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My laughter is like a string of pearls...

My beauty even surpasses Death ....

Hello all
*cheeky lil grin* My name is
~seductive flames~
and I am Red's Twinny


Now, now don't be jealous..... ~*clucks her tongue and flashes a playful wink at the screen*~

Well She is truly one of My muses... and I'm sure many others ~*wiggles her slender fingers*~ now behave yourself!

~*smiling such a seductive smile all her own*~ well let me start off with one of the writings I've done ...

Her feelings

My feelings are so
words I could never
Emotions entangle
Words that will never
find there way out
lock on hold down
the bars so thick
Only you have the
key to unleash me
from my prison

Well besides being Twins ... we are also the the
and what does that stand for ..?
~*she grins up at the screen*~
Very Important Bitches
And no we are not full of ourselves ... we just don't take crap from anyone ... and I'm sure the time you've ... travelled though out this site .. you'll get a better feeling of my twinny and myself from this page ...
So buckle your set belts .. because your in for a ride
~ p e r k s ~
.. well I never did say it would be a smooth one


We are the things that go bump bump in the night
With dark wishes you hope to find us under your bed.


I walked in the darken garden that held such secrets the sky thunders with such rage, thick rain drops of rain fell, one by one, scarlet rain drops caressed against thy cheek, the lust of blood in the air. I danced under the blackened moon drenched in his blood singing his song;

In the darkness I shall come to you
wrap you in my blood
and make you whole
I shall show you the worlds
great pain
In the darkness I shall come to you
wrap you in my arms and take you



My laughter echoes in the darkness as I spin around and round waiting for you to know such pleasures to know such pain to see what I shall gain singing away;

I'll show you great pleasures
close your eyes and drink from me
let my life flow from me to you
be thy blood of my blood
be thy flesh of my flesh




The sky flashes with lighting, the blood floods the earth giving life to all that was no more, I spin, raven locks flying about my pale shoulders singing;

In the darkness I shall come to you
and creep deep down inside you and make
your flesh tremble with such need
that you would not understand
Give you a craving to fill that
empty part inside of you
In the darkness I shall come to you
and make you whole

The sky begins to clear and the coldness over takes.... slowly the dance ends as the moon turns red to blue and I find shelter in the cold stone making my way home.

~*she hums softly... still swaying to the beat .. her tiny feet lifting as she tilts her body from left to right in a rocking motion .. hearing the words play in her head a slight smile plays on her ruby red lips .. as her dark eyes looks back at you from the screen*~

~ Well I hope so far You are enjoying what You see ~

"I Liked You , till I knew You"

My beauty pains you
you look at my sensuous lips
I can read your thoughts
your heart races as your blood
flow quickens
Lifeless black eyes stare
out from their sockets
No love, joy, sadness
Just dark transparent orbits
seeking to know what you know
and to hope to feel a life of spark from you
Delicate pale hands reach
out for you
Your mind quickens as your member
down below stirs, you have no idea what
I want yet, your mind
thinks of one thing
fingers curl around your shoulders
pulling you closer to my lips
a cry of a voice whispers
"I liked you, till I knew you"

Devoid of Love

The Night falls with
a silent sigh
lost you are
The emotions you
pine, flares once
then dies, crushed by
your obsession
all hope must die
your love is worth nothing
how could you fail to understand
the web of emotions you spun
are nothing but lies

Beauty is only skin deep ~ can I open you
Can I taste your soul
Will you allow me to see the real you
Beauty is only skin deep ~ Can I open you
And steal your soul and take control
Can I keep you
If I love you

all writings copyrighted © by ~seductive flames~