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My Crüxshadows fansite | My Dark Little Goth Corner | My Fatal Acception Corner | About Me | Poetry

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Site News

Aug 2/04
The about my section more or less works now, though it will be changed soon if I can be bothered with it. I also wrote abit in my "bio" page
Mar 31.04
I added some more poems in the poetry section, and..I have created a monster...go here
Mar 25/04
well, my cxs page actually works now. arg, I'm rather dissapointed that I havent worked on ANYTHING to do with this site. I have lots of ideas, just not the knowledge I need. Anyways, my site is now on linked to from the offical site, so I figured it should atleast work! anyways, thats all..ta
Jan 20/04
hey, quick update, personal Here Dec 14/03
YEAH! I went to the Vatikan in toronto ( industrial club ) for my birthday party, it was damn fun....I just felt like posting that. no I havent actually done anything concerning the site.
November 15/03
Hello nobody. wow, its been awhile, but I finally may beable to take the time to clean this place up! ugh. I've started my new personal section, and I've started on a new, hopefully, faster layout for the CXS the mean time sorry about the long load time, have fun. How to section added, so far only how to spike your hair is their, but check it out!

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