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These are the clans ranks. All ranks are listed in order. Any rank can be achieved. After enough time as a clan member and enough kills you can be granted a higher rank. Recruiting is listed as mainly a Barbarians job, BUT I WANT ALL MEMBERS TO BE RECRUITING

  Rank Description
1 High Templar Leader Of the Clan. Makes all decisions as well as webmaster.
2 Dark Templar Second in command. Assists the High Templar in leading the clan.
3 Wraith The leaderless rank, answers only to the Templars. protectors of the High Templar. A.K.A.the High Templars Guardians.
4 Prophet Overlord Leader of the Prophets. Advisor to the Templars.
5 Prophet Guides for the Barbarians and apprentices to follow.
6 Barbarian Highlord Leader of the barbarians. Takes orders from all higher rank members.
7 Barbarian Main rank of clan members. Can teach Apprentices about our ways. Takes orders from all higher rank members. Main recruiters for the clan.
8 Apprentice General Leader of the Apprentices. Takes orders from all higher rank members.
9 Apprentice Starting point for all members. Main rank for members to learn our ways.