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Reapers End is a small organization in Manhattan, New York that specializes and things such as fights, assassinations, property, the whole nine yards. If something isn't right in the city they are one of the first to know of it. The Russian Mafia clearly being the other half of that.

Enemies are made fast upon this group.seeing as to how most don't fit the standards to be called an 'allie' and no one not even its own members could truly call themselves friends except for Shayla and Triton who make their friendship known to everyone. A main enemy of this group is indeed the other half of Manhattan...The Russian Mafia. Battles go back years and years of respect and such things, and since before anyone can remember members of the two groups have always been at each others throat.

This was Shayla's first organization to join although the way things are shaping out doesn't seem as if it would be her last. It isn't very hard to find her in this group since everyone in it knows her by the name of The Dragon, a story in itself but mostly coming forth from her talented skills and strength in the art of hand to hand combat. Not much is known about Reapers end except for they had been started in the early 1900's and still continuing on to themselves. Only they seem to be quite fond of minding their own business unless the Russian Mafia is involved.