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Well basically me and miles said hey I play bass u play guitar what the hell we should play together. well this all happened about Sep. 2001 and we hard covered all the bands we know and got board of that and so we starting writting stuff down. we have come up with about 3 songs no words just riffs, it basically sound, a rancid bass riff, and a metallica solo from guitar, but a blink/greenday/sublime mix to it. well I guess I will tell u about who we are. Miles [J] Glover: a half asian half USA boy, plays like a mad fuck, and cover any blink, greenday, anti-flag, RHCP, Incubus, well u name it and he would most liky know how to play it. he is a self driven man that only runs on pure raw feeling. He started playing about 9 grade when just a year ago say Blink 182 in there old OLD bus that they drove around in CAL. and started listen and said I'm going to fucking do this. Has a REALLY hot G/F and ya so sorry... Ryan: A bass player, dad plays, guitar and bass showed him how to play bass. he started play more and more when chilled with miles and started getting into punk, Dead Kennedys, rancid, distillers, cricle jerks..u get the pic. He can play slap and pull, but is manly a fast 2X picker, (Anit-flag) other then that he has no last name or middle for that matter. in single......

