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Sup, Ninja's! Nothing much exciting here, I'm just kickin' it back tryin' to figure out how this Juggalette is getting to Tha Gathering 2003. This year Gathering is suposed to be off the hook. But so shit I heard about it it whack! But I won't get into that. I strive for the wagons this year, but I talk to J-Nutts and he doesn't know what the hell is goin' down. But he said as soon as he knows he'll hit up all the Juggalos. Wicked Ideas have come upon some Juggla's that I know. Well, some are just basic shit we'll be doing throughout the summer to show our love. For one, carnival are phat around summer time. The majority of the HMD Juggla's, are hittin' every carnival with clown love with our faces painted, blockin' any nonsense of others lookin' and questioning our faith, we'll all be saying, "Dark mutha-fuckin' Carnival is up in this place!!" Cuz, I'mma be down with the clown, til' I'm dead in the ground, fo sho!


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