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Home Page: Orlando di Lasso

Also known as Roland de Lassus. Born around 1532 in Mons, Flanders. As a boy singer in the service of the vice king of Sicily he went to Italy where he studied music. At the young age of about 20, he became maestro di cappella in Rome, which shows that he must have been highly talented. In 1556, the Duke of Bavaria contracted him as a singer. From 1564 until the end of his life, he was maestro di cappella at the court in Mechen, where he died in 1594 as a wealthy and highly respected man. Lasso was no doubt the greatest Renaissance composer, fluent in any style of the time: Villanella, Chanson, Motet, Madrigal, Lied, Hymns, Lamentationes, and he was fluent in French, Italian, German and Latin, too. Over 2000 secular and spiritual works have survived to this day. Many another composer would envy both his productivity and the care with which his works were kept for posterity.


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