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correct bio-rhythms

AIDS Research

Every function of the body has a numbered sequence of vibration or rhythm. Our on going “State of Health” is reflected in which sequence of digital, biorhythms emanate from our bodies. Bio-frequency machines can perceive, record and produce biorhythms that are similar to bio frequencies produced by the body. When a biorhythm machine produces frequencies that are synchronized with the natural biorhythms of an individual, through harmony, the individual can be led into changing their biorhythm pattern of vibration to a different biorhythm that is being produced by the biorhythm machine. The medical technique of better health induction through bio-machines is something that is good and is considered ethereal medicine and has been administered in England for over thirty years. Adhering to good healthy biorhythm patterns of vibration will direct our bodies into fine tuned health, away from sickness and into a healthy recovery from illness. In reverse, an abuse of biorhythm frequencies can cause and lead to a whirling in the head and unexpected poor health. At such a subtle, sub-level of our health, it is easy to be unknowingly led into a new pattern of bio-eminence without realizing it. (It requires more energy to resist change then to go along with the strong, synchronized, eminence of a bio-machine) A vibration pattern of hepatitis C, without having hepatitis, can cause organ failure or cardiac arrest and/or death. -----------------------------------------A person can choose to not be led into a different biorhythm pattern and can decline to change the existing biorhythm or vibration of their body. Yet a strong, machine-produced biorhythm has been emanating at a correct, healthy vibration that is synchronized with an individual’s biorhythm pattern for a period of time, then resistance and conscience choice to not alter established biorhythm patterns of vibration, could be undermined. So choose to verbally command your body. “Body return to my correct body vibration or correct biorhythm vibration”. It is your body. A command supplies focus to return your biorhythms to your rightful, correct, vibration pattern. Prayers should be specific and be inclusive of biorhythms. New age health remedies, such as power stones can help ground you in the your right bio-vibration. Biorhythms are specific patterns which are part of you and that emanate from. A new area of having subtle, correct vibration is here. -----------------May the Lord give grace to my late brother Dave and family and to Art Johnson and his family Amen.