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SadBoyInBlack's Homepage

sad boy in black   

These pages were originally created over three years ago, as an aid to those interested in learning about the Goth subculture. Unfortunately is no longer providing free web hosting, so these pages have been resurrected here until the stars are right and other arrangements can be made.

If you wish to contact me, them please send me an e-mail and I may (or may not) respond. If you use yahoo messenger, then please check my profile and try to catch me online.

The following pages now exist here in an undead state:

How To be Goth on a Budget Page
If your not Rich, but want to be Goth, then this page is for you.
Goth Music Page
A list and descriptions of some commonly accepted, Goth songs. Also a list of songs by non-Goth groups that sound Goth or express Goth themes.
Classics of Gothic Literature List
This is a list of Classic Gothic Literature, or a bedtime reading list for people who like nightmares.
SadBoyInBlack's Goth Links Page
A list of Goth newsgroups and web pages.
The Diabolic, Subversive, Goth Recruitment Mind Control Page
Just a bit of naughty, tongue in check fun.