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So...Where should I start?He born on the streets of nb.was found on a trashbasket and sended to a municipal orfanate.
was a cute white and healthy child,wich made someone adopet him rather fast.He was took by
Andrew Augusto and by Kate Augusto.They decided to name him as Tulio,because it looked
different but yet classy.
The baby was rased with everything he ever wanted,toys,games and those things.But the only 
gift that was really important was a guitar that he won from his aunt at the age of 6.Tulio got 
really liked to play it.Guitar was his favorite toy.Or he was in school, or he was playing that guitar.
Than ,at the age of 10 years Tulio saw on a store a strange 4 strings guitar.Decided to buy it.
2 weeks later,he decided to trow his guitar away.Now bass was his life.His parents tryed all
to make him stop with it.Tulio locked himself on his bedroom after come from school and 
you could hear he playing Black Sabbath all the day,just getting out for sleep.Tulio could 
handle cheap psicologs .He was handling it until the age of 15.Then his father set on fire his bass
and everything related to it.Tulio said to them go to hell,and run away from his masion ,to
a older's friend shack.Was the most happy 2 years of Tulio's life:the 4 things that he needed
to do was:play the bass,have sex and smoke and trippin.
But then something happened.
Tulio's friend died after some(30)vodka doses,some LSD,and french fries.Damn french fries!
That had an incredible change on Tulio's life.First,him didnt touched a single drug for 3 years,
secondly now him needed to play bass to win money to buy his food,finally,he saw 
what he realy was.I ,Apollo,Sun,Helios,Allah,God,Jeovah,call me as you want, appeared
to him and said that everything on his life was manipulated by ,well,me,and that Tulio was one
of the choosen ones.Choses for what?In Tulio's case,spread good music.I am serius.But 
majorlly to entertain people,make than relax for some time,give to them a reason to live,in that
order.But to make that,he gave Tulio some special powers.YES I AM SERIOUS.I shove
some magic into his music and some magic into his mind.After that,I showed to Tulio
what he neded to do.First was to join a tradition(all mages are choosen ones,they just dont 
know.DON'T TELL THEM!).That lead to 2 obvious choses:Hollow Ones or Chorists.
He joined the hollowers.Why?
One:they are tolerant
Two:they dont want to take you to THEIR churchs
Tree:they dress nicely
Four:Goth chicks!
What more he could want?
Today,he leave alone in a northside apartament.Have a girlfriend ,that Tulio love so much,that gets
annoying.Still keeps contact with his mother,but not so much with his father,who thinks that
Tulio is crazy.The feeling is mutual.He is making his beetween the hollowers,and trying to make
them smoke other thing than cloves,but most of his friendsare or ghouls or cultists(weird hun?).
What more?Oh,yes,his sheet:

Character Type: Hollow one || Nature: Bon Vivant || Demeanour: Rebel || Essence: Questing || Concept: Artist 
Physical      Social            Mental
Strength:3  Charisma:4      Perception:3
Dexterity:3 Manipulation:2   Intelligence:2
Stamina:2   Appearance:4     Wits:3 
 Alertness: 2, Athletics: 1, Awareness: 2, Brawl: 1, Dodge: 1, Expression: 3, Streetwise: 2, Subterfuge: 2  
 Drive: 2, Firearms: 1, Meditation: 1, Performance: 4,  
 Academics: 1, Cosmology: 1, Linguistics: 1, Occult: 2,  
BACKGROUNDS: Fame: 2 (composer/bass player) Resources:3 (Royalties/Recording Contract) , Avatar:2 (Apollo), Contacts:2 (Music Industry types), Chantry 1 (Belladonna) 
"POWERS/LIMITS": Correspondence:2 (Meditation), Mind:2 (Bass), Prime:2 (Music) || Lores: Mage 1 || Languages: *English, Latin 
ADVANTAGES: Arete:2 || Resonance:Dynamic: 1(Flashy) || Latin is the language of the Universe. || Specialties: Charisma: Charming Smile, Appeareance: Timeless, Performance: "Strings" (Guitars, Cellos, Violins, Bass, etc.) 
MERITS/FLAWS: Flaw:Soft Heart (1) || 
Merit:Ability Aptitude Perfomance (1) 
His tatoos:this on the right side of his bodyon the left on his right leg(near the foot)
His paradigm:Tulio think that he can make his "magik" by calling me.Well,is true,but it would be
too easy if he could only say "hey,do that,do this".So have some rules.First,i like latin,only call me 
in latin.Secondly,use your gift.In his case his music,his mind and his bass.Yes,simply that way.
But dont bother me a lot,afterall.I am God,so,only call me,when needed,or when you dont call me
since to long.But if you are going to die,dont be stupid!Call me!

Other chars

Shoutenko Yasuo