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A little bit about me

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Cheap Plastic Toy will go miles!!!

Zoo zoo(zena) is curently involved in the rehersal stage of her school production of 'Grease' in which she is playing the roles of Patty Simcox and Jan. She is also choreographing some scenes it the play. She is also a member of 'The Millenium Youth Theatre Company' and is rehersing the musical 'Pendragon' with them at the moment ready to be performed in October to November. Zoozoo has recently participated in the production 'fX' with Jill Clewes performing arts. This performance was ' the best one yet' and she hopes to continue doing shows with the school. Continueing the dance school theme, zena has recently passed her Grade 5 tap exam, getting a Highly Commended, which for those of you who dont know is the second highest mark. Zoozoo loves performing and wishes to thank the man to make her the person she is...Jeremy Wootton. Thank u J zxxxx
