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Death At Wal-Mart

Well here we are with out good buddy Death on another great adventure again. You would think this guy would get tired of going all over the place, but he just keeps on a truckin' his 'lil self around. Look here he is again, so excited to see all those great rollback prices once again!

Of course it's always time to get new clothes, and who would want anything other than a red plaid shirt? What can I say, Death is a sheep always trying to fit in.

Beside hunting weak and tormented sould, Death is always up for a good hunt, and he know he should always be camoflauged, even on the head.

Even with his busy full time job of collecting helpless souls, Death still likes to spend time breaking it down with the tunes.

Last but certainly not least we head to the best part of the entire store, toys. Since Death was so deprived as a young child he still has weird fetishes, usually involving little red vans that he can't fit in, such as this one.

Here's one last pic with an employee from the toys department, we give her credit for this site since she was kind enough not to kick us out of the building.