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Official Ashley Parks Roleplay

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Raw RP 1


Ashley, Cole


The scene opens in front of Ashley's locker room. The door suddenly bursts open and Ashley steps out, wearing dark faded lowriders and a tan shredded shirt. She looks around and grins as she begins to walk down the hall.

Announcer 1: Raw is only a week away and what a show it will be!

Announcer 2: We have a card packed full of action!

As Ashley continues to walk down the hall, she is soon stopped by Cole.

Cole: Ashley! Ashley! May I get a word with you?

Ashley stops and turns around. Cole walks up to her and holds up the mic. Ashley looks at him for a minute.

Ashley: Whatever...make it quick.

Cole: *nods* Well I just wanted to ask you your thoughts on your upcoming debut match?

Ashley: My thoughts? I think I am going to do great. Considering Stephanie is my opponent, its a sure win!

Cole: What about the fact that it is a paddle on a pole match for the Women's Champion?

Ashley: I'll tell you what. You and everyone else here can watch patiently as I make my way to the ring and announce to the world exactly what I think and exactly how embarrassing it will be for Stephanie when she steps in the ring with me!

Ashley sarcastically smiles and pushes Cole to the side. She flies past him and walks down the hall.

Announcer 1: Well here comes Ashley to the ring to talk about her upcoming match.

Announcer 2: It must put some pressure on her. Not only is it her debut match in the WWE but its also for the Women's Title!

The lights dim to a light blue. “Biggest and the Best” by Clawfinger suddenly blasts through the p.a. system. The lights flash black and Ashley appears on the ramp. She looks around and the crowd gives her a mixed reaction. The ramp catches on fire and Ashley starts to walk down. She slides in the ring and climbs a turnbuckle. Ashley puts up devil horns and jumps down. She does the same thing on the opposing turnbuckle. Ashley quickly grabs a mic and walks to the center as her music fades. She raises the mic and waits as the crowd calms down. Ashley tosses her hair to one side, about to speak.

Ashley: I am out here for one reason. To speak about my match on Raw. As most of you already know, its a paddle on the pole match for the Women's title against none other than the Billion Dollar Princess herself, Stephanie McMahon!

The crowd cheers as Stephanie's name is mentioned and Ashley shakes her head. She puts one hand on her waist and continues talking.

Ashley: I know everything Stephanie will ever have to say against me. And frankly, I don't give a shit! Stephanie, here's the bottom line, come Raw I will become the first Women's Champion and you will become the first person to lose to me! Its as simple as that! You may be a princess and you may be a bitch and your father may own the WWE but that isn't going to stop me from kicking your ass one way or another. Get ready, life may have been a breeze for you before but you never had to deal with me!

Announcer 1: Strong words from Ashley, here.

Ashley stops and lowers the mic for a second. She paces the ring a little and stops, leaning on a turnbuckle. Ashley raises the mic again.

Ashley: I may be new to this place but I am not new to wrestling. To call me a rookie is a huge understatement. I have won every title, been in every sort of match, and ended undeserving careers! I have scars of what would have killed most of you! But then every single person goes around talking shit about they are the best and the deserving and how they know what its like to suffer a drop of blood from a damn papercut! Stephanie is one of them. Although, I'm sure she was always too busy getting plastic surgery to actually fight in a real match and know what its like to suffer real pain! So, Steph, I am going to cut this short and make sure you got everything I just said. I will wipe the mat with that natty head of yours and win the Women's Title. Making it a paddle on a pole is just one more obsticale for me to overcome, which I will. I came to be the best and that is what I am doing! Well, good luck, Steph. Your going to need it!

Ashley drops the mic. As it hits the ground with a thud, Ashley’s music hits. She rolls out of the ring and begins to make her way to the ring, the crowd booing her. She rolls her eyes and disappears behind the curtains. Ashley walks backstage towards her locker room. She comes to the door and holds the doorknob for a second. She looks around but opens it. Ashley walks in her locker room, flipping on the lights. She plops down on the couch and waits patiently for someone to arrive.



This table was stolen by Ashley! Try to steal it from me and I'll hang your sorry ass!