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vein     mayhem   clown    razor

     pulmonary stenosis

is confirmed dead with clown leaving and mayhem no longer wanting to keep the band going.

we have decided to upload all our past photos and this page will now be used to remember ps.. and all the good times we had.. will be uploaded soon..   











                      THIS IS THE END OF EVERYTHING...                        ASPHYXIATE IN HATRED...                            THIS IS CONSUMED BY SICKNESS...                                       THIS IS A PLAGUE...                                              A FATAL DISEISE....                             PULMONARY STENOSIS


we thank everyone who helped us out and supported each band member.. without you guyz we wouldnt of made it this far..

its sad to end it but we cant go on with all these problems around us.. and there is more important things. we will always love you guyz...

thanks ps :(