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Silver Utopia

Silver Utopia is another name for knife or blade. Obviously, the knife is silver in color, or at least the part that brings death. Utopia is a place or state of being, of complete happiness. Since I thought of this during a time when I was very depressed, silver utopia for me was freedom from my life by the knife...the end to all suffering in this life, my personal hell. But I do not believe in a place called heaven or hell, rather a state of being when a person dies. Perhaps this state of being is a parallel to the earth plane. In other words, when a person dies, I believe that he or she exists in a place that is similar, if not the same, as earth and that they (being spirits) can see us, but we can't see them. Sometimes living people catch a glimpse into the spirit world, one that is forbidden and even dangerous. Seeing shadows out of the corner of their eyes or feeling the touch of someone who doesn't seem to be there. The easiest ways to "get in touch" with the spirit world is through a psychic or someone else who is in tune with this other realm. The problem with connecting to the spirit world is that once you turn the connection on, you can't easily turn it off again...
Beauty is Truely in the Eye of the Beholder
Holding you stops my heart from beating,
I can't breathe and I go weak,
Without your nurishing life,
I would die,
I cry,
Tears of pain,
Tears of longing,
Hold me close,
Don't let me go,
You are my heart,
You are my soul...
©2001/Molly Pearson

Passion exists all around us, life is full of passion. For a moment, close your eyes and feel the wind through your hair, lifting each strand. Feel the wind blowing softly on your face, like a gentle kiss of love. Feel the wind going over the tops of your hands. Breathe in the air through your nose and feel the coolness travel throughout your body. The spirits are around you, trying to lift you up into a flightful dance. Believe that faeries skitter around us and unicorns live hidden in a safe place away from war and destruction. Believe that love will find us and that there is someone out there for each of us. Go down to the beach and feel the little grains of sands poking into the soles of your feet and take a handful of water, looking at how life would not exist without it. Touch the bark of a tree and wonder at it's long life, what the tree has been through, and what we will never know. Chew on a blade of grass, savoring the flavor and thinking of how complex a process it takes to turn sunlight into food. Try to communicate with a pet, imagine that your pet is human or was human in a past life. Feel the energy of the night go into your body and use the energy to help others. Think of everything that seems so simple around us, things we take for granted, and think of the complexities of these things.

I have several obsessions...tank tops, guys with long black hair, and some others that I won't mention here for my own safety...lolz
Bite Me

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*dare to dream*

{ faerie dream } evening_dream_feary

elemental spirit // air ~ feary

i'm :: a :: libra

.::I*m Real::.

© // love

I am in love.

our song~|~"Love You To Death" is special to Daryl and me

Daryl // makes me so happy

addicted to you © Daryl


I am adorkable!

Obscure Dream : Hidden Beauty

blackened rainbow

Kira · My Tenshi

Just like Fire © Rei (Sailor Mars)

Tears of ICE :|: Miaka

Sailormoon Now and Forever *+* Rei (Sailor Mars)


Seeing you standing there,
Your beauty endless as all time, I weep,
To be with you,
Only at night,
And only in my dreams,
But you will come to me,
Because like your beauty,
Your love for me is endless, As all time,
Yet I long to break free,
Free from these ties,
Of this lonely world...
©2001/Molly Pearson

The Weather in Hell

i'm silently slipping in ur sorrow