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Please spork me!!

Useless page it's just for my amusement :::amused:::

Verse 1 What's better than a fork? (Shout) Spork! Spork! What can you use on a cork (Shout) Spork! Spork! What's better than ham and helps eat from a can? Chorus Spork, Spork, Spork!!!! Spork is a spoon, with part of a fork. But it's neither a spoon, not even a fork it's a spork! it's a spork! it's a spork! Verse 2 What's better than pork? (Shout) Spork! Spork! What's better than zork? (Shout) Spork! Spork! What's better than spam and better than jam? Repeat chorus ~by ChaoticWretch
I Y Sporks!