep and beat her till she couldn't move from the ground.

By the time Shana turned 18 her father had died from a mass heart attack, and she was living in the streets.After her father had died, she didn't have the money for the rent of the house, she had no job or any education after high school.She was left out on the streets.

Shana reached her 20 birthday.At once, she met a man named Tidus Evrae, they talked, and soon fell deeply in love.They were married quickly, but happily, and had two children together, hoping for another one.

Shana was looking around for a job after she had met Tidus, she found a newspaper ad and found a job, it was a job to be a waitress, for a place called GuiltyPleasures.A few days after she had found the paper she went to the club and filled out a form.The person working there was NikkieZek (Frost), she owned half of the club she told Shana.

Shana was hired for the job a few days after that and her and Nikkie started to talk, becoming friends at once, they had a bound so strong it was really amazing, they were like sisters.Shana isn't her real name, only a few people know her real name, and she isn't about to tell just anyone..

Shana and Tidus now have three kids, and are expecting three more on the way..