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Never does a star grace this land with a poet’s light of twinkling mystery, nor does the sun send to here its rays of warmth and life.  This is the Underdark…


-RA Salvatore


The Underdark

The_Underdark is a guild created for Neopets players 16 and over.  We love our younger players, but we’re a darker sort of guild and don’t want to offend anyone by saying something inappropriate to younger players

News and Announcements

General Navigation


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Guild Stuff


| Guild Home

| Guild Shop

| Faerie Exchange

| Codestone Exchange

| Guild General

| Medicine Cabinet

| Message Board

| HTML Goodies


Neopet Tips


| Daily Visits

| Important Times

| Cooking Pot

| Getting a Krawk

| Faerie Quests


For Collectors


| Color Guide

| Pet pets

| Negg Guide

| Stamp Collections

| Avatars



The_Underdark’s Terms and Conditions



Copyright 2004 Neopets, Inc  All Rights Reserved.  Used with Permission | Contact me

9.24 Yet a few more pages, a few more additions, a few more corrections.  Nuitari and I are working on an avatar page, but it’s taking some time as we really want to make it a complete, organized page.  The voting is over and our new mascot is The Dark Faerie.  Also, we have a full council at last.   You’ll note that the HTML Goodies page is blank—well, I still have to get the stuff we have on there.



9.6 The mascot vote is underway, mascots can be found on, well, the mascot page.  This will change into our graphic goodie page as soon as the voting process is completed.


To everyone who has warned me of the similarities between our site and blades of the hunter—rest easy.  Thank you for the info, but both websites are mine and the resemblance is nothing more than laziness on my part.  No theft going on.


Don’t forget, our first guild meeting will take place this Saturday.  Please try to drop by and share your ideas.



9.1 Welcome to September!  With school back in we’ll see a decrease in activity but the guild is still going and still growing.  A big thanks to Corky for all the work she’s done advertising for us.  This month will be a busy one in the guild, as I’d like to get a lot of the things we’ve talked about under way.  Also, the council position of priestess still needs to be filled.  If you’re interested in a council position please make yourself known on the boards so we can get to know you better.  I’ll be consulting other council members before assigning this last position, as it’s a very important one.  The Priestess will probably be taking charge of any adoption agency we may begin, or many of the other activities we have planned.


7.24 So we have a few more functioning pages now, though I’m still not completely done.  As you may have noticed, the calendar you see is set for August, just to save myself a few minutes while I try to get these websites done before I leave on vacation.


7.20 If you have a general announcement for the guild you’d like to put up on the home page, just neomail me and I’ll see that it gets put up.


The website is still under construction in some places, but I’m working on it daily to get it up and running.


The first week of August will see our medicine drive.  Donate all medicinal items to Corky_Princess.  She’ll keep them in the guild shop to distribute to guild members who participated in the drive.