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Information About Me

just a bunch of information i decided to put here instead of telling people and what not. you might know this as one of those survey things that go from person to person and what not... if you would like to see my other pages, click here


Full name: Jonathan
Nicknames: Jon, Jonny, Freak
Birthday: July 25th, 1986
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Tiger
Birth Place: Ottawa, Ontario
Are your parents divorced: yes
Who do you live with: my mom's
Where do you live currently: Ottawa, Ontario
Eye colour: hazel
Hair colour: dark brown (almost to the point where it’s black, but not quite) though i dyed it black
How long is you hair: roughly down to my shoulders
Weight: 135lbs roughly
Height: 5’6
Religion: self-proclaimed atheism


Polite or rude: polite…though I can be rude at times seeing as how I am a very sarcastic person a lot of the time
Straight or gay or bisexual: straight(I think far at least…some, but little doubt)
Left handed or right handed: right handed
Shy or outgoing: shy
Quiet or loud: extremely quiet
Friendly or hostile: depends on the person...normally rather withdrawn and friendly though

Believe in god/jesus: no
Believe in the devil/lucifer/satan: no
Believe in heaven: no
Believe in hell: no
Believe in astrology: nope
Smoke: nope
Do drugs: nope, I chose not to fuck up my life more then it already is
Drink: when I can (though my girlfriend doesn't like me drinking to much)
Have any tattoos: nope, not yet…I want to get 2 scabs on my shoulder blades where wings are suppose to be attached to an angle’s back
Have any piercings: not yet, but I plan on piercing my tongue at least once(probably at least 2ce though), my eyebrows numerous times, my lower-labret 3 times, my ears numerous times, my nose at least once, my nipples…and possibly a chain going from my nose to my ear, I’m not absolutely sure as to whether I want to get that or not
Have a girlfriend: yes
If yes, what’s her name: Renee
Have msn: yes
Have aol: yes
if yes, what's your screen name: NineInchCradle
Have icq: yes
if yes, whats your ICQ number? 142955373
Have yahoo messanger: yes
If yes, whats your screen name:gothic_halo_666

Colour: black
Finger: middle
Number: 0, 666 or 69
Flower: black rose...though i've never actually held one or seen one up close, i know they exist...
Car: don’t remember what year it is, but I think it’s an ’89 corvette
Season: fall…I like to watch things wither away and die in fall
Weather: rainy, stormy, thunderous, lightning…basically a massive storm
Thing that attracts you most about the opposite (or same if your gay/bi) sex: mind, ass, legs, thighs, neck, lips
Flower: rose
Web site:
Piercing(on someone else, not you): to many to decide :P
Piece of clothing you have: my black NIN “now I’m nothing” shirt
Band/artist: nine inch nails
Local Band: ***No Assembly Required*** (though they are from Toronto)
Song: hurt by nine inch nails
Album: if I had to pick one it would be out of:
Slipknot – slipknot
Slipknot - iowa
Nine inch nails – the downward spiral
Nine inch nails – broken
Nine inch nails – pretty hate machine
Mudvayne – l.d. 50
Cradle Of Filth - cruelty & the beast
Quote from a song: “I’m nothing short of being one complete catastrophe” –Diluted, Slipknot
Type of music: metal, death metal, black metal, thrash metal, gothic metal, industrial
Vocalist: dani filth, corey taylor, trent reznor, marilyn manson, dez fafara, maynard james keenan, brandon boyd, luca(***NAR***)
Guitarist: mick thompson, jim root, meegs rascon, gurgg, joey jordisson(yes, he is a gutarist...he writes most of the riffs for the Knot)
Bassist: ryknow, paul gray
Drummer: sPaG, joey jordisson
Percussionist: shawn crahan, chris fehn
Keyboardist: trent reznor, m.w. gacy
Turntableist: sid wilson
Radio station: 101.1Xfm, though I don’t listen to it much
Instrument: guitar and bass
Actress: I have no clue
Actor: Anthony Hopkins, because he seems to play all his roles in movies very well since he’s a very intelligent being
Movie: the crow, silence of the lambs, hannibal, brave heart, interview with the vampire, seven
Theme song to a movie: a remix of closer for seven
Writer: edgar allen poe
Book: chicken soup for the teenage soul 1,2,3, a bright red scream, the luckiest little girl in the world
Poet: I don’t know, some kid who wrote a poem and I could never find out his name
Poem: yes