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About Parvenu

----------general info----------
*name: Parvenu...I don't feel like sharing my real name with the world
*location: New York
*color of eyes: Blue-gray
*hair: Blondish-brown and really long
*shoes size:  9-11, depending on the shoe
*brothers/sisters: One older sister
*instrument(s): voice, cello, violin, guitar, piano
----------have you ever----------
*been hurt emotionally: Hasn't everyone?
*kept a secret from everyone: All the time
*had an imaginary friend: When I was about five...Her name was Megan and she was the coolest thing since sliced bread
*wanted to hook up with a friend: Yes
*cried during a movie: Can't say I have
*had a crush on a teacher: Most of them are in their 40s and 50s, so ew, no
*ever thought an animated character was hot: Cell from DBZ, of course
*cut your hair yourself: Just a tiny bit so the base color of a fall could be figured out...But I'd never do it again, I'm very proud of my hair and I'd rather have it professionally cut since I'd majorly fuck it up

*shampoo: Suave/Herbal Essences...Whatever's there
*day/night: Night
*summer/winter:  Winter
*song(s): Pushit, Sober, Schism, Hooker With a Penis, Prison Sex, Opiate, Cold and Ugly (Tool); Venus in Furs, The Gift, Femme Fatal, Take a Walk On the Wild Side, I'll Be Your Mirror (Velvet Underground); Lola (The Kinks); Freak on a Leash (KoRn); The Beautiful People,mOBSCENE (Marilyn Manson); Winter, A Sorta Fairytale, She's Your Cocaine, Silent All These Years (Tori Amos); Gingerbread Coffin, State Fair, My Little Shirtwaist Fire, The Remnants of Percy Bass (Rasputina); The Days of the Phoenix, He Who Laughs Last, Total Immortal (AFI); Magaldena, Three Libras, The Hollow, Sleeping Beauty (A Perfect Circle); Angelfuck, We Are 138, Mommy Can I Go Out and Kill Tonight, Descending Angel (Misfits) and many, many more...
*food(s): Pizza, crab wontons, peanut butter and jelly, shrimp, egg salad, cucumbers
*ice cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
*subject: English and French
*movies: The Matrix, Identity, X-Men 2, Roman Holiday, Suspicion, Rebecca, Psycho, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Beauty and the Beast (Disney), Edward Scissorhands, Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
*drinks: Water, milk, lemonade, Mountation Dew, Pepsi
*clothes: Fishnet shirt, Ramones shirt, duct tape skirt, Tool shirt, spiderweb stockings, A Perfect Circle shirt, velvet corset, crimson bustier, cream and brown peasant blouse, Malice in Wonderland shirt, spiderweb skirt
*accessories: Dickies bag, skull and crossbones bag, bat mini-bag, night sky mini-bag, charm bracelets, "Fuck off" necklace, duct tape wallet, headstone/spider/bat hair clips
*quote:  "Don't dream it, be it" --Dr. Frank-N-Furter
"Dreaming of the person you want to be is wasting the person you already are"...Or something to that effect

----------right now----------
*wearing: Tool shirt, ducky pajama pants, ducky slippers
*eating: Doritos
*drinking: Pepsi
*thinking about: Stuff
*watching: The monitor
*listening to: Tori Amos - A Sorta Fairytale