

The Wiccan Rede
The Threefold Law
The Wiccan Holidays
The Elements

  1. What is witchcraft?
  2. What is a witch?
  3. Do witches worship the Devil?
  4. Do witches believe in God?
  5. How do I become a witch?
  6. What is a spell?
  7. Can you give me spells?
  8. Can you teach me witchcraft?

  1. What is witchcraft?

    Witchcraft is the harnessing of the natural and supernatural forces of the universe, by the operation of ancient and newer rituals by means of the practice of magick, conjuration, scrying and by utilizing secret knowlege relating to herbs, crystals, seasons, animals and other substances which naturally occur in the world. Witchcraft can and is sometimes used to magikly manipulate natural phenomena; the activities of people without their knowledge or consent, or in the controlling of events by magikal intervention. These results are accomplished by use of certain magical rituals, spells, hexes, or conjurations some of which summoning by their true and secret name, spiritual entities, each of whom has their own special powers, knowledge and talents, and commanding them to perform certain tasks, for the benefit of the Witch or Coven.

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  2. What is a witch?

    Witches are, basically, certain practitioners of the above magikal arts (amoung others). Some witches have a Goddess and God to whom they devote themselves. There are also many religions, such as Wicca and Paganism, witches may follow.

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  3. Do witches worship the Devil?

    Short answer: no. Witches, to my knowledge, do not even believe the Devil exists. Hell is also non-existent.

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  4. Do witches believe in God?

    Most witches believe in a divine entity or entities. Most do not believe in the Christian "God".

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  5. How do I become a witch?

    Most people who seek to learn Witchcraft already have some basics in magick. Witchcraft is more than holding rituals and casting spells. It is learning to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. It is not a game. It is very serious business! Children should not fool around with anything occult. If you are serious about pursuing Witchcraft as a religion or practice, I suggest buying (or checking out library books) books on the subject. Read, study, and read some more! Having a teacher or a friend who is a practitioner to help you is not a bad idea.

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  6. What is a spell?

    A spell is a thought, similar to a prayer, that a witch uses to manipulate the energy around them for positive or negative effects. A spell might be used to help someone who has fallen ill get better, to attract love, to promote well-being, to find a lost object, and much more. Spells do, however, have their limits.

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  7. Can you give me spells?

    Spells are very personal things. Witches will usually never "give" their spells to anyone outside their Coven, if that. I am not going to give you spells, so don't ask. I suggest that you read and study, so eventually, when you have learned about magick and what to do, you can make your own. If you are new to witchcraft, DO NOT ATTEMPT to cast spells. It can really backfire on you.

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  8. Can you teach me witchcraft?

    Again, no. I will advise, but will not teach. The most competent teacher is one's self and life in general.

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    The Wiccan Rede

    Bide the Wiccan Laws we must,
    In perfect love, and perfect trust.
    Live and let live,
    Fairly take and fairly give.
    Cast the circle thrice about,
    To keep the evil spirits out.
    To bind the spell every time,
    Let the spell be spake in rhyme.
    Soft of eye and light of touch,
    Speak but little, listen much.
    Deosil go by waxing moon,
    Chanting out the Witches Rune.
    Widdershins go by waning moon,
    Chanting out the baneful 'Rune.
    When the Lady's moon is New,
    Kiss thy hand to her, times two.
    When the moon rides at Her peak,
    Then your heart's desire seek.
    Heed the North Wind's mighty gale,
    Lock the door and drop the sail.
    When the wind comes from the South,
    Love will kiss thee on the mouth.
    When the wind blows from the West,
    Departed souls will have no rest.
    When the wind blows from the East,
    Expect the new and set the feast.
    Nine woods in the cauldron go,
    Burn them fast, burn them slow.
    Elder be the Lady's tree,
    Burn it not or cursed you'll be.
    When the Wheel begins to turn,
    Let the Beltane fires burn.
    When the Wheel has turned to Yule,
    Light the log, the Horned One rules.
    Heed ye fower, bush, and tree,
    By the Lady, Blessed Be.
    Where the rippling waters go,
    Cast a stone the truth you'll know.
    When ye have a true need,
    Harken not to others' greed.
    With a fool no season spend,
    Lest ye be counted as his friend.
    Merry Meet and Merry Part,
    Bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
    Mind the Threefold Law you should,
    Three times bad, three times good.
    When misfortune is enow,
    Wear the blue star on thy brow.
    True in love, ever be,
    Lest thy lover's false to thee.
    Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill,
    And it harm one, do what thou will.

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    The Threefold Law

    Many witches believe in what is called the threefold law. This law basically tells us not to cast any spells that bend one's will or hurt people. The concequences for doing so result in the spell you cast on them to be turned on you, threefold (i.e. you get it three times as bad and the other person is not phased even slightly by the spell you cast).

    My friends at SpiritWitch provided me with a few little rhymes explaining this law, as well as providing some insight on life.


    Ever mind the Rule of Three,
    Three times what thou givist returns to thee.
    This lesson well, thou must learn,
    Thou only gets what thou dost earns!

    Mind the Threefold Law you should,
    Three times bad, three times good.

    Bide the Powers of the Three,
    Three times what thou givist returns to thee,
    The Powers of the Three so strong,
    Mind this Law forever long.

    I strongly suggest not doing any spells that might get you into a bit of trouble with the above...they really do backfire, and it isn't really nice, anyway. Besides, the saying "never get mad; get even" is a bit passe. ;}

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    The Wiccan Holidays

    There are, in total, eight sabbats, or holidays, for a witch. These are celebrated during various times of the year, almost always when there is going to be a change in season. While there are several ways of celebrating these holidays, rituals, dedications, and spells are common occurances during these times.


    Yule, which is celebrated on December 31, is the Winter Solstice. The days begin to grow longer and the time of darkness begins to lessen. To Witches, this is the beginning of the new year. The Yule circle might be adorned with holly and oak, symbolic of the waning and waxing Sun, and evergreen boughs symbolic of rebirth. Usually when celebrating the Winter Solstice, one makes their Yule log to burn during festivities. The ashes are usually kept for use in amulets and magick. Great fires are built and burned, and many festivities are held.


    The Imbolic sabbat is celebrated on Febuary 1st or 2nd. This night is half way between the Winter Solstice and the Vernal Equinox, and it is the time when the world begins to awaken from winter's slumber. This holiday "gets out the old and puts in the new". The ritual might include lighting many candles to symbolize the Sun's increasing light, and the altar may be decorated with late-winter items, or left bare.


    On or around March 21, witches celebrate the holiday Ostara, or more commonly known: the vernal equinox. This is the time when night and day (dark and light) are equal, and the day begins to grow greater than the night. The circle might be decorated with spring flowers or colored eggs. Offerings of spring eggs are givin to the Goddess at this time.


    This joyous holiay is celebrated on May 1st, and is one of the most sacred holidays for a witch. During the ritual, witches dance around the May-pole, decorates with flowers and ribbons. A May Queen and King are crowned, and there is much celebration. The God and Goddess are honored during this time, and the altar may be decorated with abundances of spring wildflowers.


    The Midsummer sabbat is celebrated on the 21st of June, the longest day of the year. Magickal plants are used in rituals, and on this day bonfires are lit to celebrate the Sun at the peak of its power. This is also said to be the time when the veil betweem worlds is thinnest, and all of the magickal things are about. Faeries are most commonly seen on this day, and the magickal energy on this day is very strong.


    August 1st is the celebration of the harvest time, or Lammas. The circle is adorned with corn, vegetables and farming tools. The ritual itself is much like Thanksgiving. Ritual feasting and drinking occur. This is a time to be thankful to the Goddess and God for providing the plentiful harvest.


    The autumn equinox marks the sabbat Mabon, and it occurs the 21st of September. The circle is adorned with autumn leaves, seeded pots, and fall fruits and vegetables. This day marks the time when the days begin to become shorter and the nights become longer, a warning of the winter's coming, while nature prepares for the cold months.


    Ah, Samhain! Also known as All Hallow's Eve, Hallow'een, and All Saints Day, October 31st is a time of great magickal energy. Samhain is one of the most sacred days of the witches' year, along with Beltane, and much preparing is made for the festivities and rituals that are done at this time. This is the year's darkest time, which lays between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. It is now that the veil between the world of the dead and the world of the living is thinnest, and for this reason Witches celebrate the Samhain sabbat by inviting the spirits of the deceased to join them. The circle may be decorated with pumpkins, gourds and autumn leaves, and other fall items. Candles at the four directions might be placed in jack-o-lanterns and a "gateway" left at the western point through which the dead may enter. The spirits are invited during the rite, which may include a spiral dance danced counter-clockwise ("widdershins"), symbolic of rebirth. Some device for communicating with the dead such as a Ouija board might be in the circle. At Samhain, witches hope to receive messages from deceased loved ones. This is also the time for predicting the future by casting runes or reading the tarot cards.

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    The Elements






    Time of Day-Midnight
    Elemental Spirit-Gnomes
    Magickal Tool-Stone or pentagram
    *Earth is stability, the body, wisdome, strength, prosperity, and growth.
    *It is essecial in spells/rituals of prosperity, fertility, buisness, and stability.
    *Earth is a feminine element, which governs stone and knot magick.


    Time of Day-Dawn
    Elemental Spirits-Slyths or Sprites
    Magickal Tools-Athame or Sword
    *Air is the element of the mind. It is intellect, inspiration, and imagination. It is ideas, knowledge, dreams, and wishes. Air is the element of new life and new possibilities, and is essential in spells/rituals concerning travel, instruction, freedome, some types of divination, and finding lost items.
    *Air aids us in visualisation, a vital technique in magick.
    *Air is a masculine element and governs the magick of the four winds.


    Time of Day-Midday
    Elemental Spirit(s)-Firedrakes or Salamanders
    Magickal Tool-Wand or Staff
    *Fire is the element of passion and change. It is creativity, motivation, will power, drive, and sensuality. It is sexuality, both spiritual and physical.
    *Fire is essential in spells/rituals in healing, sex, purification, breaking bad habbits, or distroying illness or disease.
    *Fire is the element of athority and leadership. Fire is a masculine element and governs all candle magick.


    Time of Day-Twilight
    Elemental Spirit-Undine or Merfolk
    Magickal Tool-Chalice or cauldron
    *Water is the element of subconcious and emotion. It is love, purification, intuition, family, compassion, mysteries of self.
    *Water is essential in spells/rituals of friendship, marraige, happiness, fertility, pleasure, healing, and psychic abilities.
    *Water is a feminine element and governs all magick/spells/rituals involving mirrors.

      Anything missing from this site? E-mail ME and I will add it as soon as possible! Thanks! ;)