Thank you for choosing S. R. A. Inc. as your modern Medieval Armourer. We are glad you have taken the time to fill out this form, and we look forward to filling your order, reading your comments, and answearing your questions. You may print this form and mail it to us, along with payment, or simply click the "submit" button at the bottom of the form.

What is your full name?
Phone Number

What is your shipping address?
Zip Code

What is your e-mail address?

Please put an "x" in the box of the items you would like to order:

Dagger Necklace Item # DAGG
Wizard Necklace Item # WIZ
Unicorn Necklace Item # UNI
Fairy Necklace Item # FAI
Male Necklace Item # MAL
A Ankle Bracelet Item # AAN
B Ankle Bracelet Item # BAN
C Ankle Bracelet Item # CAN
D Ankle Bracelet Item # DAN
Hand Flower Item # HAN
Headdress Item # HEA
Coils Item # COI
Knee Cops Item # KNE
Elbow Cops Item # ELB



Comments or questions?

Thank you for your purchase of S. R. A. Inc. products. We will reply e-mail you within 24 hours to confirm your order.
Shipping Rates:
If Your Order Totals:Your Shipping will be:
$0.01 - 9.99 $8.00
$10.00 - 49.99 $10.00
$50.00 - 99.99 $15.00
$100.00 - 199.99 $20.00
$200.00 and over $25.00