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Kira I made this for you for your bday
I made it so you remember on each birthday how special u are
Kira u are my first born
I dont just consider you vp
I have told u many times you are more then vp to me
Angel you are like mah adopted girl
I know we have had moments where we dont always agree
It has only made us closer
We fight yes but we have always come out of it together
No matter what happens you can always come to me about anything
I will an am always here for you
Ive nown you since you were 13
Ive watched you go into a beutiful young adult
Ive watched you be a wonderful mother to Brooke
Brooke is very luckie to have a mother like you
Kira you are in my heart for all time
You are a very special part of my life
I truely hope you know that
I am very proud to have you as my daughter
Kira i may not agree with all of your decisions
No matter what tho i will support you
As long as you feel you are making the right one
I hope you have a wonderful birthday
Sending you the biggest birthday wishes
I hope you get everything you want
I Love You Babygirl
Happie Birthday Angel
Love Always
Stephiie.. Your Momma