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Welcome to the destroyers of false hope

ok so heres the deal this is a brand new religion that was created by me and two of my other friends you will get to know them and Preistess Ted, Father anarchy, and my self High Preistess Dylan.
ok there are some things that we have worked out for the religion please take a look if you would like to join please send an email to

Destroyers of false hope
::: The 9 commandments of false hope :::
2* Thou shall hold hatred against all Preps
3* Thou Shall Respect the name of bob
4* Thou shall do whatever the hell you want cause no one cares
5* Thou shall lie on a daily basis
6* Thou shall Create chaos and disorder
7* Thou shall believe in the Power of anarchy
8* Thou shall talk to inanimate objects
9* Thou Shall Disobey elders at all costs

::: Theology of bob::: As most of you know the first chapter of the bible, or whatever it is that christians follow, is called genesis which means the beginning or the creation of. This part of the bible discusses how they feel the earth was created. we supporters have thought long and hard of how the world may have been created, but frankly we don’t care and we are just going to leave it at that. it happened so many years ago. does it really matter?? no my friends it does not. So here is the basic Idea this is a religion for anyone there are no strick rules no your going to hell if you do this or if you don’t do that. Bobism also follows the power of anarchy or what we like to think of as everyone being in charge of their own lives.

I am going to take this time to mention out members thus far

Joining us we have
Priestess ted
Father anarchy,
and Ishka (our newest member)
and my self High Priestess Dylan :)

and honorable mention to our fellow worshipers!
Rich Sac
Mike wolfe
Chris Esquerra
Joe Taylor *Pixie*
vince (cant remember how to spell your last name right now)
and the kids that sit behind us at lunch whose names I do not know