Forsakenhearts Pics
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Whoa! i hadn't realized how long it's been since i updated on here. just got an e-mail sayin' it's been over a year, i sowwie everybody..

Heh.. go ben, work it! ohhh yea sooo sexy.. how can you resist his Ben-ness.. haha.. i know you want him.. i want him, you want him... we all want him.. !! by the way.. i'm the chick! whoa and my ex cough cough ryan... is the guy in the black.. he always looks soo freaking happy! grrr

sharla and john.. shes mine all mine!!!

me and my sharla.... we look lilke complete dorks there... hehe

it's a joey..haha.. this would be one of the bestest friends, and mr. mikeys brother. heh.

this is jessica and her non-bf randy... SUNLIGHT randy!! haha inside jokes what fun!

here's angela me and elisha (i hope i spelled your name right!!) angelas the blonde.. i'm the sexy bitch in the middle. hahaha

ben.. hmmm hes such a dork but i gotta love him.. haha.. why i dont know but i do and then the chick is heather at the moment shes going through her own little twisted crisis.. hopefully she'll figure things out.. SOON!!

hmmm ben and his ohh so weird tounge! haha... dont ask whats on it cause to tell you the truth i'm not sure!!

well here's cammie (i love you!!) and joe once more. sorry about the color but i forgot to use flash.. hehe!!

hehe this would be davey.. hes such a dork.. and no he dosent usually look like such and angel! HAHAHAHA

doug hoh! ha.. if anyone asks' he is not how i got my nickname of lacey hoh!! honestly he had NOTHING to do with it.. i seemed to think he was soo hot last year gawd was i wrong! hes cool though..

me and myke... i used to have a huge thing for him too.. geez i'm insane! but i still love him to death.. well at times at least, now that hes with tiffany he wont ever talk to me unless shes not with him.. i dunno.. and yes i know i look like crap there.. but i had just gotten home from florida and i grabbed the first thing i could find to wear.. brrr it was cold that day!

well this was me about a year ago.. i like that dress.. hmm what happened to it??!! hehe in case you didnt notice i kinda stick my tounge out a lot! go me go me! haha

this is me before going to homecoming... !

well this is my bro bobby okay not literally but its all good.. hehe hes awesome.. love ya bobby!

well.. hmmm this is billy.. hes hott! hehe.. but he also screams like a chick so we're stuck taking the good with the bad.. hehe

well this would be andrew.. aka pud fucker number two! HEHE.. hes pretty cool i guess.. i dunno i dont really talk to him other than online..

this would be my cousin Alisha and I.. well before she hated me anyways..

And once more.. this is Alisha... heh she hates that pic.. but it's one of the only ones i could find of her... ahh it's all good..!

the three musketeers!
go us..

i luff my sharla

i look wonderful there, evil i guess thats all to say

everyone is so mean to me, we were in the middle of a tickle war.. needless to say joe won

we are at mikeys house, thats his hand, he bought a bunch of balls.. nevermind i'll keep that next comment to myself ;)

save me, thats all i have to say.. save me

i can fly i can fly and joe can't dance joe can't dance.. did you notice the CAN'T???!

someone please help.. it may look like he was giving me a hug.. oh no he wasn't!

i don't know why but i love taking pics just shoving the camera in someones face, no one loves me on this particular day so i took it of me!

no pants i am not wearing any pants, you are such an observant person... haha long story!!