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Ben's Lair

I lUV CHARLOTTE. SHE"S THE BESTESTTTT. JUST GIVE IT UP 4 SLIPKNOT 2. MY DREAM LIESONCE PLATE "SEXYCAR" OR "13ITCH" .MY DREAM CAR "2003_FERRARI_ENZO. I LUV IT. OR THE HUMMER WITH A MACHINE GUN ON TOP OF IT. LOL. BELOW-LIST OF MY FAVORTIE SAYINGS AND MY FAVORITE WORD:::::::::::::::::::::::::: "Death is a shawdow that always follows the body..." "If you hit a snake and don't kill it, you will be sorry later on..." "Never unerestimate the impossible..." "Mess wit the best, die lik the rest..." Terrorism: the calculated use of violence or threat to include fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate in the persuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological

my favortie weblinks

all that bad stuff
home made bombs and fireworks
bestestttt cars